Redpill me on Saddam Sup Forums was he good...

Redpill me on Saddam Sup Forums was he good? I don't like how he was bombing the Kurds but I do like how he made Iraq strong and kept it stable until he was killed.

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He was based, he was selling oil in Gold which would have destroyed the Federal Reserve and every Jewish bank simply by the laws of the free market

He purged his government, "Traitors are many"

Based. The only good sunni.

If he hadn't used mustard gas on his own civilians he would still be in power and Iraq would look like arizona and not tatooine

I wouldn't want to live under him but the World was a safer place with him in power

same Nerve gas USA sold him ..Kek

what about the western countries that sold it to him?

he was a brutal dictator but his bullshit didn't spread beyond his backyard.


Quiet goy!

He didn't execute my christian parents like ISIS would have done so he can't be all that bad.

There wouldn't be any terrorists in Iraq and Iraq might've even become the dominant power in the middle east.

we say tomato an they say tamoto !
the Arabs are a firece strong religious folk an .. in our eyes the hand lopping off an heads is horrible but we killed so called witches an the spanish inquisition...ffs .... It was what his people understood ..! same with Gaddaffi in Libya ..another strong moderate arab leader for all rights if religion ok ..

are you a jap ..?

Whoah, our enemies won't do business with us? Really makes you think

Yep. We should never have killed Gaddafi. The few good Muslim leaders are always the ones that get killed.

The Big Bad Wolf we all Know is the Royal Sauds ...

they engineered all the wars in ME in last 60 yrs Fact

You weren't enemies with Iraq then. You only became enemies after the invasion of Kuwait.

He was fucking awful but awful is the best Arabs can do when not ruining everything for everyone

So essentially your argument is the same one as anti-gun groups.

Punish the person who sold it, not the person that used it.

Please tell me Sup Forums isn't anti-gun.

He dindu nuffin.

Gassed Kurds, fags and kikes alike. Stabilized an entire Sub-Continent.

He was such a moderat an ?Sauds wanted an isis terror group in his country same as syria ..ME stablise an get their Oil Prices up after giving it away for the last 15 yrs too the west for miltary regime change
I would nuke Sudia arabia ! I mean it

he knew terrorist can only be kept in line with tough love also tried to kill jewish bankins by stoping the use of monopoly money but good ones die young ME was a better place with him in power

Meh. Gassing the kurds was used as an excuse for invasion. See here The guy kept a lid on groups that are now ISIS. As bad as Western cucks may think he was, he was a product of mid east culture and politics and the world is now much more volatile and dangerous for his death.

No he was bad but it doesn't mean the West should have toppled him. Neocons are fucking retarded and didn't realise Iran was going to take over Iraq the moment it fell. The argument for it being the right decision is that most evidence leads to the belief Iraqis are far happier today. Birth rates have skyrocketed in Afghanistan and Iraq like the post-ww2 period

Saddam was bad because of his Arab nationalist policies. He tried to 'Arabize' Iraq. Iraq is an extremely diverse country and has some groups that predate Islam. A lot of these groups don't really identify as Arab and were stomped on for a number of reasons. Basically, Saddam contributed to Iraq becoming more homogeneous and fracturing ethnic identities more than ever.

Just watched the movie devil's double
They were up to no good those boys. But I still like Saddam as he let women be women no hijab shit.
And better than latter day Iraq.fuck dubyqa

But as the USA sent/sold Chem weapons to every ME country ..
Dont get prissy upset that he uses them ok .. FFs ..Grow up get in Big Boy Pants an stop being ..well well we dindu nuthin TOP Tier Kek

No retard, this is before the war, where Saddam no longer wanted to back up the petrodollar. Saddam would still sell America oil, but he would accept any currency, not just USD.

And since the USD is backed up by oil and not gold, it would completely destroy the US economy.

with USA Chem weapons an then had yank tanks too ..Kek
But you Merifats just run away then ok

I just think it's appropriate to point out that the same groups who demonized him for using those weapons were the same people who gave them to him

just like the West needs more blame for helping to create ISIS in its current form

no it wouldnt you fucking dumbass. This is just conspiracy bullshit from 10 years ago.

The USD gets its support from being the world reserve currency, not from the petrodollar which is drops in the bucket. Being the world reserve currency means that whenever there's a crisis everyone buys US treasuries as a safe haven.

Petrodollar is effectively meaningless. Purchases of oil have been steadily shifting into euros and yuan for the last few years. It's not going to do shit

Agreed But CIA /USA Played him badly
^ can say this every country as a leading terrorist

During that Build up Western Armies Gulf war Its Fact .. Saudis gave oil free to the west undermine the ME countries ..


