Are these people delusional?
Bernie Supporters
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We should be encouraging this 110%. If Comrade Bernie runs thirds 3rd party Clinton is toast, even if the FBI doesn't arrest her before the election.
He can still win according to delegate math, r-right guys?
He lost 2 momentum points last night but he still has 10 more from DC which puts him ahead of Clinton
>hillary dangles $200m in from of him
>threatens his family
Not gonna happen
Isn't he well past the deadline to register independent?
He might commit *suicide*
if he wins 2200% of DC's delegates, he clinches the nomination
clinton should be worried :^)
These people have never been told the word no
Yea by at least a month, I think more tho
It's just sad at this point. Ordinary people would admit that their guy lost and start thinking about where they go from there. Instead all these Bernouts are still telling themselves they still have a shot or that they "won" already because he brought all his delusional leftist talking points into play this election. I have so many Bernie fans on my Facebook and it makes me sad how far from reality they've removed themselves
>clinton would be forced to drop out and endorse Bernie
Top fucking Kek. Haven't these idiots ever heard of "No Loser Laws"?
Even if that happens, Trump will still win. 13 States wouldn't put Bernie on the ballot. He's guaranteed those States no matter what
He should! I'm going to donate $100 to the bernie independent party campaign. Who's with me?
Bernie is being an egotistical selfish prick.
He's gone nanners and should have endorsed Hillary last night but he is so hellbent on a "revolution" he is actually going to bring it
Expect violence in Philadelphia.
[spoiler]but your answer is yes[/spoiler]
Of course they're delusional. Otherwise they wouldn't be socialist or democrat.
he should run independent
he would make the 15% threshold
and Trump would win
>He has more support than either Hillary or Trump
>facts don't matter, I said it on /r/sandersforpresident so it has to be true
Conaidering they're creating an alternate reality where Bernie has 100% of the vote but is being denied by The Establishment(tm) because they're big meanieheads, I think we need to come up with a new term more extreme than just delusional. Bern brained maybe? Delegatelusional?
kek, at least these guys are amusing
When do we start our psyops to get them to our side?
I am pretty sure he could still register in some states as an independent, but he will be dropped from a lot of state ballots
I'll match so he can steal shillary votes.
MAGA my nigga
You are so used to a 2 party system that you don't even realise that would half hillarys votes while Trump remains the same. It would be a huge advantage if there were 3 big candidates
underrated post
The democratic party didn't exist in 1792.
The smart thing would be to poison the well against Hillary and Johnson. Find why they would scare Bernie's base and make that synonymous with Clinton/Johnson. You wouldn't ever have to say Trump's name. If the MSM are going to make his brand racism, then avoid using his name until the other candidates are perceived so poorly and enough time has passed that they will naturally come to Trump.
>Silent majority
Their livechat is fun
You are talking to LCV 1
7 minutes ago
7 minutes ago
7 minutes ago
How may I help you?
7 minutes ago
i was just wondering why you're still doing this, didnt sanders lose?
7 minutes ago
We are working for the Political Revolution all the way to the Convention in July. We are still phonebanking. DC votes next.
5 minutes ago
Can I help you with a phonebanking question?
5 minutes ago
isn't phonebanking just harassment?
5 minutes ago
No, it isn't. Every campaign in history has had voter contact tools, including phonebanking. Can I help you with a phonebanking question?
4 minutes ago
can I use your site to phonebank for Trump?
4 minutes ago
No, you cannot. I would hope you have something better to do with your day than come here and harass a volunteer who is doing what she thinks best. Goodbye.
3 minutes ago
3 minutes ago
i'm about to go bed, im from England
3 minutes ago
Good. I think you must need sleep.
2 minutes ago
yeah I have a job
2 minutes ago
As do I. Goodbye.
2 minutes ago
please stop attacking trump supporters though, violence is bad
2 minutes ago
No one I know has done such a thing. I am now not responding to you again as my tolerance for it is at an all time low. Goodbye.
a few seconds ago
I always knew tolerance was an aspect Bernie supports lack
kek, what sad people
Britain bringin' the bantz!
DNC riots when?
Great idea, he should do this!
>I always knew tolerance was an aspect Bernie supports lack
Haha, they only ever go to certain boards on Reddi.t They never leave their homes. And when they do, they only ever hang out with people who think and do the exact same things that they do. So yes, obviously they're delusional.
Fun vid, but trump is racist for wanting to secure boarder
Nice, cont?
Yes, they're extremely delusional and it's a cancer upon the political scene.
