Bee Movie is Jerry Seinfeld's only starring movie role. That's really odd.
Bee Movie is Jerry Seinfeld's only starring movie role. That's really odd
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no it's not
The Comedian documentary
Why was THIS his passion project?
What's the consensus on this movie? I liked it, but the way it gets memed about makes me think people don't like it. I
It's baffling in the same way Episode 1 is
It's not so much a matter of liking or disliking it so much as it's just hard to believe it exists when you watch it.
he thought the idea of an insect in new york would have some wacky adventures while interacting with humans in a way or another. should've had larry david to write it for him
Well his interests have always been a bit, ahem, juvenile...
He can't keep getting away with it
Oy vey!
I liked it as a kid, rewatched a few parts recently due to memes, it was ok.
Wait, he seriously loved the concept of a bug flying around?
Those are some damn fine khazar milkers
It's a shame that Jewish women invariably turn into hags
whatever u do, don't hack his life, 100% not advocating it
unbeelievably bad haha
How old is she here
they started dating when she was 17 graduating high school
17 I think.
I wonder who's behind this post...
So THIS is why he doesn't play at colleges...
Her name was Shoshanna Jewstein and she was 17 which is legal in Jew York. based seinfeld
no i actually laughed for real. didn't screencap tho cause im posting on mobile and it would look stupid
is that from jerry's leaked nudes?
That was pretty funny actually
kikes cut their cocks
cant be his
may i take 7 minutes of your time
the whole movie is about going against social norms and not fitting in. It's a movie about jews made for non jews to think that not fitting in is OK
Now that's the face of a man who just doesn't give one fuck
Was he in the pool?
But at the end of the film Barry learns that he has an important place in bee society and everyone should stick with their jobs.
IS this the jewiest of movies?
Who was in the wrong here?
It's a film about a sarcastic jewish bee suing the human race for stealing honey while cuckolding Joe from Family Guy. It's beyond good or bad.
>implying you wouldn't bury your face in that
thanks senpai I haven't seen the movie in years
I dunno why but this made me laugh.
Here's the entire movie user, just for you
Could've been one of those movies where the original pitch and script were way better than what we ended up with.
looks stinky
Why the fuck is having a kids movie where a women cheats on her husband to be with an ANIMAL alright. Like how was this made
Jerry was honestly the worst character in Seinfeld
Bees are aninals, retard.
Go back to school.
>not Kramer
Not her hursband
And they ended there relationship before the bee and the chick started dating
you just KNOW
Childhood is when you idolize Kramer, Adulthood is when you realize that Jerry makes more sense.
I think it's just further proof that he's a sperglord. He said filming Seinfeld was the equivalent of filming a bunch of feature length movies, so he had no interest in doing any movies. Makes no sense.
Someone probably just caught his attention on a good day when he was shopping for a new Porsche and was thinking how it would be nice to have an extra couple of million.
He's also a pretty shitty mediocre actor with zero range, so maybe he correctly realized that doing movies would likely only hurt his image.
I unironically love Bee movie. It has no antagonist and is instead just about the consequences of the setting. Bee movie is actually kind of unique in that regard. I also like how the writing is still very Seinfeld. You'll get characters just bouncing a single joke around, like where Barry and his brother talk about how his gf isn't beeish. Bees a Jewish stand in jokes really ramp up for the next 10 minutes when they weren't happening before then they take a hiatus. It's so bizarre.
I hate it's meme status though. I legitimately think it's a good kids kino.
He's always admitted he's a shit actor. Seinfeld only works because he's literally playing himself.
I've never actually watched the movie, is there a reason it gets exponential near the end? I figured there would be a 'bee' song for the meme to work.
He has no talent besides reading Larry David's lines. Bee movie was the one idea he ever had, a thin premise based on a title pun.
Jerry has top taste
>Bee movie is actually kind of unique in that regard.
Bill and Teds Excellent Adventure did this better desu.
>you've worked your whole life to get to the point where you can work for your whole life
fuck man, I wasn't ready for this
not considering he's got a face for radio
There is no real reason for the word bee to be used until he starts talking to humans, so the first bit of the movie goes at mostly normal speed and as soon as the humans start talking it hypes up
The quote at the beginning of the movie says bee 2 or 3 times. The word "be", pronunciation of the letter B, etc also count.
Seriously? Bee movie is a very confused movie. There's a million little things that bug me.
If the Bees are sentient how did they not notice their honey was being stolen? What did they think the honey was being used for?
Are we expected to believe Barry is the first bee to EVER leave the hive?
"Sure bees can talk, you just never take the time to listen"
The movie tells us Patrick Warburton is the villain without ever setting up why. Some dialogue at the start sets up that he's kinda pretentious but so what? His girlfriend dumps him FOR A BEE! I'd be pissed too!
How about that 30 second dream sequence where Barry imagines having a date with beefucker lady while that Archies song 'Sugar' plays and then she gets in a plane and crashes and explodes on impact.
so you're saying something BUGS you about the BEE movie?
Well he can't act so it makes sense.
He stole the idea.
Superior Jew comedian insect movie coming through
I'd give it a solid B
I think the muscle ant gave me weird fetishes as a kid
Or did I already have them
Pray for me
I did not expect to be crying by the end of that
How the fuck he has $800 mil?
I see what you're doing
What if Jerry Seinfeld™ was a BEE?
holy fucking shit. is Sup Forums literally retarded?.
Honestly better than Bug's Life tbqh senpai.
Shouldn't it be George?
Why does this have 4 million views already?
And he and Larry David didn't make the most out of that, the 2 producers of the show did
Can you not sneak in Sup Forumsshit in my bee movie discussion, reddit?
Because video-but-posting is a hot new meme
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