Pretty much every mainstream gaming company is catering to the reddit/tumblr crowd now. It increased with Overwatch, and now it's snowballing.
Are there any game publishers and developers who don't care about this shit?
Pretty much every mainstream gaming company is catering to the reddit/tumblr crowd now. It increased with Overwatch, and now it's snowballing.
Are there any game publishers and developers who don't care about this shit?
>Are there any game publishers and developers who don't care about this shit?
Japanese and some Eastern Europeans + some legit small scale indie devs
Ignore the rest because the industry is done for
I used to this Paradox was red-pilled. No longer.
>Your objective: execute the biggest hack of the history
>the history
lol who is writing Ubisoft's promotional material? Christ.
Now you now how minorities feel about EVERY OTHER VIDEO GAME.
Sucks doesn't it?
>lol who is writing Ubisoft's promotional material? Christ.
>Now you now how minorities feel about EVERY OTHER VIDEO GAME.
By minorities you mean niggers right? Because asians pretty much rule the video game market and have for decades
Why don't you make your own games then?
I want to buy Jade's game
>high tech computer
>from scratch
Second story of that ilk i have seen this week.
>what is cdprojekt red
>niglet downloads game from steam
big western game companies are trash, play jap or indie games.
i remember when ubisoft was involved in good games
we still have Myst, they cant take that from me
except that white people never built games featuring white people because the character's race added anything to the game.
this is asserting that games are BETTER inherently when the character is a certain race
which is racist as shit
Kek, satire seems to go over the head of 99% of FB users
Unlike you we're not all talk.
We felt left out so actually did something about it.
You know... out in the real world.
All you can do is complain on Sup Forums and spout ni**er over and over.
We don't have to anymore.
You will though.
SJW-ism is truly going to be remembered as an extremist, discriminatory, hate movement in 20 years that everyone let happen because they got scared of being called racist or sexist.
>there is an actual african gaming company making a game based on african mythology
>and nobody ever heard of it or ever will because why create something of your own when you can take over something someone else made
Fuck them all.
Well yeah, you fuckers gave bloated the issue by giving it endless whiny attention.
Congrats on ruining yet another thing with retarded contraproductive action.
holy shit it's real
CD Projekt Red were catching some flak from SJWs due to there not being enough niggs in the Witcher games. But they pretty much told em to fuck off, as the game is based on eastern european style/mythology.
>We felt left out so actually did something about it.
Show me the black dev studios and their releases then
>biggest hack of the History
ayo we spek english n sheit
Aren't indie game devs notorious for being insufferable SJW faggots?
I think by "did something about it" he meant "complained and whined until whitey capitulated."
Real men don't play video games you fucking nerd. Get a real hobby
>next TES will be in hammerfell
>next canon hero will be a nigmer
someone post the screencap of the based game developer who BTFOs SJWs on twitter. Daniel Vavra or something.
And it worked.
You're our bitch now
i play some indie games and never felt like they are sjw propaganda, i guess it deppends on the creator.
Gamergate exposed the link between the US government and creeping (((sjw))) ideology in modern gaming, but that link was forgotten under the great cuckening.
You only had to listen...
White people invented video games. Also Asians, but they think they look white if their cartoons are anything to judge.
What do ''real men'' do then, faggot? You sound like a feminist.
How about that Polish company. I think one of their games is called "Hate". Any good?
Bohemia Interactive doesnt seem to give a fuck about any of this...
except you're the racist :*(
Paradox was redpilled when it was just Johan calling the shots. Ever since that faggot Wiz and the new CEO came they've been ultra SWEDEN YES.
like palying fps? Go shooting
like playing tactical shooters? join the army
like running through the woods fighting beasts? go hunting
the list goes on
This. As long as you don't overdo it, video games are a perfectly masculine hobby.
t. ex-gamer who stopped because he got bored
Is just our hippy movement. Most are dabbling while others make it a lifestyle. I recognized this and vowed to never forgive these young scum bags when they whitewash and glorify SJWs in 20 years just like the boomers have done for themselves with the hippy movement.
I get really depressed with this likely future. Media will portray Aids skrillex as bravery rather than cringery personified.
>Your objective: execute the biggest hack of the history.
>MC is black
They are stealing the KFC recipe ?
>watch dogs 2 mc is a nigger
And here I sat wondering why their games got shittier by the minute
They're all white. Why is it always a mob of white people who act like this?
Nobody gives a fuck about your stupid fucking video games
rockstar and 2k clearly don't care about being pc
please dont use ubisoft as an example of the gaming industry in general.
I look at that picture and,
and keep in mind I'm pretty fucking liberal,
and I ask myself,
"so who the fuck actually makes the games?"
Don't get me wrong, I've worked with a few female software developers and they have all been stellar. But something about an all-female team doesn't seem realistic.
Because POC own you now.
Congrats, you did it to yourselves
They create things. Music, woodworking, welding, sculpture etc...
Consuming mass media to the point of letting it define your personality is celebrate as fuck.
It must be strange going through life wholly dependent on those you claim to be your oppressor. For your entertainment, your creature comforts, your infrastructure, your medicine, indeed even your very survival. I imagine it must cause great psychological turmoil.
No it isn't bro. SJW are controlled opposition, the actual hippies of the 60s and 70s at least had the gumption to go outside and break the law in the name of what they wanted.
