>7.37 - " I aint done nuffing! I aint done nuffing!
British version of dindu, the aintdu
Why are British police braver than American police that hide behind military grade firepower?
>7.37 - " I aint done nuffing! I aint done nuffing!
British version of dindu, the aintdu
Why are British police braver than American police that hide behind military grade firepower?
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Should've shot him
>British police
>Having guns
He quite clearly said "haven't done nothing"
Should've had guns
nice trips, american cops seriously just shoot first and don't try anything else?
Just like in the video games and the movies eh?
Those cops are weak as shit compared to American cops. Niggers in your cuck country are nowhere near as dangerous as in America. It's Straight Outta Compton not Straight Outta Liverpool.
Your cop got beat the fuck up for being shit. That weak little nig probably could've killed him.
Lol these cops are such pussies
The government created a arms race with criminals with the war on drugs and war on terror.
>tfw burgers are getting triggered at the sight of real officers
>He only got 9 months.
>Probably be out in 2 months due to overcrowding.
should've shot him
American police would have straight up executed this guy point blank in the back of the head as soon as he ran:
real police work in that vid there
That only proves my point if that is the truth (not saying it is or isn't). Stronger bad guys requires stronger good guys. These cops are weak because this criminal is weak. But who drew blood.. The criminal because these cops are cucks.
I wish I could user, I wish I could.
I keep a straight face, a stiff upper lip; but inside it kills me.
A reprobate shitbag assaults a police officer, makes him bleed, and he will be on the streets again after a holiday prison sentence.
Justice has left us user.
How fucking BETA can a police officer get?
This is pretty fucking sad, I don't want to imagine how cucked is the average Brit. Fucking nigger and mussies are going to eat you alive.
Why cant we march all the murderers into the thames?
won't that buy us some time until the prisons get entirely rammed full of polish, romanian and bulgarian immigrants?
nigger inspector
If they did the right thing by booting him in the bollocks, the PC brigade would end the careers of the police officers.
Political correctness is to blame, not individual police officers.
>doesn't shoot the guy like a sick farm dog
>actually overpower him and rely on strength and the prospect of physical danger, not point boom boom stick and kill like murican and mexican tier cops do.
Sorry lads, but this what police in a 1st world country look like.
they would have. it is refreshing to see the great police work that the UK does. I only wish response time was higher, from some of these videos I am seeing it seems they can be slow. oh well, i guess thats what privatized EMT gets you
>Turns his back on a suspect
>Lamb chop trips him like a girl instead of tackling him
Why didn't he taze him like the second he got aggressive?
>tackle a guy who could have a dirty needle in his pocket
no thanks m8, a syringe can tear muscle easily,and could have the AIDS.
tripping was the intelligent thing to do, tackling in that instance is nigger tier judgrement, considering he was just talking about how he was going to check him for a blade.
Instead of a key, it could have been a knife or just something pointy, and you got yourself one maybe two death cops.
PS: you don't have to kill someone to incapacitate them.
You cucks are in for a hell of a ride.
I guess they only gave him 9 months because they're so brave they don't mind wrestling with and getting stabbed by him twice a year.
Ban assault criminals.
Bin that bike key.
I remember a video of a cop who pulled over a veteran back in the early 2000s. The vet then proceeded to get out the truck and flaunt around a rifle. The cop repeatedly told him to drop it but the guy never did and ended up shooting and killing the police officer. The video ends with the cop screaming then a shot then silence.
your just jealous our police don't kidnap us in the night and torture us.
Mexican police are literally USSR tier, as I said, this is what police in a firt world country look like.
kek you need special letters to have guns
even our bike cops carry those guns
>1st world country
wew lad. enjoy that while you can
appearing armed with a loaded rifle out of a truck is different to fucking shooting someone who runs during a routine check.
How come Australian police can have handguns without killing fuckloads of civilians?
do you guys not have k9's
I will, its a shame you were never born in your country during it's 1st world status (1950-1980)
It's nothing to proud of but those cops wouldn't last a week in the US.
Why in the world would you not want to shoot that piece of shit?
Here's a protip. Don't be a nigger and run.
Yes Mexican police sucks.
Has nothing to do eith my point thought, what if he had a knife or something else?
Did you see how much damage the chimp do with just a key?
You don't care about your officers at all?
9 months in prison for possession of drugs, fleeing arrest, resisting arrest and shanking a cop in the face with your keys. What a country.
because there's no niggers in straya
Yes, it's all rather frightening, isn't it? You'd better have some tea and a magazine to calm your nerves, old boy.
Well there are abos.
Hopefully they give the biggest black buck in prison some extra dessert everyday to beat the crap out of Mr. Motorcycle key slasher.
Bonus cigarettes for ass rape.
All you can eat buffet everyday for forced salad tossing
abbos are too drunk or high to do anything but run their cunt mouths.
You make this sound like not shooting a violent perp is some badge of pride. It certainly must be, because it isn't as if you care about the perp's life, or that he get his fair day in court.
Sic'em good dogger.
you are very very wrong my good sir
Our bike cops have G36Ks in their saddle bags if they're firearms trained.
it's not a saddle bag, it's called a satchel.
isn't diversity wonderful :^)
it means investigations are likely to be more in depth and our justice system learns from the reports and adapts for the future.
Yours learns that bullets kill people, well done.
Fuck off.
get a life
bin that key
>excess fat around hips and thighs
it's all those crumpets! have you even gone outside today m9?
>mfw abos are the real Australian shitposters
Cops have to police the lowest common denominator of human scum. You may hate them or not understand them, but it has to be done or it will spill out of the high crime zones into civilized areas.
