>go to Youtube >go to Trending >Trump's election remarks last night has the most views with favourable likes >Bernie's video has fair likes and comments >Hillary's videos have the most dislikes especially "History Made | Hillary Clinton" and the comments are disabled
Really makes you think...
Jackson Ortiz
Seems we now know what CTR is focused on as of today:
Brayden Scott
Dylan Morris
Asher Powell
Hillary's online game is weak af. It'll be interesting to see if the berniefags actually do get behind her
Luke Martinez
Who does everyone think will be Trumps VP?
Also, who is your favorite 2hu?
Lincoln Butler
I was thinking that even if it turns out the lawyer dude isn't really part of the KKK Mexican version, the judge is still biased. Mexican heritage guy going over a case of a guy who is building a wall.