can anyone explain WHY marijuana should be illegal
Can anyone explain WHY marijuana should be illegal
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Because Marijuana lead to the CDI.
Because Marijuana raped my mother
Look at Kevin Smith.
inb4 meeky cunts
its real life's soma
Smoking weed is a mortal sin and you can go to hell for that
>He doesn't carry a live Bolivian mountain toad around in his pockets to lick it's back which has been proven to cure LSD
American """drug""" users
>can anyone explain WHY marijuana should be illegal
Because it turns people into morons.
Now can you explain why it should be legal?
Can anyone explain why it should be legal? It's a nasty addictive drug that does horrible things to your body.
Because drugs are degenerate. I actually approve legalization so I can weed out the adults from the children.
>addictive drug
Good one.
Because the current means to obtain weed, in most places, make it necessary to go through illegal channels and contribute to gangsterism.
Cuz the kikes be selling this shit to da white men so they b dumb n shit
no, this does no harm to others than your self, and it's your own god damn choice to smoke if you want to.
But... I wonder what will happen now with all these Bernie SJW faggots. When people see how all these idiots act, they are going to push to make it illegal again.
In the old heathen courts shit like this wouldn't be an issue, because they were meant to solve conflicts between parties. So no foul play to others, none issue. These things are really family issues too, today one just shows everything on the nanny state... The King could not pass any law, all able people had to agree on any new laws.
With the christian roman court system, came the state and the church. Give 10% of your shit to the fucking kike pope and now this "state" could pass whatever retarded laws it wanted, to CONTROL the people.
The heathen system was FOR the PEOPLE, The christian roman system is FOR the STATE
fuck that shit. You complain about islam being not only a religion, well guess what the same faggy shit applies to the other kike religion called christianity.
Did you know that the Christian civil war in Germany, the Thirty Years' War, cost Germany half of it's male population? Isn't that insane? It took that many Germans to die before they realized the importance of separating Church and State.
>lowers IQ
>makes you lazy
>literal nigger drug
Don't worry, faggots. It's just a phase. You'll grow up.
legalize these dubs
If you ever hope to be employed, it won't matter whether marijuana is legal or not. The federal govt can legalize weed and tax it like crazy. However, the federal govt won't legalize weed until a super majority of state govts decides to legalize weed. Even then, neither the federal govt nor the state govt can prevent a business from disqualifying you from employment based on your consumption of weed. Neither the federal nor state govt can prevent a business from insisting on drug testing as a prerequisite to employment.
And most businesses do not want a pot head for an employee. user, do yourself a favor. Stop smoking weed and find natural ways to expand your mind — such as reading at least one non-fiction book a month.
You must be young. Ask an old pothead what kind of physical withdrawal symptoms they get from trying to quit pot.
>does horrible things to your body
Please provide evidence of this.
I wonder how many faggots on Sup Forums who hate weed smoke cigarettes or drink alcohol.
As long as you do not do it on the job, then I don't think they can fire you for it.
If you come to work under the influence you can, same as showing up drunk
I don't use nigger drugs.
Yes, of course. But they won't be able to fire you just for using weed on your own time.
I apply occam's razor to legislation.
If there is no clearly identifiable reason FOR a law, the situation without that law is preferable.
Nothing bad would happen if you legalize weed, so it's bullshit to illegalize it.
With this logic, television should be illegal. So should alcohol. They both turn people into fucking idiots
>I wonder how many faggots on Sup Forums who hate weed smoke cigarettes or drink alcohol.
I do both but I don't hate weed. I just understand how devastating an addiction can be. If you don't think pot is addictive you probably haven't been around it very long. I personally know several people who get very sick and irritable when they don't smoke pot for a few days. I don't get sick and irritable when I quit alcohol for a few days. I feel fucking amazing. You can be addicted to anything that changes your brain chemistry, and the older I get - the older my pot head friends get - the more tired I get of hearing that pot is not addictive.
because niggers love weed and their influence is spread by people that condone weed , so that it looks like being a nigger and worthless piece of shit is also condoned
>With this logic, television should be illegal.
Yes, it should.
>So should alcohol. They both turn people into fucking idiots
Only in sufficient quantities.