I don't have any idea what piqued the curiosity of the autistic this year.
>Are these people delusional?
>Supporters of Bernie Sanders
Gee, I wonder.
She left. I wasn't lying when I said I was going to bed!
Bernie really should run as an independent for the good of the country
So should Ted cruz
England bringing the heat.
A big chuck of them are genuine communists so, that should answer your question (yes).
I gues clinton should have thought of that before rigging this
Brutal finish. Top banter.
>has more support than hillary or Trump
>if hillary doesn't drop out Trump is elected
Every time a libtard attempts to use logic or basic math, I further strengthen my belief that they are liberal because they can't fathom complex dynamic systems or basic math.
bernie is the hero america deserves, but not the one it needs right now.
he shouldn't run. instead wait for the next election when america wakes up and realizes the destruction caused by hillary / trump.
They need to donate more money
If only all of his supporters would become an hero too.
Fuck that. When do we start our psyops to advocate violence against Hillary supporters so they truly feel the bern. I don't want Bernie supporters in our side, I want them destroying the democratic party
>They need to throw away more money
Fixed that for you
But If they donate more money he will surely win!
I am now a #Bernsvictim
Fucking kek
why are you guys against Bernie? dont you hate hillary even more? i think hillary is worse than bernie
So what happens to the insane amount of money he's raised once he drops out?
Does he get to keep it all?
To be fair, this accurately describes most of Sup Forums as well.
Good thing you're a Britbong. Stop alienating the bernbros. They're needed.
Dont say that!
We dont want the dear comrade shooting himself, two times, in the back of the head and drag himself 10 feet after the fact.
That would just be cruel
>Has more support than Hillary or Trump
>they both have more votes than him individually
they're all heroes.
they rose up against tyranny. fought for what they believed in; a fair, just america. they shamed corperate greed, entitlement, and political corruption.
they need to remain diligent. not gave in and back hillary because shes the "nominee." she's not our nominee.
So you amerifats don't realise Bernie running as an independent will only solidify Trumps position? We should be supportive of this.
they don't care
they care about leddit cucks crying more
"an hero" ... eliot roggers style. not "a hero". liberals cant into interwebs talk
True, reminder that Trump keeps telling Bernie to go independent and that the primary was rigged against him
>hey fellow interwebs faggonymous anonyfags look at me I'm an oldfag I've been around since Elliot Rodger
I'm not with you
>I refuse to be a cuck.
>Not realising Bernie running as an independent only helps Trump
Wew lad.
>Can I help you with a phonebanking question?
>4 minutes ago
>can I use your site to phonebank for Trump?
Top keeeek
I'm sorry, but did Bernie Sanders already lose? Oh, that's right. The election isn't even over yet. In fact, it's only June. Does not having the lead in June count as a loss? Is that what you're saying? Because if you're saying that I can assure you that you're wrong. Why would you make this topic when the election is still on? Bernie Sanders is still campaigning right now and they have been the best canidate in the Democrat party for how many years now? Hes campaigning against one of the worst president canidates in US history who just happen to have a lead because they're feeding off the energy of winning his home state. But you know what? He still fuckin sucks. Bernie Sanders is one of the best fucking canidates in the US history, he had been the best politician the last 25 years and would of won the presidentcy if the he ran in 2008. Maybe you should shut the fuck up before you make retarded topics like this. You know why? Because you're going to be embarrassed when the Sanders wins and someone bumps this topic. Oh look at that, Trump not even a real canidate when the republicans really needed to get one, just like the Jeb was. Are you a fucking drunk? Are you retarded? Are you autistic? You are a fucking idiot and you should never make a topic on this board again and I'm fucking serious. I almost have a feeling you're the only guy making all these anti-Sanders topics because you're an autist who doesn't like Bernie because hes good. Fuck you, be good at something in YOUR life and then maybe try to troll these fucking canidates on the board, like I give a fuck. It's so easy to spot out your threads now, you're a retard. Always doing stupid shit like this. Why don't you try to be a good poster? Just for once? For once in your fucking life try not to make a topic like this. That's just you, you're always right at getting it wrong. Fuck you. You are nothing.
The entire sanders campaign was just a big scam taking advantage of the users of plebbit
They're still siphoning money from the jobless cunts from reddit as we speak
>those fucking team names
My fucking sides. They're pandering (through pop culture) even when they're tallying who phonebanks (and the fact that they even have a leaderboard for it shows how much they love getting attention).
This fucking election man...
He would be 78 years old.
this is a jewish scheme to get more money from dupes by donations