Hippy culture has been neutered and commodified to appeal to the next generation of evangelical useful idiots to prevent them from falling under the wing of actually radical people.
rockstar isnt concerned with anything but money.
fuck rockstar.
all their games blow dicks.
I'm glad I'm not the only who was triggered by this.
It doesn't have to be realistic, it's progressive.
That explains this.
>POC own white people
>POC are being oppressed
pick one
When others cater to you.
Whos really in control?
Why do you guys care so much about playing as a black guy in Watch Dogs 2? Playing as CJ was fun in GTA San Andreas.
Did Paradox do anything sweden-ish other than the "United Nations of Earth" thing?
Cities Skylines and Stellaris are both fucking awesome games, tbqh.
kekeroo buckeroo
>being this mad that women in videogames are becoming more than just setpieces
>being this mad about colored folks in videogames
holy shit you fucking manchildren
>>high tech computer
>>from scratch
I'm guessing that by this they mean he played glorified legos with modern tool-less components and assembled a list of parts he got from pcpartspicker and followed a youtube video?
Progressive would be a 1:1 ratio at best/worst.
>the actual hippies of the 60s and 70s at least had the gumption to go outside and break the law in the name of what they wanted.
>implying hippies weren't infected with the same Marxist mentality from the same jew professors
>Implying SJWs are reasonable law abiding political advocates
>dont want POC in your vidyas, movies, music, ect
>think we're not oppressed.
"imma get dat recipe, dawg"
This is the Berenstain universe, the left can hold two mutually exclusive ideas here.
its 50/50, 10 male and 10 female devs code, graphics, make content. The other 90 women moderate forums, make human resources policies, do interviews, attend E3, tweet a lot, and moderate the forums.
Not joking either. The bulk of content is made by a core of people, who you'll find you very rarely see or hear much about. The insufferable cunts have very little input, apart from saying things like 'No, that is not good graphically, change it' before flouncing away saying how hard their job is.
Source - I was one of the core group. No recognition, no financial bonus's, lots of shit taken from people who have NO idea about the industry, yet are hailed as 'leaders'.
What? It's the opposite. Feminists are the ones who don't like gender roles and terms like "real man."
>PoC own a black man
Goddamn it, I thought this shit couldn't happen again after slavery was abolished. Fucking William Ellison-wannabes.
Of course
Thats because CJ fit the storyline for San Andreas. His VA was fantastic, the story was fun an engaging, some parts felt like a decent movie you would sit and watch.
CJ wasn't shoehorned in to please SJW's.
Vast majority of gamers are white males, why can't the vast majority of games made in the West cater to the people purchasing them?
you blow dicks
EU4 womyn DLC, EU4 WE WUZ KANGZ DLC, stellaris races, strong womyn in ck2, strong womyn events in HOI4.
When it was just Johan, Europeans were always OP (like real life) and men ruled the world.
Lol when I say hippies I mean the people who trafficked in LSD and tried to establish autonomous communities. The marxists blowing shit up in the 60s were a different faction of radical. Abby Hoffman, the prototypical hippie, criticized the Weather Underground for their ideology and their methods.
Even so, if the SJW of today were anything like the weather underground in the scale or targeting of their violence we would have a very different political landscape. This mentally astro-trufed horde of blue-pilled morons are not radical enough to do anything besides get in bitch slap mobs around right-wing demonstrations as their social media tard-wranglers have instructed them to.
Not saying the 60s and 70s weren't cancer, but this is a very different cancer than then.
>not every video game and tv features a person of color
>this = oppression
my sides
SJW's invade anywhere that white males are. There's literally no fun allowed for us anymore m8.
you dumb nigger it's been going on for like 6 years.
I could really give a fuck. I was never a collaborative gamer, so have no idea who else is playing.
Male or female, I'll take anyone on in Tetris.
Because the story was set in a dindu nuttin suburb. CJ fit as a main character.
The new watchdogs implies blacks can use technology
>play jap or indie games.
but they suck balls.
It's kinda ironic how hippies back then were fanatical Christians but today they're fanatical atheists.
>mfw I've fapped to what you're referencing
>many times
why did you post a picture of watch dogs 2?
do you expect fucking UBISOFT to fix the problem?
because your idea of "fun" is fucked up.
look at Sup Forums you defend racist, rapist, corrupt wannabe """"politicians"""" , mass murderers, the list goes on.
Rockstar Games, CD Projekt Red.
you're the one arguing that race matters
you're the racist, fucktard
In case you guys haven't noticed, feminists only go after easy targets. Men who play video games are usually losers and aren't capable of standing up for themselves. Wherever there are beta men who don't stand up for themselves, you sure to find feminists wreaking havoc.
That must be frustrating.
So where are you now? I'm doing freelance while I try to launch a startup.
Being a developer is a joke to me because you develop the means to success for your superiors and they rake in the millions and get all of the credit while you do all of the intellectual heavy lifting. I also know how frustrating it can be when tasked with doing things that you personally think are dumb.
That's my take on it, anyway.
CJ wasn't a black character to fill some bullshit equality quota.
The guy on Watch Dogs 2 is.
>and SF
>top picture
>white women, white dudes, some who look like geeks others who look like average joes, black guy, asian guy
>bottom picture
This. Shoehorned diversity pisses me off because it doesn't feel natural. Hell I think I spent most of my time playing Franlkin in GTA 5.