They're annoying, uninformative, unfunny and retarded 99% of the time
Their shitposts are shit tier.

I agree, everything would be better if Canada didn't exist

I think they're about to destroy themselves in the next couple of years, so don't worry about it bro.

They won't last much longer with the state their economy is in. Also, they're likely to start getting the Sweden treatment if they keep importing mudslimes.

I agree..
>boxed water
>bagged milk
Fuck Canada

Don't forget this (((clown)))
He's a grown up man who is a father too and still acts like a child.

My mom says I'm cool.

That's what I'm talking about.

>Canada gets a Sup Forums star
>Hes a lobertarian

Why do pissant countries like Hungary think they have the right to an opinion on a G7 country?

Hungary's average wage is 3 times lower than Canada's, and your country is known for absolutely nothing except being another eastern european shithole nobody cares about or would ever visit.

So how about you take that shitposting energy, save up 10 years of your third world salary and move to a country that isn't a joke?

i have zero problem with canadian posters

Umm since when does anyone care about your PARIAH country you fat milk drinker?

Why don't you go drown in a bag of cheetos you disgusting acne monster? Why not livestream you killing yourself with a mossberg fag?

You are a MEME and so is your joke country.

CANNOT WAIT until Hillary destroys trump and I can come here EVERYDAY after the election to destroy you queers worse than when you LOSERS backed Romney.

>muh trump
>muh maga
will turn into
>muh tailpipe
>muh garage closed
>muh mommy pays for my funeral

>known for absolutely nothing
Canadian education

you do now

...said Canada, right before gobbling down Jamal's cock with his eyes fixated on a picture of Justin Trudeau in turban, kissing a man, on his wall.

I really dislike this discrimination against Canadians that has popped up, especially this >leaf garbage.

All the countries make shitty posts, when an american flag makes a shitpost they're just called a jew, shill etc. But if a canadian flag does it, obviously it's because they're canadian.

It's extremely hurtful and I would like it if people took posters to the content of their posts, and not their flag.

You mad at our swag m8s?

Thank you

I'd love to play Jenga with Onion-bro :3

Stop duty free shopping in my country.

>Extremely buthurt


Bagged Milk is much better than Boxed Milk or cartoned milk

noone wants those flaky pieces of carton in their drink

You empty the bag into a container though, counterproductive.

no you don't you empty them into a glass and drink it.





lol you guys still have your own country? Amazing the Austrians have let you carry on for so long alone.

>a fucking leaf


I would like to interject and say that the Canadians you refer to as "DUDE WEED"s and "A FUCKING LEAF" are people who reside in Canada, but we do not refer to them as Canadian as they generally shit up the rest of the country. These people are from, or currently reside anywhere east of Saskatchewan, and generally brain dead sjw hippie folk who have nothing better to do than shit up anything they can.

Any leaf posting with a shred of sense, compassion, and wit will likely be from Western Canada, as we are far enough away from the east to be unaffected by the cuckoldry radiating from them.

If I ever make it into politics, secession would be my first goal.

here we have a well done canadian

>Leafs being this buttblasted

Canadian men are cute in my experience tho :3
t. tytynyms :3

Go do something productive, assassinate the le weedman for example. Spark a revolution.
I don't even understand how he can still be in power

The only good leaf in here

Why don't you eat something if you're so hungry?

They're already genociding themselves. I wouldn't worry about it.

honestly im not even sure op is hungarian or not

these kind of threads usually created by proxy romanians just to pish off some random nation against the hungarians

this would not be the first case and later in other threads they are laughing how talented they were

I lowkey enjoy Canada's dad jokes intermixed with violent outbursts of anger

Does this scare you, leaf boy?

I agree with you 100%. Canada is home of the Cuck. Its a blue pilled to the max SJW paradise. The best part is Canadians are so smug about how educated and informed they are. LOL. This place is going down the shitter badly. There are no jobs, welfare and government parasites are rampant. We need Trump to save us.

You heard him burgers. Fix your hat.


Yeah, western Canada is alright. Vancouver and Victoria not so much.


Western Canada is a joke, and it's unbelievable that anyone would genuinely believe otherwise. Alberta is easily the most anti-Canadian province, and British Columbia is THE weed/immigrant province. I can't think of anything Vancouver is known for other than their gooks and stoner.

I can't say anything about Saskatchewan, you don't hear much come out of there. Are you sure it's inhabited?

>appropriating finnish meme culture
not cool bro

check em'

Come on guys, #NotAllCanadians are rats

moi oon tyty :3

Trips don't lie

fuck you

Oh come on, buddy. Everyone around here knows that there's been a shitload of fpbp to come out of Canada. It's just that a lot of Canadian shitposting is not even funny, at all. It's just obnoxious. But whatever. I don't get all buttblasted when I see some 14 year old Burger say something stupid as fuck, and have to look at all the
>American education system
responses. Just roll with it man, and try to out shit post the actual just regular SHIT posting Canadians. You know, the ones that seem like they say shit to just not be funny.

It's one thing to be obnoxious and funny, but it's another to just be obnoxious.

And I wish more people would call me burger, as it is my favorite food.

My inner Sup Forumstard chuckled a bit at this

Any updates on the fire my northern friendos?

