NEET epidemic

How do we make the basement dwelling manchildren wake up, take control of their life and start becoming productive members of the society?


Wait for the beta uprising

Give them a clearcut road to life with clearcut rewards. Men hate uncertainty, and their lives are more uncertain than ever now.

Doesn't that apply more to women? I thought men would excel in the face of uncertainty, love taking risks etc.

>men would excel in the face of uncertainty, love taking risks
This is a really broad statement so I'm going to ask you to clarify. Are you talking about shit like exploring the world and joining the army? Or participating in the stock market? etc.

Any day now surely, we've been talking about this uprising for years and still we sit

Anything, really. If anything, I would say the world is too easy and comfy for men so they opt out of the society.

The amount of self hate on this board is astounding.

I wish I could be a NEET I'm sick of working a shit job for little money. Anyone have suggestions on how to get government money? I see no reason not to be a leech because tons of other people are doing it. Honestly though if I could get dem gubment bux I would spend the time learning an employable skill.

>basement dwelling manchildren
That's HOW they took control of their lives.


Fuck your society. What are you gonna do about it?

Give men a reason to achieve and they will do so. If you take half their income and always shit on them for who they are they won't be part of society, if you cut their balls and destroy marriage they won't have a reason to marry.

Man children are a symptom, you need to fix the cause.

The leaf is right

Make them think it's worth their time to contribute to a society that they perceive is crumbling to the ground.

You think the average NEET gives a flying fuck about contributing? They don't, and they shouldn't feel bad.

This is society's fault, and it will have to reap what its sown.

Boogie2988 is actually an entertainer now, and doesn't collect disability.

He was also the product of an extremely abusive and broken home.

You make this thread every single day.
Nobody here is more of a basement dweller than you OP

neets aren't gonna stop happening until the circumstances that make them want to abandon th their community are removed. neets aren't the issue, shitty circumstances created by society are, neets are just a byproduct

Isn't that just pol?

Why would any man contribute to a society that actively despises him?


This. I work in retail management, make around $25k a year and live in a small town where that's enough money for me to live comfortably. I'm very minimalist by choice and I would have absolutely no use for any more money than I make now. The only thing I could potentially use it for is starting a family and I'll never risk it when modern women are taught to get divorces at the drop or a hat and amply rewarded for doing so. I watched it happen to my Dad when my parents divorced and the system has only gotten worse since.

So what's my motivation to become a "productive member of society"? I could move up the ladder at work pretty easily but why would I take on more responsibility and work longer hours for money I have no use for?

>start becoming productive members of the society?
Why? """"Productivity"""" is just making wealth for the elite..

If you have no chance for founding a good family and have your own offspring (wifes kids don't count as own offspring) then you have no stake in the society and the logical conclusion is to do what you please while waiting for death to occur (Anime,cheetos etc etc etc).

it's similar to making abortion illegal. if society makes a woman feel that getting an abortion is necessary she'll do it whether you think her baby has rights or not, it's not her fault that society makes having a kid such an unappealing prospect for women, they're looking out for their wellbeing

If you pay taxes and dont leech off the gubment you're already a productive member of society

Unemployment for a year under the age of 30 without being in school should result in mandatory military service.

Also to further elaborate, I'd say it's women's job to fix society. Men have uplifted others from the savage tribes to great metropolis and women sought "equality" by destroying men and their source of happiness. If men were more achieving and marriage worthy it might be an incentive for women to also fix themselves and then fix politics and the economy away from the current fiat currency and state intervention nightmare but men didn't cause this problem and unlike all the previous times when men had to take arms to defend their nation and families from foreign dogmas and armies this it should be women's job to uplift society, let them bear the burden men have had since societies have existed then they will also learn to appreciate men's patriarchal role in society.

>blame society
>blame parenting
>blame environment
>blame education
>blame corporations
>blame blame blame blame blame

Sup Forums is full of manchildren holy crap

>because everyone is capable of joining the service

you hold your reputation for being dumb 'murica

All of my this. I love these non-retiring boomers who could grab a woman's ass in broad daylight at work, at their one lifetime job that paid a generous pension, who didn't have to worry about forcibly diversified neighborhoods because they rioted or moved to stop it, presuming that nothing has changed, when they are the ones who changed it.

That would be an awful idea, people would just work part time once a week to avoid it or if they can't avoid it then the military would just use them for useless wars.

>thinking we should coddle people who are out of shape
Imprison neet fatties that can't be whipped into shape for draft dodging. People with legitimate disabilities that are still employable should just have benefits reduced.

Give them purpose.

You have to do a lot of checks and even then the military doesn't need so many fat stupid and emotionally damaged NEETs in their lines.

