Not seeing race is racist!
Not seeing race is racist!
You have to see all races if you want to accept them equally
>not seeing race is racist
>calling blacks black is racist
what the fuck do they want?
Can't they make up their fucking minds!?
not even giving them a view fampai
does EVERYTHING have to revolve around race, who gives a shit so much, thousands of years humanity didn't gave a shit about this thing and just accepted the differences, it's like a mental disease
America is truly a glorious place, where being colour blind is being racist.
They want to see you dead, that's literally what they want, they hate whites and want them all to die.
I thought race was a social construct?
How many fags will get triggered at this comment??
According to these nutcases, race is both biologically real and a complete social abstraction. The only reason they believe this is because they want to make it so white people are always guilty because non-whites apparently can't be racist.
You know what's a social construct too? Social constructs.
B'elana Torres from Star Trek: Voyager?
Not seeing race is just stupid. When it's been proven there are biological differences between the races.
my friend got a bachelor's in ethnic studies 5 years ago and i said race doesn't matter and he called me the most racist erson he has ever met because we MUST ABSOLUTELY discuss race in order to stop racism and by not seeing everything as a race issue is the worst thing anyone can ever do. I remember that day was also when he said only white can be racist. It was the turning point from being a lefty fag. I thought he was joking but then the internet memes started picking up and everyone was saying it isn't real, and it is just right wing propaganda trying to make the left look bad but i heard it irl first. I saw the race wars from the horizon, right after obama got elected. This shitty thinking has been around for a long time but they have "grown up" and are in position of power to spread their anti white idealogy. Universities have corrupted tens of thousands of young thinkers
I think this channel offers a great solution for whites to not be racist:
>Don't hang out with black people
>Don't talk to black people
>Don't even walk near black people
This is upsetting, I used to love MTV.
Does anyone actually say they don't see race? I thought only Steven Colbert did it, as a joke, because he's a comedian.
Obviously everyone sees race, the point is to not pre-judge people based on it.
Cant some US based NEET do us all a favor and put a stop to this bitch?
I really fucking hate her.
You want to see someone really hateable? Look up "Kat Blaque".
Not seeing race is racist, but, remember, race is a social construct and doesn't really exist.
How do they keep these ideas in their heads simultaneously?
Wow it really made me think!
The reason they hate every single thing a white person does is because they just hate white people. They want us dead. Talking to them about it isn't going to help either.
Just recognize that they want to kill you and act accordingly.
For example this could work. If someone calls you racist, just walk away.
This too.
Turns out doublethink is real. I know I hear people continuously compare dumb shit to dystopian ideologies, but I'm kind of starting to see parallels forming in society.
Shit's going to be pretty crazy in a few decades, I'm telling you.
I wonder how many liberals nowadays would consider MLK a racist.
Why do all those white people seem upset at what the colored man is saying?
>They want to see you dead, that's literally what they want, they hate whites and want them all to die.
They don't hate all whites, just white males. They still want to fuck white women.
I dunno. It seems lately the left has been starting to attack white women too. It may not be as bad as white men but I've seen people, as an example, critique feminism by calling it white feminism.
>Black sounding names are less likely to get the job interview
Meanwhile in reality:
Aside all the bullshit she says, she is hot guys. No joke.
Uhh, not being among the honored dead of Stovokor much?
>Believing that there are no races and we're equal is racist
>seeing race when it's convenient