>b-but I thought Trump winning PA was only a meme?
B-but I thought Trump winning PA was only a meme?
Other urls found in this thread:
>polling dates from months ago
>June was months ago
I honestly think he has a better shot at Wisconsin,Michigan, or even Minnesota. He needs to find a way to get some of the black vote in the Philly area.
>inb4 shills
The only reason Trump is putting blue states in play is because Clinton is such a shitty nominee. If it were anyone else those states would be solid blue.
PPP, a Democratic pollster, has Trump tied in Pennsylvania today and had him ahead in Florida yesterday.
salut reddit
Hillshill can hardly hold onto solid blue states
Yea. And they only have him barely down in Minnesota and Wisconsin. I'm honestly surprised he is doing so well there.
Dubs speak truth. He is under budget and ahead of schedule
I fucking hope the democrat convention goes 1968
That would be THE happening
Pic related is his easiest path. Not sure if he wins Iowa and/or New Hampshire. He won't win VA
Believe me when I say that us Bernie Supporters ARE FUCKING PISSED AT THE DEM PARTY.
As far as I am concerned I want the DEM party to be BURNED TO THE GROUND. Fuck Hillary. FUCK THAT CORRUPT BITCH.
I hope Trump rips that bitch apart.
If His running mate is a Moderate Republican with military experience he will win Virginia. If he picks anyone else he won't. Good thing in 2014 we got new voter id laws. No more fraud here.
PA here. Trump is going to win this state. I was never in doubt.
Polls have him tied in PA. but the Dems had 100k more votes in the Primary than Republicans. And Clinton had 30k more votes than Trump. What would it take for Trump to win you guys?
chicago wont turnout
Make Colorado red, and Illinois and Delaware blue,
>[citation needed]
It's good to be positive, but this is unrealistic
All Bernie voters are fleeing for Trump.
i think trump loses CO
But Illinois isn't included here?
Why did you pick Illinois specifically? If you had put NJ on there I wouldn't have taken too much exception
Clinton has gotten more raw votes though, by around 2 million.
Trump had to go against
Cruz Over 7 million votes
Rubio 3.5 million votes
Kasich 4.1 million
Bush 285,000
Carson 825,000
Clintons only serious competition was Sanders. O'malley and Webb didn't do anyone.
Hasn't he ran in the last 8 or so states unopposed though?
Less people show up to vote since he has had the nom for awhile, and Cruz has been out for weeks. More people came out for Clinton and Sanders because they were still in serious competition.
The fact that he has had the nom for a while and still managed to get 1.1 million votes in California, and 350k in NJ is really amazing.
>Spends all his money on berniebux for college so he wouldn't have to work to go.
>Berned Out loses
>Claims he only wants Trump to win because f hillary
>Is actually too scared to try going to college in a Hillary economy.
Hey bro! ça va?
Running unopposed will clearly make less voters turn out, they already know he won.
>PPP 6-3 To 6-5
>Months ago
>Independents go for Trump more than Clinton
Stop my dick can only get so erect
Wisconsin is going red. Screencap this.
drumpfsters are the new berniefags
last PPP had Trump up 2
now they're tied
Michigan hates Hillary
It will go red
Independents are only 5.2% of our population, assuming 5.2% of PA's population is registered to vote. The 15% of the Democrat vote is more impressive.
>assuming 5.2% of PA's population is registered to vote
Fuck, I meant 100%. 5.2% registration rate would be embarassing.
>Independents are only 5.2% of our population
Really? That's weird; I thought independents were the majority everywhere.
Hopefully those democrats aren't just burnouts who will flip to hilldawg once he endorses her.
Although it does look unlikely that Bernie will endorse her since he seems determined to keep going.
Texas, Arizona, and Utah are going blue
Nice memes lad.
>Texas going blue
That's a bigger meme than New York going red
Pennsylvania has closed primaries, so a lot of voters just pick a party so they can vote.