>basement dwelling manchildren

But he earns more than 90% of people on here do.

neets live the life they do because society makes them feel that it's necessary. if you don't get rid of shitty circumstances, people won't stop becoming neets even if you start euthanizing them

Boogie honestly pretty redpilled as far as normies go. He knows he's a fat fuck and is basically just riding the wave of goyim willing to give him money because why not?

They need to man up and start working on their problems.

Sure they do. We'll teach them classic European warfare techniques and create their own branch of the army.

>How do we make the people who realized college debt, wage slavery and the dating marriage wringer is a rigged game where the man loses; become a wallet emptying member of society?


oh noes!! who's gonna buy our ...
>wedding rings?
>wedding dresses?
>fabulously expensive honeymoons?
>family medical insurance plans?
>hospital bills?
>divorce decrees?

fuck them all

Military is a joke now.

It needs to become great again.

So you think the army will be stupid enough to invest its resources into this? Because it is much easier to hire capable people who won't need as much training as the limp NEET does.

What is the reward of being a productive member of the society other than you get to "feel good"?

>I would say the world is too easy and comfy for men so they opt out of the society.
I think we sincerely thought that we'd be colonizing moon or do something with space stations by now but we got nowhere to go and nobody wants to help strangers and be beneficial to them, worse some beneficial people get threatened or even killed because they triy to elevate those at the bottom.

why? the growing nigger hordes hate us and that's where society is going. i'm just waiting for a white-only country with laser gun borders. no goddamn hideous brownies allowed.

kek keep believing that

he has 0 will power.

lol tell that to your ancestors that starved in the wilderness

Just because you want to be an outcast doesn't mean everyone should be one.
Some men lift these weights with pride because they know it is the best way to live your life at this moment instead of doing jack shit.

>People don't want to do shit because they don't particularly get respect, money, or love for doing it
>Let's mock them

I don't even know.

Their problem is that if they work they don't get the money they worked for, it's sent to foreigners leeching off the government, if they study to aquire knowledge they are surrounded by the vanguard of feminists and SWJs in universities. If they want to marry they'll just end up in a divorce not long after and lose even more of their income.

Their problems don't come from them.

You mock them until they either kill themselves or man up.

They are men for crying out loud not some damsels in distress.

but people having those problems is the issue, that's what needs to change for neets to stop happening

You think THIS is a NEET epidemic? Haha, faggot, you ain't seen nothing yet! I smirk at those who belittle the fact that industrial revolution 2.0 will happen sooner or later, and we will end up 50% of the population not having jobs because they physically exist anymore.

Prepare your anuses for masses of snorlax-type neckbeards waddling through your streets.

Mandatory national service.

So am I a manchild despite me living at home with mom for my final year of college just to save up money for my future debt? Yet after school and work is finished I'll retort to playing games, anime/manga, being on Sup Forums and the occasional reading?

I have a part time job as well as give money to my mom. The only reason why I'm kinda broke is because I paid for my summer classes and currently building a new rig just because it's summer and once school starts in the fall I'm not going to be focused on materialistic things I want.

So they find workaround, they do their own work, become freelancers or so on.
Society is full of opportunities, you don't have to take a traditional route, but at least take a damn route.
Just shake that dust and try.

Just because you don't want to be an outcast doesn't mean anybody else can't be one.

And yet Sup Forums wonders why faggots are degenerate.

Then they'll probably kill themselves.

Like what is manning up at this point?

god I hope robots don't let that shit happen

Whether you work for yourself or some else you still get taxed so you can feed single mothers and immigrants.

What's the incentive to get richer if the richer you get the more you get taxed?

The beta uprising has been delayed until Q1 2017. Please understand.

Pass a law requiring every game console to only be powered by a treadmill connected to a generator.

Who cares. I love trolling neets. I just think the wagie meme is hilarious. They make some great memes around here. I gladly help fund the creation of these memes.

What I was trying to say is that there is no point making fun of """normies""" because you don't see a point to it.

They're productive members.

They consume as much if not more than other normies

This. ^^

I'm not going to stack shelves at Tesco just to make a multi-billion pound corporation more richer while getting treat like shit by society.

No way jose.

It is not about getting richer, it is about being a member of society and participating in its traditions.

Is doing what you want/dream to do and solving your big problems.

Instead of constantly increasing retirement age and work hours we could instead do the opposite and make it cheaper for companies to actually hire more people and have them work for 4-6 hours a day. Then we could start modernizing our education more towards practice and less towards theory so student's will learn to actually find out about stuff themselves rather than sit on their asses listening to teacher for hour or more straight.

A lot of them actually do want to work because unemployment benefits are not all that great and dealing with our dear Kela is torture at best.

Then start your own gig or find a small firm to improve.