Fpbp. And dubs no less
Mah boi
>business from disqualifying you from employment based on your consumption of weed
And they can probably make it a policy that none of their employees drink alcohol, because after all drinking lowers your IQ and people can get hurt doing it on shift, but do you see many employers finding ways to test for alcohol? No because alcohol is legal. You are assuming that they have the drug test because they have some aversion to their employees having a lower IQ from marijuana, but in reality they are just low-average IQ themselves, some of them are probably really unaware of how an IQ test works, and think like everyone else that because it is illegal it is to be assumed without personal research that it is wrong to use. They can't think outside of what their government tells them, no surprise because they grew up in a government school.
>Most businesses do not want a pot head for an employee
What do you mean by pot head? Let me tell you that marijuana does not create the pot head. Marijuana is a plant that grows in the ground, no more likely to influence a persons decision making abilities than a palm tree. I think the organ you are referring to which turns people into pot heads is the brain, and bad decision making abilities. If someone really loved palm trees would you blame him for loving palm trees or the palm trees themselves? It is laughable that people vilify a plant simply for existing.
>Stop smoking weed and find natural ways to expand your mind
A person who thinks that smoking marijuana is going to expand his mind is under a delusion. It can make you fire more neurons at once, and cause more associations between things, but it does not expand your mind. Your IQ is the result of genetics and environment, there really is not much you can do to make it better. There are things you can do to prevent lowering of IQ during a child's development, but once you are an adult you are not going to improve your IQ by simply reading.
>one book a month
>Neighbor is a "420 blaze it all day every day" kind of person, has medical marijuana card
>keep parking his car in front of our house instead of in his driveway
>because his gf wants access to garage with her car so no car in driveway
>get sick of this
>know he has many pot plants, has 11 plants, one more than the legal amount because of conversations with pot man because all he talks about is pot
>bike to old part of town one day and use payphone to call cops
>tell cops man at address is dealing drugs and has guns, heard a gunshot
>bike home
>see cops all around neighbors house
>see him in back of cop car
>he goes to jail but gets out right away
>few months pass
>find out he was sentenced to 2 years probation
>lost his medical marijuana card, no more pot for him
>lost his job because of jail and pleading guilty, also got a huge fine
>his gf left him because no more free pot
He no longer parks in front of our house.
You're a cunt.
Have anything other than anecdotes?
This is a /r9k/ bait meme
Cannibalis, like any other drug, will kill you when you start using it intravenously. Any civilized society should not only ban the use of it, but also shun anyone who uses it.
yeah and by that logic drinking any alcohol = alcoholic
Except you turn into a no-life stoner way faster than you become an alcoholic. It may take as little as 1 "toke" to make a person addicted to weed.
Not really.
Cannabis withdrawal syndrome is a relatively recently documented thing that isn't in the DSM-5 yet.
What do you suppose this is, some kind of vibrating prostate dildo?
Have any stats to back that up?
>implying that marijuana deposits more tar per weight is meaningful
>implying cig smokers don't smoke much more volume of material
>implying pot smokers get cancer
just the facts m8
This "marijuana" of yours has been known to kill people as young as 6 years old, yet you still support it? Your irresponsible opinions are KILLING KIDS for God's sake! And you want to spread your degenerate drug to even more people? You're the worst kind of person and I wish you would just overdose on your "weed" already so the rest of us wouldn't have to suffer your poison.
what model of gun is that? looks pretty cool
>gets asked to post stats
>proceeds to not post stats
Can anyone explain WHY we need speed limits?
You do not have a very good eye for sarcasm.
I have one of those and it's a really garbage tier shitty vape
pic related. get one of these.
>muh stats about a killer drug
I suppose you would also question the HOLOCAUST? Only nazis like cannibalis.
Those things are good but very expensive. I think if I were spending that kind of money I would just get a volcano vaporizer.
For right now the NO2 works fine. I just have to really up the temperature or else it takes forever to fully vape. If you are only at 350-370 degrees it takes like 40 minutes.
All about the log vapes baby. The epic vape e-nano is amazing, especially through a bong. But now I quit smoking so it's just a paperweight.
Fuck me are you retarded?
>replying to bait
not an argument
I have not smoked it for about a month right now. Been smoking on and off for over 20 years. Have had a stretch of daily smoking for over a year. I would not recommend daily smoking, but unlike alcohol or an actual drug, it won't actually hurt you and you will never get more addicted to it than you can get addicted to chewing your fingernails.
>you will never get more addicted to it than you can get addicted to chewing your fingernails.
So it's really addictive then.