You guys think Trump should pick a moderate running mate? I'm getting nervous thinking about him picking someone like Gingrich,Sessions,Corker,Huckabee. I think it makes it less likely that he will flip a blue state.
I'm assuming he'll pick someone moderate but that will be tough on immigration. There's really no point in picking someone like Huckabee.
>3 days ago was months ago
New York: 64-36
Texas: 55-45
All would take is a really fucking retarded Republican candidate, say Trump, and it's not that long of a shot.
>leaf knowing anything about Texas
Hillary is a really fucking retarded Democrat candidate. It's not going to happen.
Texas voted for el rato, you cannot get dumber than that.
Someone like Scott Brown?
Hello brother
He's a sitting senator there, it's expected. Nonetheless it was the weakest primary victory for an incumbent for a long time.
stop being an idiot
IL is red, Chicago is blue
Dem turnout is down, especially among blacks
Chicago is majority non white, ect
Immigration is probably an important issue for Texans in this election. Texas definitely isn't going blue.
Nah, someone was namedropping Kris Kobach the other day. I think someone like that would be possible.
After witnessing the massive polling discrepancies in the California democratic primary, I don't know how trustworthy they are going to be moving forward.
Stop deluding yourself, every god damn year it's a Republican landslide and Democrats keep deluding themselves.
That's a shit meme boy.
Both whites and spics voted in record numbers for republicans in 2014. It would take like another couple of decades of unchecked immigration to turn us blue.
Why do so many people think VA is some unthinkable feat? It's not like he's down 50 points there.
PPP says it is a TIE. The AVERAGE includes the polls from April. Can you fucks not follow a fucking chart?
>Dat feel when you've been calling this months ago.
Trump's "Realignment" involves appealing to Working Class Whites as opposed to just Working Class Southerners. Doing well in PA has everything to do with appealing to places like Wilkes-Barre which aren't specifically Theocratic.
Nice balls chimpo
Nah, it just means the last 3 polls were completely wrong. If you look the history, those polls were huge swings from the previous ones that had Clinton up in the double digits. Given the huge "minority" vote in California, the results make sense.
He'll take NV.
> TRUMP / WEBB 2016 when?
But where are the PA voters going to come from? Philadelphia suburbs? PA is a big schizophrenic state and the problem is that we keep assuming Philly alone somehow is the State itself.
Also. Turnout favors Trump heavily.
People are saying he won't because of the Vegas spics. Obama won it because of the Vegas blacks. Legas hate illegals because they take away their 20 dollar an hour construction jobs. Anyone who says that Colorado,Nevada,Iowa,Virginia,PA,NH,Michigan,Wisconsin are solid blue this election are delusional.
In PA anywhere that's not a major city is basically the South
I'm pretty sure it would come down to the suburbs. Didn't a bunch of PA go red in the last house elections anyway? I don't think it's impossible.
It's Scots-Irish and Quakerland specifically. If you think Appalachians are the same as Lowland Southerners (Dixies) I suggest you should take a drive and actually visit these places. Not even the same race.
There is a pocket in NE Penn that votes Dem. If that pocket in NE decided to go Red, it fucks up the equilibrium Dems have there.
This is true and while slightly nauseating we have to roll with it
Now the question is, why are blacks in love with clinton? Mexicans are taking their welfare.
I don't know. The Dems need 92% of the black vote to win. If Trump can get 10% of the black vote he wins. Maybe even 9%. He needs to find a way.
Well no it'd take quite a bit more than that. I'd be a combination of things going in his favor that could flip states though. He'll win more with whites especially non-college whites (they'll probably turn out more too). Blacks will turnout less and maybe vote for Trump more. Spics are kind of a mystery at the moment, but it can't be that hard to do better than Romney.
He needs college educated Whites. This will be the greatest challenge he's ever faced, considering his fucked up nature. If I was on the Trump Staff, I could tell if he'll win or lose based on whether he invents an issue that resonates with them. Because it'll take more than Immigration to reach them, and fucking up global trade pushes them away.