I hate almost everyone here so it doesn't really bother me at all if nobody likes me.

B-but... Mongolian brotherhood and all..


That's okay, cause I hate you too

says the irrelevant country to a somewhat less irrelevant country.

I wont deny it, we've done fuck all since WW2.

Lib Leaf Genocide when?

Alright, you're alright.

Did you already turn your anthem into gender neutral garbage?
Where is your weed?
How much gold does your country have?
How many rapefugees did you already took in?

Ok you fucking, maple syrup slurping piece of gender neutral shit. Before you insult Hungary look at your pathetic arab-loving weedman in charge and think about it. In next year's you will lose more and more money, your neighborhoods will be filled with arab scum, your already slutty women will drink so much brown semen that your maple syrup market will crush and this all thanks to Mr It's man.



Agreed. Canada sucks hard. Trump wins, I'm moving to US (legally of course)

yeah known for being the latter part of austria-hungary
the latter part of a shitty empire that always loses

Canada will be annexed once we MAGA

And what the fuck war has Canada won without riding the coat tails of America or Britain?

You are fucking embarrassing yourself

Please do. But you'll have to purge the lefties, they're fucking rampant up here.

Give me a gun and I'll help out of course.

I blame the Molsen and their lifetime of gibmedat culture.



>all these american boys mad because american women have maple fever

Everyone knows Sup Forums is satire, leafbro

What's the difference between a Canadian and an STD?
The STD has a chance of getting in a woman's pants.



You forgot the proxy burger.

Must be spreading over to your side by now.

Oih :3 samoin sisko :3 hihii me vaan täällä höpsöjen poikien keskellä :3 ne ei aavista mitään :DD

huutis starttaa
t. tytynyyms :3

lmao all these triggered hungary fags enjoy living in your shit country retards I'll be enjoying my free money later this year

Stop being weird, Finland.

>You don't hear much about Saskatchewan
Because we have a stable economy, conservative provincial government and 85+% white. I love it when Eastern cucks talk shit about Western Canada when you guys are infested with kebabs, nogs, poo-in-loos, ching chongs and faggots.

stay triggered western degenerate

Why the fuck do you like Eastern Canada so much? Cause we have fucking Toronto? Toronto is literally a shit hole, so is the rest of the god damned country. Can't wait till the lib purge when trump comes northbound.

Hys hys älä paljasta! :3 Opettelin tekemään tekoviikset maskaralla ja kaikkea :3 näyttää vähän homolta mutta aattelin väittää et on sukua Ruotsista niin eiköhän se tästä :3
t. tytynyymiliini :3

I have no idea what you're talking about, dude

t. boynyms >:3


Could you translate the Elven speech please?

Strangely enough, Australians are the best posters on this board....Could Australia and Canada represent the duality between ideals?

Day of the chore when?

Since the time I say it, leaf summerfags are cancer, seriously, get out.

Oh uh it's a secret :3 it's just normal boy stuff haha :D not girly at all :P we're talking of uh army stuff :3

t. totally a boynyymi >:3


Any poster on this board who defends Canada really must be proud of something that I don't understand.
I was raised in newfoundland, thats a small irish province farthest east. We are a very stupid people, we will vote in whoever says "We will tax you less, even if it means we go into bankruptcy because our debt is that large".
Canada's cities are all lined on the border. Nobody wants to live anywhere more than 10 km away from the US. Do you know how fucked everything is, and how little our government is trying? Our welfare ( this is my province so I don't know if this applies nation wide ) is 10 weeks work, for 42 weeks unemployment at $1000 a week. Since our economy is mostly tradesmen in oil, or someone out with gloves on doing some matter of dirty work, millions of people each year end up taking money from working people, and just blowing it on random shit. We have power outages all the time, our generators are always blowing up, cutting out, catching on fire, some random catastrophe.
If you don't speak french, you get looked at like you are actually retarded.
You might be happy with where in the country you live, but isn't it sad that we are so divided and angry that we try to shit on america, literally the only thing that keeps us in peripheral relevance on a global scale? I don't get offended when Sup Forums shits on Canada, Canada thinks its the greatest thing in the world, when the only reason we never go to war, is because our budget won't allow it, and then we just slap liberalism on it and give ourselves peace prizes. We are the reason Trudeau is there, because we are stupid. Our education, welfare, military, unemployment, spending, and global standing all suck ass. Not only is Trudeau there, but we fucking eat him up, we eat him by the shovel load, everyone fucking loves him, he has amazing approval ratings. Nobody here gives a shit anymore, neither do I. You know what my only complaint is? I really wish we had hot dogs in our gas stations.
Thanks guys

Tfw horrible shitpost and ppl love me

This, Australians, even when seemingly annoying and stupid, are really just bringing the bantz. Leaf posters, however, are just try hards that desperately want their country to be relevant for something, so they have resorted to this.

cool story newfie

our unemployment**
also if you are going to commit genocide on the leaves, dont forget about me
Ill be here, enjoying the sun 3 times a year

i's da by mainlander
i's da by



I hope that's a pasta and you didn't actually spend the time typing that out.

What we really need is to genocide our american cockriding cucks (looking at you alberta)