Can someone here explain libertarianism to me?

Can someone here explain libertarianism to me?

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Its pretty simple reject all tradition and hierarchy and be a slave to the economic Jew.

reality exists independent of your mind.

concepts derive from reconstructions of observation

you gain information from sensual data

Theories of ethics: UPB(Universally preferable behaviors), Argumentation ethics, Utilitarian ethics of the Friedman school.

Initiating force against a persons will is a universal bad

The only consistent economic system with libertarianism is a Free-Market Economy(actually all forms of economic system is ok as long as participants are not forced to engage).

Free-trade and open-borders(regulated by private law instead(which requires occupency and homesteading) of collective law(which requires the inititation of force))

class analysis is simple, you have the producers and the parasites.

Hierarchies are based on reason and ligitimacy(like a teacher/student relation)

Oh and property aquisition derives from homesteading, trading or gifting.

The degeneracy of the left combined with the ((())) of the right.

applied autism

Why is this not a major idea, it seems as though this idea should be larger than it is

Too hopelessly idealistic to ever truly be implemented.

Most libertarian systems only truly work if there is a vast majority of like-minded, possibly identically-minded people in a world without scarce resources.

It has its place amongst the common discourse like all other ideologies, and I think it is an important part of American political theory.

OP here, I know this is off topic but what is your guys opinion on closed primary's (US only)

>taken as a whole, the characteristics ascribed to libertarians(more utilitarian, less able to make emotional connections, greater difficulties with socialization) would indicate a libertarianpredisposition towards autism

Well thats fucking retarded since utilitarianism is based on the utility principle which derives from Hedonism.

Utilitarianism is a purely emotional ethical position as what is more moral is what produced the most amount of good feeling.

anyway if you guys want to have actual material you should stringly reconsider this image.


Basically in libertarianism the government spends all it's time defending from shitty progressive liberal strawman attacks and so it doesn't have time to collect any tax money and thus our taxes go down.

good quads :)


There are two types of people in the world.

A. People who wanna be left alone.

B. People who get their jollies off fucking with group A.

Libertarians tend to be in group A, but also armed, so group B is scared of them.


theres many strains of it but above all else it says that government is incredibly inefficient and wasteful and does more harm than good 99% of the time and should be limited much more so than it exists in the US (and all other countries)

>This is what Libcucks actually believe
I guess you'll just pave the roads yourself

How about you figure it out yourself baby

Thread theme

snek saying pls leave

Drive an ATV you faggot city nigger.

Yeah making the government smaller is really idealistic and impossible LOL

>sensual data

the top libertarian magazine disagrees



Here. Story in pic is from Tom O'Donnell originally.

...The bread sticks aren't actually free. The price is reflected in everything else you're paying for. They use the advertisement of free bread sticks- which cost virtually nothing to make- to get you into the restaurant you moron.

As little government as possible. That's really all it is. Ideally the government would exist only to honor contracts between private parties and to organize the common defense.

>AnCap ball meme
>durr this same as libertarian
Educate yourself you fucking twit.

Don't fuck with me and it'll be all good, brotha.

It's people who just want to be left alone

It's Jewish as fuck

I'll accept the road argument when governments manage to actually maintain a road on their own


Because it does not favor a specific group of people.

Dude that's a nice movement,would be a shame if someone steawmanned it. :')

the state still oppresses the people, but just a little less

>wanting to be left alone

Laughed way too hard


I have shiny bead. You want shiny bead. You have big rock. I want big rock. We trade.

yeah libertarians are such slaves

also we should give up our guns

Libertarians think the political world is a battle between liberty and coercion (safety). Therefore to maximize liberty you have to throw out all existing institutions that stand in the way. In their world, the government is the only institution that does that. They combine that radical individualism with social liberalism and create a world empty of any collective associations. Written out you see how mindless those ideas are. Cohesive societies have always required some collective values to be cohesive. Extreme social individualism does nothing more than destroy a society from within. In that way, they are no different than their 'enemy' Marxists whose extreme social collectivism will do the same exact thing.



Usually young adults, intelligent enough to see the inherent flaws of liberalism but not mature enough to take that final step towards true conservatism and risk being labeled uncool or worse, a BIGOT! So they embrace the fiscal policies of the "right" without accepting the social standards necessary for true liberty and economic growth. They embrace the laughably simplistic ideal that, "Mo freedums is mo bedda"


Last best hope for the white race.

Essentially its top teir on the rrd pilling scale when you realize the covenant can be as ludicrous in its narionalism as you can contractually agree to (aka; evola wetting himself in fear).

NatSoc has ideologocal limitations. Libertarian based nationalism does not.

combined with the freedom of association of pre 1960s america, combined with the tax rates of pre civil war america

Reddit will tell ya.

>They combine that radical individualism with social liberalism and create a world empty of any collective associations.

You're retarded

There is no open borders, there simply is no borders at all. Limits are set by contract.

