We fucking did it guys, this thread is up now on /adv/. i cant help but feel like we accomplished something. Not only did she stay but also became red-pilled.
We fucking did it guys, this thread is up now on /adv/. i cant help but feel like we accomplished something. Not only did she stay but also became red-pilled.
Lots of girls go on Sup Forums
Fuck off, you vergin swine.
This isn't something we should be happy about, it's just further proof of the normieization of Sup Forums
>caring about girls
Get the fuck out cuck
Hell, woman in OP is so fucking cancerous she's posting fedora facebook image macros
Maybe we'll get more red pulled qts like Kayla
But this user is rightIf we bring women here this place will be ruined forever, best to educate them elsewhere
Considering the OP, someone really should do a dating site for the right. I can't count how many times I've read "Oh, how do I find a red pilled qt?"
>Many shekels to be had, if done well.
>not caring about girls
This girl sounds like me. On the outside I seem leftist but I'm far from that.
We don't want women on Sup Forums
Women ruin everything.
fuck off r9k
this. i would put my beautiful man-face on a profile to help kickstart the site.
This is not such a silly idea. Call it "poldate" or "redpilllove" and see what happens.
As long as she doesn't attention whore idgaf desu
>doesn't accept and acknowledge Christ/God's love
Sup Forums is a genderfree board. If you feel the need to announce your gender, get out.
would contribute 10 shekels on kickjewer
Sup Forums also had women as janitors before moot went apeshit
i know it because i knew her irl
There are no women on the internet. :^)
But many women go on Sup Forums every day?
did you just assume my gender shitlord?
Yes i did Muhammad.
I lost some (((friends))) after discussing Israel on (((facebook))).
>well at least I thought they were my friends
fuck those kikes I hope they burn in hell
Feels evil doing this, given it's a fucking finn, but:
>Sup Forums is a genderfree board. If you feel the need to announce your gender, get out.
Wrong faggot.
Yep. They'll do the same here that they did to democracy.
I'm just goign to assume any "civic nationalism" fag here has a vagina now.
This is nothing to celebrate and her behavior is still deplorable.
Well she is right, I share her political views but hate vegans/believe in God.
> Redpilled
> has tattoos
The funny thing is I have some real life jews on facebook and I get the best Israeli's jewing memes from them because of their internal banter.
One is a turbo-fag from america and his facebook memes are constantly baiting right wing israelis into trolled rants, which are subsequently followed by privilege checking by the SJeWs.
I have also learned how easy it is to scam your way into an Israeli passport. That country is seriously just one big tax scheme. It will fail in our lifetime.
>no pic with time stamp
Kill yourselves.
What happens when Israel does collapse? Will the Muzzies perpetuate an actual holocaust, or will.. God forbid... the Jews flee back to Europe?
That's not really a happening.
>I have also learned how easy it is to scam your way into an Israeli passport. That country is seriously just one big tax scheme. It will fail in our lifetime.
What do you mean? I thought jews were good with money and that they take Israel's national interests very seriously. What kinds of loopholes for abuse does their system have?
i know for a fact that anzu regularly posts on Sup Forums
Rich flee, remaining jews get ethnically cleansed through blandaing or outright murder a la South Africa.
You just know all the escapees are going back to America. We will never be free of the issue, but at least Europe might be able to take a short breather from the kikening.
Who cares?
Thanks for teaching the wizardly ways.
Or it's proof that some women are getting redpilled.
She's the roach that starts all the dead U.S. soldiers threads, yeah?
>(as a femalw)
Look at me i'm a girl!
Who fucking cares, what happened to being just "user"
tl;dr tee hee don't hit on me guys
>you will never plant your seed in a nationalist woman
Not an argument. Look at areas that used to be men-only but are now unsegregated by sex (military, politics, work environment, etc).
Everything went to shit.
I would love a redpilled alternative styled girl (minus the tats, fucking disgusting). It's a shame they're all radical feminists a la OP's image.
I don't even want a dating site, I'll settle for a networking site. I just want some new friends that aren't cucks.
This isn't news
I used to skype call and mutual masturbate with an american girl living in germany and she perused Sup Forums regularly.
She was bluepill on plenty of things but she liked coming here because it gave her good insight and helped her make up her mind instead of just hearing a lefty echo chamber all the time
And to answer your question I couldn't say no because she had alabaster skin and a perfect pussy
that's a dude
That's /adv/ though, it has a different board culture than Sup Forums. I once asked advice on that board about an issue that concerned a couple of friends of mine, and some user went on a pissy rant because I hadn't mentioned the genders of people who were involved.
