Besides Canada and Australia, which countries have the best shitposters?
Besides Canada and Australia, which countries have the best shitposters?
The U.S simply because of our wide melting pot of friendship diversity
What kind of lesser race did you post you disgraced faggot.
>Vinny's first time trying to shitpost
Who is that semen demon
Finland's shitposters are pretty funny.
Is that Jane Marie?
You will never have as good of wine as France. Your wine should be reclassed as glorified grape paste.
>best shitposters
c,mon this is bait?
UK has some pretty good Shitposters. Romania has some simple Shitposters but their bantz are on point.
Shut up you nigger faggot.
When are you undergoing the transition surgery?
You will never get rid of niggers.
Canada is terrible at shitposting.
Just like in all other endeavors they try to imitate more successful people and fail.
Its like Kevin O'Leary thinking he can run for PM because Trump is.
That picture of blue eyed blond haired Scandinavian Wojaks with Romania hastily edited in behind them with blond hair and blue eyes makes me laugh everytime.
Ooh look at you, such a fucking big boy using mean words like nigger faggot
Don't you have some muzzies to pull out the ocean, pastanigger?
When this card is activated, all posters gibe moni too mi
Winland :DDDDDDD
I love you little brother, even if you can be anoying as hell sometimes.
Florida in the US probably has the best shitposters next to Australia.
Something about an inhospitable environment, heat, drugs, and tons of alcohol turns them the maddest.
I've lived in florida only for a few years now, and I am feeling myself going insane. You see the craziest shit every day on the street, and no one pays any attention to it.
Thus spoke the paki. I want a kebab now.
Make me a kebab muzzie. Spicy please.
I want to shit in it and then throw it at you.
Fucking Paki. I will fuckin kill you. I want your last words to be 'Luigi please be merciful with me I have 8 children and a wife to care for'. The police will find you drowned and burnt in boiling mozzarella cheese.
This is very true. I see kids fighting each other with parents making out on park benches. I have service reps and servers that are pants on head retarded. It is also the worste state for mental health in the country, one of the most horrible place for mental health in the world. Nobody can afford it so we have a bunch of crazy assholes everywhere. Also spics can't drive, and the heat.
California. They're the ones who always cuckpost and post porn
didnt know irish posters were this bad
Reminder that you guys only complain us because you have small dicks.
I'd suck her toes and drink her natural champaign. But that's as far as it'd go.
I will kill you too damn potato.
Why didn't your parents die in some kind of famine you lesser race untermensch.
Cromwell will return and genocide you Catholic goblins once and for all.
Fucking hell man why are you so angry
>that one jap who blows the fuck out of anyone with no mercy
Should be rangebanned tb.h Iad
Also funland's shitposting is on point. And balkan posters too, especially Bulgarians and Romanians. Racemixing with gypsies and turks does wonders
Because his name is actually Vinny and I called him out on being unable to shipost
>That time he almost WW3 with Korea.
The madman.