Why don't you have a job? Or do you?
Why don't you have a job? Or do you?
Because school closes during the summer.
I get paid to shit post..
true story
inb4 wageslave / wagecuck posts
I do part time and Im taking summer classes
been working since 12. 27 now spent the last 10 years at same job took out my back ...arthritis from working in cold and herniated disks ..doctor terminated my employment ..no severance no collection from other staff...now I am a parasite leeching the system drawing ei
Because I am a failure.
same as this gentlepleb.
Because it's nice to make more than neetbux
I'm Mexican, I was born with a job.
I work for the state as a fulltime cuck
Where do I sign up?
You either have to be a woman or an androgynous sissy boy
Burgers weighing over 70 kg's cannot apply unfortunatly
I do have a job though. Stop projecting
Had a job in the computer programming field. Lost my job, now i have to update my skill set to something more modern, fml.
I don't know how to get one.
Lol your projecting that I'm projecting read my post again and not in your own angry "head voice"
CrIgslist or ask ur dad or school
The man live the steryotipe
Just got picked up at a company for IT, pretty sweet.
Because I am living the dream... everyday...
>work from home 4/5 days making blueprints for construction projects
>its really easy and pays twice as much as the average pay here
>can just pull the woman card on my boss if he ever gets pissy about my attendance to the office
>get to go to construction sites and talk to cute russian boys when they have trouble understanding sections of the building
life is easy tbqh
I recently got out of jail and cant have any contact with minors for 5 more months.
>Teenagers were breaking into my car, beat one of them up badly
>Felony assault
I am just hiding away watching my bills pile up
work as a document handler for fedex.
i have somehow become the person nearly everyone comes to to bitch about our team leads and other employees.
i really do not like working there.
>not having a trustfund
that gif has started turning me on but only when posted by an Estonian....i dont understand this.
I do have one, I work as a building manager at a luxury apartment building in London. Beautiful building but we got our first 2 muzzies so it won't be for long I'm sure.
I did ask my dad, once. He told me to fuck off.
School kicked me out over a decade ago.
No thank you, I do not want to be a prostitute.
But you are in Canada, right?
I have a job doing IT for gubmint
I hate it but it pays my mortgage
Because I live in a liberal cesspool and the government gives me free money for doing absolutely nothing. So I might as well accept free money. I make more than I would have made at the last job I applied to by doing absolutely nothing.
Liberals, I am the product of your utopia.
because i grew great disdain for my company when it fired 5 senior employees and hired a bunch of millennial fags.
i have savings that will last until the end of the year wherein i will most likely join the military before i become too old to do so.
I'm doing an apprenticeship because I'm getting too old for college.
because stuck taking care of mom and keep getting fired so employers just shred my application the day they get it
What is your education or work experience? I'm a leaf NEET for 2 years and was thinking going to school to get a job in IT is it bad or good?
Is ok my freund
Im a builder
I enjoy it
£450 to myself after rent
No kids
Love life
He probably means London Ontario
Paper boy here. Under my current employment, I'm considered self employed. I only make 18k a year, but tax season is scary as fuck because self employed.
If it wasn't for being able to make the money that I do while only working a couple hours a night, I would of quit a long ass time ago.
I have 2 years of college for computer electronics and networking
IT gives you a lot of transferable skills but there's a lot of competition.
If you have a natural knack for it you can go pretty far pretty quick.
My biggest complaint if it's not the people is the fact that you top out early in the career (or at least I did). So I'm making good money at Damn close to the top of my field and I still have 25 years of work before I can retire... The job gets a little too easy and not exciting after a while. Still... Good money... And I do tech work for people on the side and buy broken stuff to fix and sell.
So go for it, I'd say...
Hey, my grandpa lived in Hooverville. That's probably the most hi-def picture I've ever seen of it.