

Barry is pulling out all the stops before he fades away isn't he?

Other urls found in this thread:

>celebrities and oh, that one science guy that contributed more than tv personalities

>Medal of Freedom

Is this similar to the Award for Outstanding Achievement in the Field of Excellence?

Boy, he's just handing them out to anyone.

>Apollo mission programer
>And a bunch of celebrities
I wonder if she really feels "honored"

they are being rewarded by the last don of the Democratic Mafia for their valiant, but ultimately futile, attempt to apply lipstick to a pig.

So all of your payments cleared. Here are your medals!

Til yesterday I had no idea actual transsexuals existed. I went to the mall to go Christmas shopping and one was manning the register. I quickly grabbed my desktop drumset abd booked it to the library

>implying entertainment isn't more important than sending garbage in space

>Giving a medal to celebrties

Imagine just who Trump will "honor".

Is this nigger for real?

usa is a fucking joke

No Patton Oswalt

>Medal of Freedums
Oh wow its fucking nothing

>be president
>act like just another celebrity
>be surprised when a celebrity acts like president

All that's missing is Colin Kaepernick

>No Cenk Ugor


>this is bad but electing a zero-experience game show host is "based"

just another day in the realm of Sup Forums """"logic""""

No Angela Merkel?

Oh wait, he already did. In 2011.

>Sup Forums is one single hivemind

what game show did obama host?

> businessman who negotiates billion dollar deals every other month
> dude he's just a reality tv star lmao


top kek


they're cops!

>tfw we'll have to pay for his secret service security for the rest of his young life

So this award has absolutely no meaning at this point right?

>putting these losers in the same category as a woman who helped program the Apollo Program
I'm mad

>negotiates billion dollar deals every other month


>Vin Scully
>Tom Hanks

Hasn't ctr packed it in yet?

>Obama giving an award to the Bill "Vaccines to reduce the African population" Gates

No wonder his brother hates him. What a bastard.

How long did it take you to make this?
Save it as a string of numbers next time

Fuck yeah Diana Ross

What is this now?

Marge isn't a man's name, kiddo.


Couldn't care less. This reminds me of Crusader Kings II where you give people made up titles so they'll like you more.

Trump will award it to Billy Batts

He really is the Celebrity in Chief

I love how much it must sting for him that Trump is taking his job

Obongo is an arrogant, phony piece of shit

What's her name

>Cries about a few homos at a play being "mean" to Pence
>Lets CROOKED HILLARY get away with everything

Is Trump literally /ourguy/

unlike drumpf

>game show
Are you stupid?

You still sour bout that 38 electoral votes?

He'll give Vince McMahon the Medal of Freedom and I will up up up upvote gangam style with my redchannit bros

>let's elect porky incarnate

Obongo the celebrity made it possible for a celebrity like Trump to even win in the first place

Stay mad

>medal of freedom


Nah some of them are still lashing out because they didn't get the bonus if Hillary won.

Oh wow all wrapped up with abortion conspiracy and everything. Controlling population in these poor countries and especially vaccinating is a huge positive. The alternative is just letting 10's of millions of kids die a year from meme tier diseases westerners beat over a hundred years ago.

How is vaccination supposed to reduce the population?

The reasoning is that if the kids don't die before they're 5, their parents won't have as many kids or something like that.

Darude - Sandstorm

Anywhere else but in Africa they just keep popping out every 9 months irregardless

why would anyone think it would be funny enough to post

These are consolation prizes since Hillary lost.

>implying propaganda isn't more important than sending garbage in space
