Well now

Well now...

Other urls found in this thread:


is that paul joseph watson

dont think so but looks like him

>you will never go from a conspiracy nut to a credible news outlet
>you will never blame family guy for boston marathon then spurge shit about saudi arabia hate

they're both in germany right now

Who is that sperm container?

Lauren Southern

whos the other jew looking bitch?

Probably some magyar pornstar.



paul "joseph mengele" watson

No it's Ben Shapiro

Does Lauren work for Alex Jones now?

Hmm, really makes you think...

Paul "There is no Jewish Conspiracy goyim" Watson

Canadian Jew antifeminist. Works for rebel media

He invited her to possiblybe a correspondant last time she was on the show. Alex said shes cute and well spoken and whatnot.

I don't know if he financed her trip there or if it was her and rebel media doing it, they acted like it wasn't a planned meeting on the show last night

Me on the left

Paul J. Watson barely does anymore. Jones allowed him to do more of his own thing.

Paul Joseph Watson

Is Lauren in the tribe?

someone asked her on Twitter and she said that she is not jewish.

proof that she's a Jude?

Get married.

Paul hosts the 4th hour all the time.

Didn't you see her ((()))?

She is not a Jew, look at her and listen to her voice.












Nose doesn't say anything. I'm Polish/Ukrainian Ashkenasim and you won't ever think that i'm a jew, m8


it's obviously the first time he touches a woman
you're supposed to hold her by her waist, she's not one of your bros

Blonde hair and light eyes aren't always fail-safe indicators for non-Jews. Also her hair appear to be dyed

what the fuck is this about?

It's the friggin Bilderberg Group! They are our world elites - our masters. A blonde billionaire running for office is defying them.


no, stop it

He's gone after Israel and trashed Jewish traditions before.


they groping lauren


PJW is the future

what hapened?

i hope they have sex tonight and i hope they think of Sup Forums

>"wew lad"

I'd grope her too.


she is literally tweeting the way we shitpost


its really cute desu

These "alt-right celebs" browse Sup Forums and shill their shit on here all the time.
Nothing new.

she definitely posts here or at least lurks


>slav pose with nugget

Yeah. I bet most Milo threads are actually created by himself.

No it's Stefan Molyneux



"Daddy" was written down 2500 times in the history of pol. Out of those, it was written down by Fagopoulos to refer to Donald 2450 times.

God I've fuck the brains out of her.

>Geroldsteiner Mineralwater

nice try senpai

I always think of pol when I have sex.

dont be subverted by the jew semen demon!

>credible news outlet
he still talks about water filters thought


Fucking retard. 1/10 troll attempt, made me reply

would cheeki breeki with/10

>infowars brit guy boning tumblr Sup Forums meme leaf poster
>both of them get their INFO from Sup Forums
What the fuck are you doing /pol?

Why are you stting in front of a screen while while normies are out fucking?

>uses senpai

>Drinking the GMO estrogen tainted poison that the globalists pipe into your house

No wonder Germany is cucking itself to death.

its an sks

or autonugget

Lauren Southern looks almost exactly like Abigail Breslin. It's kind of spooky.

god she's adorable


>these 2 have a fucking job because they use/stream information found on Sup Forums



>tfw Lauren-chan drinks the same water as I
Gerol(((Stein)))er is the best. Other waters just don't quite compare. Wish it wasn't expensive as fuck.



enjoy losing money to the water jew

>credible news out



I don't like its taste.

why would the stein in there have to do anything with kikes if it got its name form a fucking place?

Yeah but you swallow anyway, don't you Ahmed?

Try drinking tap water, dirt cheap mineral water (the ones with the really thin plastic bottles that you can literally taste in the water) and expensive mineral water. There's a huge difference.

Fucking this

Shut up, shill.

>doesn't understand pH balance or mineral content
Drinking the fluoride jew is taking its effects on youuu

Sorry to hear that. Guess not everyone is born with working taste buds.

Getting placebo:ed this hard

There is no alt-right. It is a marketing word some of us use to get attention in certain contexts and on certain platforms. Like any marketing word it is easily hijacked, infiltrated, and otherwise defiled by people who have no business using it. And like any compromised buzzword it's also easy to point at someone who means it sincerely and argue that they are false across the board because they went off-message.

Not saying you're never right, but I think you're probably wrong about these two.

This was funny though.

I call this villainy signaling.

The idea here is to drink whatever Jews drink because it might not just be tap water and may even be tested for the impurities all bottled water companies claim to test for.

I'm a Deer Park man myself. How Jewish is Nestlé anyway?

pfui. geh arbeiten und dann kauf dir vio.

>gerolstein confirmed jewtown

Hence why i put alt right in speech marks.
Fuck this alt-right meme.

>i hope they have sex tonight

You know what, I never had that. Might try it out next time if you recommend it.

Hi Paul

you're both right




So this is a girl that comes to this website and either
>Believes all the memes
>Exploits Sup Forums autism for cash
Cool I guess.

Thats an sks

great post lol

chicks love attention and are unoriginal
and they take all your money and attention and ideas

then they complain about you oppressing them

but sometimes they let you fuck them so it's cool, right?

not an argument

i dont get that water thing, why is it even a topic?
is it really because of(((stein)))?


Doesnt matter. I would still enjoy a nice evening out and meal with her before making mad passionate love all night long (with her) and showing rough English blokes really do it best!