Paul to Trump?

I dont understand Sup Forums's logic at all. Sup Forums went from supporting Ron Paul, a free market, civil liberty, anti war candidate, to trump. Trump doesnt believe in the free market or in personal liberty. While he is not racist he is a statist cuck.
How did pol change in under 5 years?

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It's Obama's fault

Both have the same attitude towards illegals and the border.

Ron Paul is a classical libertarian, the kind that's against open borders, as opposed to modern libertarians.

Almost nothing else meshes between them but keeping millions of brown people out of the country is what this board is focused on, and what they're fundamentally both for

As a hard core Ron Paul supporter I think it has something to do with his antiestablishment stance, but I would honestly vote for Sanders over Trump if given the option.. doesn't sound exactly Libertarian, but that's how I feel

I know Sup Forums wouldn't agree, but they're mostly newfags so I couldn't give a shit

Definitely Obama

If Paul had won, we wouldn't need Trump.

Trump supports free market plenty between the states.
He's only against a free labour market (because that's the one that matters in the end). All the sanctions he suggests are in response to companies dicking over the workers.
Trump is anti-war. This is known. War isn't typically beneficial, so no war unless it is.
Personal liberty... yeah. That's the big difference.

Libertarians will naturally progress to more authoritarian world views when they take a look at the world and realise people suck and need guidance. See: le not an argument man.

desperate times call for desperate measures

Trump is being supported for cultural reasons, not based on policy. Culture dictates policy, and if we lose there, we lose everything.