This can be very selective however. Mass migration is a statist phenomenon.



First the article is actually journalism and therefore does not endorce the report. It's only reporting the fact and the writer give a little anecdotal piece of his impression

> the prevalence rate of autism was 2.3% (229 kids per 10,000), whereas in Haarlem it was 0.8% (84 per 10,000) and in Utrecht, 0.6% (57 per 10,000).

omg that must mean libertarians are autistic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Other studie show that libertarians are actually better at thinking in encapsulated ways(if youu know programming you would know what I mean), which means we can cut off emotional bias in our though process or on the contrary think specifially emotionally.

>without accepting the social standards necessary for true liberty and economic growth
Such as?

Toooooooo fucking true

>not understanding that the welfare state is abolished in its entirety before the borders go away
Stop being a reactionary faggot and open your mind

>open-borders(regulated by private law instead(which requires occupency and homesteading) of collective law(which requires the inititation of force))

read the rest idiot.

actually they are the most pro border group.

when a business does not want niggers in their store, republicans AND democrats force him to comply with letting them in

under libertarianism he can close the borders of his personal property to niggers or anyone else he chooses not to associate with

>government paves roads

Nah they hire private companies to do this.

>maybe if I act like a cuck and a retard instead of fighting for my ideals they'll let me have my way.

That's already happening with the Republicans and Democrats running the country turning us into the United States of Jesus

>unironically shitposting about cucks
Gob sabe da gween :DDDDDD

Individual financial freedom.
Individual social freedom.
The only real problem I have with them is their want of open borders. They'd be pretty decent if it weren't for that.


Libertarians deal in what-if, not what-is

They fail to see that, even in their supposed libertarian utopia, collectivist groups would take over very quickly and undo their autistic non-aggression protocol

Because it requires people to think by themselves and forces them to bear the consequences of their choices. Most people are terrified of both prospects.

The NAP doesn't hold if you are aggressed against. Why do you think libertarians are so vehemently pro 2A?

True Story
> Go to work down the same road, every day
> Beautiful, perfect country road. Level, no potholes, great scenic landscape, absolutely nothing wrong with it
> Go to work one day same as any other, turn on the perfect road, stop dead in my tracks
> Cars backed up for a mile as construction dicks crawl down the road.
> Every few feet they stop, gouge out a little pit in the middle of the road, rinse, and repeat
> They go down the whole fucking road doing this turn a ten minute drive into nearly an hour
> Eventually I escape hell and go about my day
> I'm not worried on the way home, surely they must be done by now?
> I turn the corner, and there they fucking are
> They finished digging little pits every yard, now they have some assholes going the other way, stopping every few feet, getting out and putting a little reflective piece of shit in the road, as we speed along at 7 inches-per-hour
> The whole time I can't stop thinking, "Why are you assholes doing this now? Why not at night when no one's using this road? Why not on a fucking weekend? Why didn't you have this asshole following the asshole from before so you could get it all done at once? Why did you have to break the job up into two parts? Why the fuck do you need to do this at all?"
Not a lolbertarian, but I really wish the government wasn't managing our roads

Do you think niggers give a single shit about NAP?

Hell, in a libertarian society it might even be legal for nogs to shoot their employers if they hired good lawyers

Oh, but that never happens in your perfectly fantasyland :^)

You really don't understand libertarianism. It wouldn't be legal for 'groids to shoot their employers because it would be a violation of their right to life; attempting to violate that right would then nullify the NAP for the employer (as it would be a defensive act) and they would be free and clear to defend themselves by whatever means necessary to stop the immediate threat to their person.

>Hell, in a libertarian society it might even be legal for nogs to shoot their employers if they hired good lawyers
why are Finns allowed?

libertarianism is basically the idea that anyone should be able to do what ever they want to as long as it doesnt inflict violence on someone else

so if your neighbor wants to do meth, you should not be able to take the meth from him or you are stealing his property and you should be punished

if your neighbor wants to beat his dog, you cant stop him, because its his property

no social safety net unless you can fund it volentarily

no eugenics programs for high iq people to have children

you cannot force retarded or genetically defective people not to have children because its VIOLENCE

99% of libertarians are open border advocates, yes there are people like Hoppe but they are exceptions.

if someone buys rare artwork made by divinci and wants to destroy it, you cant psychically stop them because that would be immoral? according to libertarians yes.

Captn. Beefheart > zappa

Dude. I think we can both agree muffin man and Willie the pimp are masterpieces

Talk to the hand

You wear a Sears poncho

In lolbertarian paradise jews are free to take your daughters and give them to jamal in order to create a dumb muddy slave race. It's easy for them because they're able to freely unload the money and resources they usurped from goys directly into a mercenary army

>it's about freedom stormweenies

We get it, you like black cock

It's not like Mexicans open their own stores in town and breed. Libertarians sure have it figured out, just like how they believe that illegals don't get benefits.

We should allow corporations to walk all over us.

Libertarianism = constitutional government