Trump can't make proper speech

What the hell amerifats? I've just view some videos with Donald Trump speeches and they just sucks. He have no charisma, no good voice, no arguments.

C'mon amerifats, do you have no standards? Are you really mindless idiots that will sell their soul to person who can't even make proper speech? Even though he fucks up every rule of making a good, entrancing speech it sinks in your minds.

Shit. Even polish politicians knows basics of the rhetorical arts. Why are you support such a moron?

PS: Doesn't seen Clinton speeches yet, but I don't give a fuck about her.

A man like Trump only comes along once in a generation and he is always unique to the culture and time which spawned him. Comparing him to other great leaders of men is fallacious.

Hitler for example, exemplified the Teutonic fury of post-Wilhelmian Germany, it's Wagnerian majesty and its perverted streak of syphilitic madness. Everything in his life, personality and spirit bent towards this.

So it is with Trump. He is America made flesh.

How did your speeches work when the Germans invaded?

>not appreciating art of words
>only caring about art of war

but you have a point that our diplomacy was a shit before II WW

Speeches are corny and old-fashioned. I think it would be for the best if politicians abandoned the format for good.

Because americans are mostly dumbasses constantly stupefied by entertainment and an unhealthy way of life.
40% of them still think god created human 10 000 years ago.

It's not a meme, most of them are truly retards, especially republicans.
They have an highly efficient elite which carries the country really hard but the vast majority of them are utter retards who could not tell you what a fallacy is.
Why creating elaborated arguments when you can have more success by throwing catchphrases than a 9 years old could easily grasp ?

>memes becoming reality

Barack Obama gave great speeches.

>So it is with Trump. He is America made flesh.

Trumps is a bigoted narcissist who only represents other throwbacks like himself, only much much much poorer. Clinto will win because he has alienated so many women, immigrants, blacks, Hispanics, gays, republicans and democrats.

His fiscal policy? "It's gonna be great"
His immigration policy? "It's gonna be great"
His foreign policy? "It's gonna be great"
His judicial policy? "It's gonna be great"

It's like he deliberately set out to expose the dimwits for what they are and hand the election to Hillary (or Bernie).


It's 6000 years ago you retard.


His speeches are mostly improvisef. They aren't speeches in the sense Obana's speeches are speeches.


No really sure how you're denying my point. 21st century America is a culture of materialism, voyeurism and false bravado. All qualities which Trump embodies to the extreme.

Clinton may win, but she cannot be the one. She is false, she presents an image of what America would like to be, whereas Trump is what it is, in it's very soul.

I bet you didn't even listen to his most recent victory speech proxyfag

Because his words are of his own. You cannot trust Ohomo or Klantons speeches, they're just reading off a teleprompter.

it is nice to know for once though what a candidate actually thinks instead of his advisors and speech writers

sure it's a little rough around the edges but i appreciate it

>what america would like to be
you cant be serious

This. The frenchie is right. The 20% has been basically carrying the US economy for over 20 years now. The rest of America is basically dead weight that's either on welfare or working disappearing, irrelevant manual labor jobs.

Why do you even care? Fuck off irrelevant potato face


>Journalist: "By the way, let's just put this in perspective, you said it hasn't been easy for you, but my dad gave me a million-dollar loan. That probably is going to seem pretty easy to a lot of people."

>Trump:"You're right, but a million dollars isn't very much compared to what I've built"

whoau, i'm impressed...this is what i call a stupid answer

>speech of the century
>immediately shrugged off by female board
Nice government you got there sausage

This... Trump is speaking to the MAJORITY.

I know most of you EUfags like to THINK that the general population of your nations is somehow more "cultured and urbane" than the majority of ours... however, the truth is that the majority of humanity is fucking RETARDED.

Trump knows this and speaks off the cuff, repeating his message in simple terms over and over so that it sinks in to their thick skulls.

Or he could go with Professionally written Obama speeches and people would KNOW he's a fake, because they expect his CHARACTER they know from his decades on TV and in the news. A Brash, no-holds barred capitalist success who gets what he wants.

Imagine him reading some Obama shit like:
>We, as Americans shall invoke a new, positively uplifting era of hope, solidarity and prosperity for each and every individual...together. Now, let me be perfectly clear here... etc etc etc.

fuck no. He's like,
>We're going to do "X", and it'll be awesome because America's being run by shitheads and we're gonna make it great again!

>I've just view some videos with Donald Trump speeches and they just sucks.
Probably because you don't know how to speak or write in English, Pole. Why don't you go get conquered again, hmm? Trump is an excellent speaker.
>inb4 speaks like a retard
That's the leftist explanation for how he can speak in a way that everyone understands.

>Trying to shill here, like we're going to change our minds

Cool waste of time, bro

>people think the president has an iota of power or makes any of his own decisions

Worry about not losing your country every 100 years then talk about others.

You're just jealous because no European country has somebody like Trump running for president or pm. Lightweights like Farage, Orban and Le Pen will never accomplish shit

We don't care about policy or anything like that, we need a cult of personality and despite his inability to say anything of substance Trump is able to be the loudest idiot in the room. Since he was airhorning what the GOP usually dogwhistles the republican primary base ate it up

It's gonna be amazing now in the General though, because 70% of america is not racist white dudes, and that's who Trump's been courting hardcore so far.

He has the veto power and isn't required to listen to advice before making executive action. That's about an iota.

>70% of the people who voted for Trump thusfar are comprised of mostly "racist white dudes"

Why don't you go take a look at a few dozen random Trump rally photos, take a good look at the crowd and keep that in mid as you ponder upon the act that he has drawn the HIGHEST number of voters and new registrants for the GOP in it's entire recorded history.

Then go fuck yourself with a broken beer bottle just for being (You).

Our house is on fire.
Trump is the only one who acknowledges this out of thirty charismatic, well-spoken morons stumbling around a burning house they insist is not burning.

you forgot

that short haired girl with the red shirt and headset twirling a pen is adorable and I want to kiss her

He's so fucking American he breathes the united states flag.

gtfo shill
You cannot watch Trump without feeling happy and cheering out loud
he is simply that perfect

Sorry all, I'm now a #cruzwhistle
