How can any of you not believe in the power of Christ?

How can any of you not believe in the power of Christ?

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>How can any of you not believe in the power of Christ?

I was not indoctrinated as a child.

Because last time I checked, God is ever loving.
He shows no love.

Neither was i

What a idiotic statement

Romans 1 explains


>unironically being a christian
it is a joke right?

Have fun when Jesus comes back.

Mohamed was an illiterate pedophile and Jesus was the truth we beat you in the Holy wars you better hope another one doesn't happen because next time you will be wiped out like the roaches you are

To bad he's in hell right now ;)

Truly amazing thank you for sharing Britbro God bless

A cask by losing centre-piece or cant
Was never shattered so, as I saw one
Rent from the chin to where one breaketh wind.

Between his legs were hanging down his entrails;
His heart was visible, and the dismal sack
That maketh excrement of what is eaten.

While I was all absorbed in seeing him,
He looked at me, and opened with his hands
His bosom, saying: "See now how I rend me;

How mutilated, see, is Mahomet;
In front of me doth Ali weeping go,
Cleft in the face from forelock unto chin;

And all the others whom thou here beholdest,
Disseminators of scandal and of schism
While living were, and therefore are cleft thus.

A devil is behind here, who doth cleave us
Thus cruelly, unto the falchion's edge
Putting again each one of all this ream,

When we have gone around the doleful road;
By reason that our wounds are closed again
Ere any one in front of him repass.


Did you always think for yourself? You must have had a great school and good liberal parents

>jewish sect

Not really

>jew(Paul/Saul) breaks off of traditional Judaism and forms own Judaic sect, whilst never proclaiming it not to be Judaic.
>not a jewish sect somehow

Why is he saving random bibles while muslims burn churches?

Open to all
No circumcision