What if he talks about TPP's trade in services and the abuse of H1B visas to destroy STEM jobs?
The split among racial and gender lines will probably continue. White men will definitely vote for Trump; probably record numbers. Really, it's going to come down to women. As long as Hillary doesn't take too many (I don't think she will); it'll be an increase in college educated whites for Trump.
There is no reason for white people (college educated or not), to vote Democrat at this point. They only care about blacks and illegals. If they don't realize that, the shouldn't' be allowed to vote. I just can't get it through my mind why any white person would vote for Clinton. Maybe there is just something wrong with their heads.
Yes! But he needs to be pull off that Skillshot. This is a tricky shot that he could do, only if he somehow gets his head around it. But more importantly, he'll need to do multiple fronts that aren't related to trade. If he wants to be president, this is it.
Trump leads among White women, but not as much as he leads by White Men. The real division is the white vote ala Charles Murray's Coming Apart.
Trump would have an easier time getting elected in 2020 than 2016. Right now he's like dead even with Clinton on the College voters. In four years, college whites will be abandoning the Democratic party because of Social Justice patronizing from Commiefornia.
In the late 2020s, I predict some states like New York will start leaving the Democratic party as the 'Sanders' Wing takes over the Democratic Party and La Raza needs it's welfare checks for Reconquista.
That's how much I agree with you on this statement.
Clinton, btw, is the status-quo 'Globalist' wing. Globalists don't want to pay high taxes but the Sanders Wing wants to increase high Taxes to pay for all the fatherless children. That's a major friction in the Dem party and the Sanders wing will win after Clinton. (Whether elected or not.)
Globalism is in much more trouble than anyone understands it because it's flanked by both wings without any way to stand strong. Islamists and Nationalists are forming a pincer movement in Europe, for instance.
I think if Clinton were to pick Castro has her running mate it would help Trump win over more white and black voters, because Castro is part of LaRaza which is pretty much the Mexican KKK. I think Trump would have a field day with that. LaRaza hates white people. and tried to exterminate black people from Southern California neighborhoods. I hope she makes him her running mate.
It would be up to Trump to make it a reality. But I don't think it should be done considering how the Mexican Judge comment went. He's already gotten the Anti-Immigrant card. He now needs a new one.
Trump is a master class narrative crafter. And he's up against an establishment which has, quite literally, LOST the ability to craft narratives.
He thinks of himself as intelligent, but we'll see if he brings something up. Meanwhile, he's an absolute shit campaigner with no ground game BUT ground game doesn't work as well for strange reasons.
Yea. I love Trump, but that is one of the things I hate about him. He brags about having a few people working on his campaign. That works for the primaries, but won't work in the general. He needs to put more people in states that he is targeting. You can't have only 2 people working in every state. He will screw himself if he does that.
If Clinton has hundreds of people working for her in every state, how is Trump going to manage only having 2 or 3?
We've also lost much of the art of the Ground Game. It's abilities are much more limited compared to their uber power like in the 1960s. The kennedy brothers fucked shit up by knowing what they were doing.
At some point, we abolished the Humanities, which meant that the 'elite' lost their significant knowledge base about how to govern plebs. So it's really hard to explain things because there isn't even a reference among the educated.
The TL DR is that a ground game will help the Turnout for Clinton but Clinton already struggles with turn out so it's a moot advantage
Trump still needs to get his shit together and get his fucking staff in order though.
Do you think there is going to be allot of voter fraud this election? Do you think if Trump is close in PA or Michigan that the elite will rig things so that Trump loses the state? Kind of like Bush in 2000?
I mean like Florida in 2000.
Yea. And he actually needs to start acting presidential.Enough with the crooked Hillary nonsense. We already know she is a lying cunt, who flip flops on every issue. Get your shit together and start talking like a president.
Must be held accountable
Pic related.
>Bush 285,000