>"we dindu nuffin'! we wuz gud bois just needin' sum money from those WMDs for muh programs..."

that has absolutely nothing to do with what I was talking about. Saudis hated and feared Saddam and Iran so they were playing their own game.

>being this much of a Jew

The US was only the reserve currency when it was backed by gold, under the agreement that they would only print $35 for every ounce of gold they have.

The US obviously broke this agreement and now back it up with other people's oil, forcing people to use USD if they want oil.

Oil has always been sold in USD and still is lying kike. Only China, Russia, India, and some other non-white countries, trade food for oil and do secret deals with nations like Iran who are sanctioned because they do not want to sell oil for USD.


The Kurds were waging war against the Iraqi government.
US sanctions on Iraq killed more than 3 times he amount of people he killed keeping his nation from splitting apart.
You can say he was heavy handed but his actions werent any worse than say Abraham Lincoln's.
He still was in no means a good guy but hardly the "new Hitler" that PNAC propaganda called him.
That isnt why Saddam was taken down.

Get to watching newfriend

Gaddafi was actually a good leader and didn't really do anything wrong.
Same with Assad.

But he had to go so we could use his army's weapons to foster what has become Isis to take down Assad.
For Israeli interest of course.

The "Saddam was taken down to protect the petrodollar" conspiracy theory is misdirection.


I bet you think glock should be held accountable for every murder committed with one too.

Glock would under current law be held accountable legally if they knowingly sold their guns to people prohibited owning them by law.

You're absolutely fucking retarded. the USD is still the reserve currency it just isn't backed by gold anymore. Please do the world a favour and kill yourself

LOL I collect these. And Gaddafi ones as well.

he was a progressive secular arabic leader who fought for his people against islamists, communists and worse
and the terrorist states of america killed him for it

what about invading Iran? fuck off roach

>The "Saddam was taken down to protect the petrodollar" conspiracy theory is misdirection.
No, its not. Stop being a faggot and claiming there can only be "1 reason".

the shills are on us now abandon


nice try

you know we have ID's n SHIEET??

I'm Assyrian born in Dohuk, Iraq

Saddam was the greatest leader for that country, he developed Iraq economically and brought electricity and all the highest technologies available into Iraq at that time, he was secular (probably secretly an atheist who disliked muslims, he allowed for muslims to convert to christianity and openly allowed missionaries to try and convert muslims) and treated us well, he was so kind to our people and even promoted Assyrians and Christians to the highest positions of government and the military

As for the Kurds, well, we've never had a good relationship with them so we didn't care about what he did to them

As for terrorism and these Daeshi cunts currently Iraq, ISIS and whoever, this never would have happened with Saddam, he would have had them killed the second these sick ideas entered their minds and spoke them in public (or probably even in private)

When I was growing up, no one even knew the difference between a shia or a sunni, classes were mixed with Christians and Muslims and while there were some classes about the quran, the Christians didn't have to attend them, we could go outside and play (I think Saddam did away with these types of classes in mostly Christian communities after we left, not sure)

Anyways, we left when I was about 9 years old, 31 now and I have nothing but good things to say about Iraq under Saddam. Yes, invading Iran and Kuwait was stupid, but domestically, he kept everything quiet, stable, and developed, he was a good man who cared about his country and people, no matter their ethnic background or religion, but his power over time turned him into what in Arabic is called a "mejnoon"

Yeah, any the Kurds weren't innocent victims.
Already in Syria and Iraq, Kurdish groups are at it again, exterminating Assyrian Christians so they can form their Marxist state, and/or establish total Islamic and Kurdish ethnic domination of the region.

Who gives a fuck if he was good or bad. That was obviously irrelevant when he was removed.

He never did anything wrong. He killed Kurds who launched an insurgency against him, as any leader would do, he launched a war against Iran because they were constantly conducting border raids and funding terrorists in the country and then he invaded Saudi Arabia and Kuwait because even after he fought for him those countries tried to cripple him economically. Literally the best Arab leader alive, if Hitler was alive they'd be friends.


>He never did anything wrong.
Except attacking neighbors.

Do you have any stories or memories about him in public? Like speaking in public or going out himself to see how things were in people's normal and every day lives?
Visiting school etc.

It wasn't in public, but I remember Saddam used to send trucks and pile them with flowers to be taken to all the churches in our city during Christmas time. Us kids used to help the drivers load them.

He was so kind to us, we even referred to him as "Uncle Saddam"

He was a piece of shit who ruled over a country populated by diarrhea.

No one ever talks about how France was buddy-buddy with Saddam for decades

Varg Vikerness's family worked for Saddam.

No I am not making this up.

His dad was an engineer for Saddam's regime