Asian here

Asian here

Came to America when I was 20, lived in New York then Chicago for a while.
Then I did a 1 year stint in Alabama for work.

Now I'm living in California.

When I told someone I had lived in the south they said "oh im sorry, but at least you're out of there now."
I didn't understand and they told me the south has a history of racism
I looked into it a little and it seems like they were mostly Anti-black

Why do people assume that just because a person hates one race that automatically means they're going to hate another?

As an asian, I was treated worse up north than down south. Down south my color was never an issue.
Friendly as fuck too.

>this happened

I too make things up for Sup Forums

I don't get why people feel the need to lie on Sup Forums? What does it get you?

>successful asian browses 4tism

>anime loving weeb pretends to have the American Asian experience

Nice blog

Kill yourself chink

I think it's safe to say Sup Forums is officially dead

Kill yourself, proxynigger.

eat another cardboard stuffed bun chink

1 post by OP
just stop

You can't compare big city to small town.

You are comparing New York City and Chicago to bumfuck Alabama - probably Huntsville.

People in smaller towns are just nicer period. People in big cities are pretty racist.

Southern people are only friendly to your face. It's a christian morality thing.

Pretty sure they wouldn't invite you to their house. Westerners and Northerners are less likely to put up some christian facade and will be rude to your face.

The south isn't bad just because of racism. The south is full of some of the most uneducated double digit IQ retards in the country. The south is also poor as fuck and get more in federal aid than they give back. Their education system is shit and people there vote against their own best interests.

Liberals are retarded, news at 11.

From the south. I don't know anyone who hates the asians. Most of the asians down there hate the niggers too.

so? if neither are gonna invite you to dinner anyway, I would rather have someone be pleasant to me during our brief interactions

T. westerner

People out here aren't even always rude. There's just something off about the people here, seem kind of robotic and inhuman

Asian in the south here. This is a total lie. Unless you're black, they're friendly to everyone.

ur a faggot

The south is "poor" and scores low on IQ tests because there are so many niggers than being the average down. They don't work and can barely read and there are a ton of them.

Kentucky isn't the south.


People outside the south, like to imagine the south as full of racist, inbred, stupid hicks. This lets them feel superior, as they watch big bang theory and fuck their annoying wives/girlfriends that are addicted to reality TV.

Very infrequently will there be actual experience with people in the south.


>The south is full of some of the most uneducated double digit IQ retards in the country.
to be fair, having that many blacks has got bring down the average somewhat.
not saying that explains it all just saying it's got to hurt at least a little.

The South would literally be the best place on the planet to live if Lincoln shipped the slaves back to Africa.


I like the South better and I'm Indian.

Rich white liberals in the north like to think they are morally superior but most of them look like they don't have souls. You can tell by looking at their eyes. Everything they say come from their "brain" not their heart.

that was doomed from the start. Too many NI immigrants.

t.New England Master Race
t.Eternal Anglo

>all the fags ITT falling for the bait

>I like the South better and I'm Indian.
Are you a dot Indian or a feather Indian?

>injuns has slaves
>injuns fought for the confederacy
does Sup Forums approve of injuns?

The south isn't as bad as people say it's just the overly religous people and some people that are just plain racist like everywhere else

You have to go back