Don't do the crime if you can't do the time. All a criminal has to do is give up. They go to jail, get their day in court, let justice prevail. Those that don't choose that route and attack a cop know they are crossing the line and cops shouldn't put there own safety at risk but should put the criminal down as quickly as possible.
It's not about pride or bragging rights but self preservation. Cops aren't allowed to have their "trophies" stuffed and mounted or for post shooting photos to be taken to show off after hours (or are they?)
Noice video m8. We do have them thankfully. youtube.com
More brits should consider getting a dog. A number of times when I walked my old doberman non whites would choose to walk in traffic rather than past my dog.
>it's better cop be stabbed in the face then a violent criminal be shot
this is your line of thinking
you value the safety of criminals more than that of police and law abiding citizens
this is why you are a tier 5 cuck country
how is this not acting? why would this nigger sign an agreement to allow this scene to be aired??
>US definition
Were you born retarded or did your mother drop you on your head?
I don't know if the death scream is censored on this one or not.
>How come Australian police can have handguns without killing fuckloads of civilians?
You call 'em civilians, we just call them niggers for the most part.
its on public property, you dont have the right to not be filmed, especially in the presence of police.
If it were a shop or your own home they would blur the face
>Brits want to try something else
>they try getting stabbed
>it doesn't help
>be British cop
>get stabbed by nigger
>be American cop
>get to shoot nigger
man, European cops really aren't prepared for dealing with tens of millions of niggers.
me mum dropped me on me head govnuh.
>lets pump two in his chest as as soon as he resists, that will teach him to rebel against glorious American motherland!
why are you lying?? so I could take a camera and go through brittain photographing people and sell the images to stock sites?? I dont believe it, this is clearly staged and acting.
This. We are being overrun with foreigners who all vote gibsmedat. Hillary wants to pull a Merkel on us.
Cronulla 2.0 when?
it would be highly illegal for them to film it and put it on the telly and call it real.
again, first world country here, not 3rd like urs. thnx
Can't you see he's a self identifying African Welshman?
america needs to get rid of guns.
I honestly rather have that than American cops.
>Pull over kid going over to his dumb buddies house
>Confuse his license plate for another license plate of a similar suspect because READING IS HARD
>Tase him
>Drag him out of the car
>Slam him onto concrete as to give him a concussion
>His heart stops beating
>Put shackles on him anyway
>Leave him there for ten minutes until you call an ambulance.
>Teen has permanent brain damage
>Cop gets four years in prison, tops
>Less on good behavior
>All this because he couldn't fucking read a license plate
Frankly: I'm scared shitless of cops. Simply because you never know which is the one that's going to shoot you because he's had a bad day.
>ya on da cocaine officah
fucking niggers
>US has started to have to appropriate word meanings in English to refer to fat
Is this like how eskimos have thousands of words for describing different kinds of snow?
Most blacks are deathly afraid of spiders and lizards.
Future law enforcement will breed special attack spiders and giant "chimp out" busting lizards. They will be trained to only seek out blacks, turks, pakis, arabs, and sjws.
>18 year old dindu breaks into old folks home and kills 12 sweet old ladies with a knife
>Attacks cops
>Darwin removes his stupidity from the gene pool
>Massive chimp out ensues
>Pictures of him as a 12 year old
>Dinduing intensifies
>Attack Spider trailer shows up in front of the riot
>6 foot hairy spider legs can be seen coming out of the rails
>dozens of angry eye balls survey their future meal
>The chimp out busting lizard trailer pulls up behind
>Forked tongues 3 feet long start to pick their treat for the night
>An announcement is made
>Leave the area now or we will release the bests, you have 1 minute, this is your only warning
>Gentlemen, release the beasts in 1 minute unless directed to stand down
Funny how you stopped replying to me when I stumped you.
It's obvious that you don't guve a fuck about your cop's safety.
I hope you get gang banged by Muslims.
>I'm scared shitless of cops
This has everything to do with you being a coward, and nothing to do with cops. You're as likely to get put in a coma by a cop as you are to win the lottery. You're not based in reality, Jessica.
>first world country here, not 3rd like urs. thnx
>first world country
>police not allowed to have guns
>niggers resisting arrest because of drug offense
>legal to film citizens and put their face on tv without their agreement
your country is shit mate
He confused his license plate with that of a felon who was wanted for Homicide. Instead of double-checking, he just pulled out the taser and went to town.
>youre a big man aint ya
for you lad
Literally 3x as many whites as Britian smugcunt
It shouldn't be a likelihood at all, dumbass.
fucks sake, why aren't they using choke/submission holds or whatever?
and why is there a fucking TV FUCKING CAMERA THERE?!
Like your existence. Go ask your mother to change your diaper.
That cop fucked up, but the dumb kid could have avoided it by not resisting arrest. If a cop tells you to get out of your vehicle just fucking do it and you won't end up in a coma
>inb4 bootlicker
all you "am I being detained" fags can enjoy your brain damage
That's why you just pull a gun and kill the nigger
>give id to cop
>leave your motorcycle by their car
>try to resist arrest and run away
this makes no fucking sense to me, either the nigger is 100% retarded, or this is fake.
No it doesnt.
>ure mother lol X)
I see why you don't care about cops: you're not likely to go out in public anyway.
Welcome to cultural enrichment. There is no logic, only chaos.
>That fucking restraint, when that officer lifted his arm to punch him in the back of the head.
That does it, I'm a cruz missle, I hadn't realized how cucked we are by our police.