Additionally, the woman in the thread is talking about stuff where mentioning her gender is relevant.
I am also a girl
with a male penis
I want to compete olympics!
why you hateful bigot?
girl detected, post tits
>I love tattoos and colored hair
>pol can't possibly be appealing to women
then either all women are your enemies since your views are incompatible with womanhood, or pol is retarded
>inside every yuropoor is an American who wants to return to the Promised Land
I'll be your friend
I need to find some more redpilled friends as well. What IS a good way to find some?
>thinking its only males here
top kek virgin
>chicks getting redpilled is bad
post her benis. i'll wait.
I was actually able to find some by walking around in a trump shirt on campus, got a small group of us now, turns out we all browse Sup Forums
Fuck i wish i met a redpilled girl that didnt look like a complete mongoloid, like tatoos and coloured hair.
We should want women to come on here and learn that being a slut is bad an to preach against modern day feminism. We can't survive as a movement without women coming on board. It breaks my heart seeing young women in their prime make stupid decisions and sleep around with guys that treat them like shit. It's holding us back.
Being red pilled sucks as a girl. All of the women in my family are feminists social workers and bernouts. I only get along with my uncle who is hated by my family for being a Trump supporter. My boyfriend shares the same beliefs as I but, not as strongly so I'm always having to keep a facade in front of everyone I know. I want to vote for Trump but, I'm pressured into having think I'm a racist bitch.
Sup Forums is the only place were I can be myself.
Normies have already ruined /r9k/, even though that retarded spergy shooter didn't really help.
This is a troll or a fag pretending to be a femanon. Or at least I truly hope so. Also what the fuck are you proud of?? That is the most obvious dumb attention whore ever.
>hurr durr I am a redpilled blondie who doesn't want to get blacked anymore
I worse something like this (thinkingtroll.com) for a couple weeks on campus, made a couple friends in a week or two, lots of odd looks from everyone else but w/e, it worked
>the average """""woman""""" Trump supporter
>Being red pilled sucks as a girl.
Well finding redpilled guys is not as hard as finding redpilled girls, so you might argue that ladies have it easier.
Then again, why would i care about the political opinion of my girlfriend.
and the accompanying video
the real tragedy is the birthrate, its not enough to rant online, we need to breed our own army
Consider me enlightened.
>fuck off r9k
I'm pretty sure /r9k/ live for women. Their whole lives revolve around 'tfw no gf'
If anything, you should fuck off to /r9k/ and all bitches should fuck off to Reddit.
It is easier but, I'm shy about meeting others and just being judge in general. My parents are the type who'd stop talking to me if they knew how nationalistic I was. It's easier just coming on here.
these repeating digits are concerning but where's the benis?
>It is easier but, I'm shy about meeting others and just being judge in general. My parents are the type who'd stop talking to me if they knew how nationalistic I was
Step 1: Move out of the basement.
Step 2: Problem solved
this is a boy user
Thanks for the advice.
>fuck off r9k
r9k and pol are brothers in arms, normie
You're a woman. It literally doesn't matter, you'll still find anyone and can a bf/sex whenever you want. most men don't give a shit. Get out roastie.
I do it for free
>normies getting redpilled
I'm comfortable with that.
lies and falsehoods
My fucking mom goes on Sup Forums. Threads like these do not.
I was wondering where those shitty vegan threads were coming from
you have never seen male turks if you think anzu is a boy
Tfw no gf to browse pol and cuddle in bed with
Except for they aren't. Saying that you are redpilled doesn't make you redpilled. Normies like her are just spreading degeneracy on this board. And ffs she just sounds like a common attention whore.
>normieization of Sup Forums
Having a Trump shirt is pretty fun. Boyfriend and I have worn our Awooovement shirts out in public too. It's handy that it's so niche that unless they go to Sup Forums they have no idea what it's referring to.
exactly, makes it a good way to meet precisely the sort of friends one is looking for
With each additional picture posted, I hate this thing more and more.
that's why she's making all the dead american soldiers threads user.
Hating Anzu is hating Sup Forums
That was interesting, got any more reading like this?
You're the mummy poster aren't you! While she is hot, the disgust I feel when I see a Brit indicate they have sexual feelings is almost as bad my distaste for the Turkish Cosplayer.
I'm not the mummy poster but I wish I was
>Hating a roach is hating Sup Forums
u affin a laff m8?
Anzu is a shining gem in a pile of shit
go back to r9k faggot
I don't get it
/r9k/ is literally all about caring about girls