
Should we hate Finland?


people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones, Sweden. your country is the butt of every joke right now. just go with the flow and stop causing rift.

No we should hate Sweden

Fucking Somalian subhumans


Why not? Everything can be hated to Sup Forums.

They have mongol blood and sheit.

Look who's talking.



islamist dog

Finns are awesome

no. soldiers of odin originated there

yeah you should hate white people

Nah they don't bother anyone, unless they're raping you in hockey

Thanks Germany

Why not?

Just like the Swedes

But I don't think they need more hatred, they're like the most bullied country on Sup Forums

Those "Swedes" are actually Finnics. Entire Northern Sweden used to be Finno-Ugric and later on it was settled further by Finns.

At least our police are openly acknowledging in the media that the rapefugees are a problem

Based finnfobba ;_;7

They produce amazing folk music thus no.

fuck off swedenistan


Based Fobba.

What is that map supposed to mean? Could you atleast attempt to form an argument?

It's a benis, Juuso-Santeri
Finland is the balls, it's a shame Sweden lost 'em to Russia in 1809, it's why they're so cucked nowadays

Where does it say that?

The "Far-Eastern" component is brought by the reindeer gypsies, was it Finnish_D or Swedish_D. The reindeer gypsies resided in northern Sweden. Finns have always lived in the southern parts with other Finnics such as Estonians and Livonians.

You can clearly see the pseudo Siberian distribution in this map.

if i visit sweden would it be easy to find a blonde fuckboy like the memes?

If you hate Cuckden, then yes.


The eternal Swede sees only two options: Either everybody is wrong, or Sweden is wrong. The eternal Swede will never concede that Sweden is wrong. The existence of the eternal Swede, therefor, is spent in constant attack against all that is good.


oh fugg :DDD

finlan stronk

No, and neither should you. A lot of DNA tests have proven Swedes and Finns are essentially the same people. After Sweden becomes New Somalia, Finland is going to be the last remnant of Swedish culture. You should appreciate them more.




No you fucking retard.

Having been friends with a Finn for over 8 years and meeting many of her Finn friends, no, fuck you Sweden. Finns are based, if a tad odd.


Thank you Estonia, you are the bestest of brother (and really the last brother of us anyway)