>What I was trying to say is that there is no point making fun of """normies""" because you don't see a point to it.
This is Sup Forums we make fun of pic related why can't we make fun of normies?

Wrong country, bitch. Try Germany or Britain.

Ofc you can make fun of normies, I personally just don't see the point in it.

>just be a freelancer XD
You're retarded.
First off, there aren't a lot of freelance professions that offer a worthwhile wage.
Second off, if someone doesn't want to get a job then why the fuck would they want to freelance? Freelancing is much more difficult and there are many more responsibilities as compared to an employee that just takes orders.
And to top it off, freelancers get absolutely taxed up the fucking ass.

What if tradition has been shunned and destroyed?

It was just an example calm down burger bro.
You can choose w/e you think is right for you, there are so many alternatives in this century that you no longer have to choose the traditional "be a wage slave" route.

Easy answer retard.

There is no purpose and everything is boring.

>Don't give a fuck about society
>Don't give a shit about other people or money
>What's the point in doing anything when everybody is greedy and retarded.

I literally want this world to collapse.

Its always there, you just haven't found anyone worth living it with.

Nihilism is just a phase.
You will eventually get bored of it and start doing something.

Please fuck off, Romanian shitposter.

I'm working on it m8.

What's the point if the society you live in is shit? Why support that? Why go work your ass off so some immigrants/rapefugees can come and live the easy life and have all the fun while you even get ridiculed for the "white male privilege" to finance this madness? Fuck this shit, I'm fed up with it. The sooner it all goes down, the better, maybe we can build something out of the ruins, something better without the feminism and SJW bullshit etc. I'm all in for that, I'd work my ass off for that, first in the race war and then cleaning up and rebuilding afterwards. But the way it is? Nope. I'm this close to quitting my job and just start doing what I want.

>autism, the post

>Nihilism is just a phase.
Yeah right and suddenly you notice that the only "interaction" with other "humans" is through Sup Forums.

T. 26 year old living in a pic related because fuck expensive rent or living somewhere with lots of people.

What the fuck are you talking about nihilism?

Can't handle the truth that you need a word to define it's wrong. Great logic humanity.

You're doing it for yourself, not for the refugees or w/e.
You become a self-made man, you get a wife, a family, and you become very influential and powerful.
That's how you gain power, not shitposting on a mongolian knitting board and hoping it all goes to shit.

Hey you leave boogie alone

Vlad pls stop
You are flooding this thread instead of hurting neets

Your statement was nihilistic as hell man.
Not giving two fucks about all the things you have stated makes you a nihilist.
>Nothing matters.
I didn't say it is wrong to be nihilistic but that it is a phase which will pass when you get bored of it or you find an opportunity worth your while.

Either you have clinical depression / mental illness or you just need more time.

I'm bored

Join the army.

>You're doing it for yourself, not for the refugees or w/e.
Tax money is used for cucking """"productive"""" """"men""""
>You become a self-made man
Pyramid scheme where for every success there are 100s of failures.
>you get a wife
She leaves you after taking half of everything you own (or more)
>a family
You won't have any kids because your ex cheated with the pool cleaner and they are not actually your kids but her kids
>and you become very influential and powerful.
Keep on dreaming, the government is corrupt and if your "influence" is against their agenda you will be ended quickly assuming you gain any influence in the first place

>That's how you gain power, not shitposting on a mongolian knitting board and hoping it all goes to shit.
Waiting for the happening is literally the only thing bringing """joy""" to my life..

Pussy as a curency has gone way down its cheaper then hookers these days. Bring it back up and neets will strive for something

>Paying for school
>Paying to attend classes with niggers and communists

Oh you burgers are so fucking naive. I'm going to a university in EU with zero shitskins, zero feminists, right wing leaning students and zero college costs, aside from a few fees that are mandatory for everybody

You fucking burgers get the worst education, and pay the most for it. I hope trump does something about it, the exploitation of this country's youth is criminal, it's like every single one of you is retarded and take the worst possible deals

>all these Sup Forums memes
time to go outside

>Paying to attend classes with niggers and communists

I will add I am black and that socialist group actually scares me. I'm just trying to do the right thing in life.

Nihilist = don't care about anything.

However nothing matters is a fact.

Why care about something that do nothing for you and you don't have any emotional connection to it.

Why care about other people? maybe some people need interaction, but people like me don't.

This does not mean am nihilist. No

I only care about me, the people i have emotional connection to and the beauty of this unknown universe.

You're looking at a symptom, the problem is feminism.

This is exactly what I'm fucking talking about. Haha god damn man thanks for your contributions. Quality content man. This is why I keep coming back here. God bless sir.

What? how is being a neet a product of feminism?
both are diffrent types of cancee