You are Mexico's president now

How do you fix your countries problems, mainly drug war violence and corruption? What's your posture towards Trumps chauvinism? How do you increase the security of the southern border?

Other urls found in this thread:

Corruption can only be beaten with Rule of Law. And to implement Rule of Law on a nation that is based on Rule of Man is fucking nightmarish. The last time China had Rule of Law, for instance, it created a dictatorship so brutal that the Huns got utterly BTFO and were forced to emigrate into Europe. (Hence. The Dark Ages.)

So asking Mexico to fix it's 'corruption' problem may lead to shit that no Mexican has the stomach for. Governing with Rule of Law is easy for Anglos because our ancestors already paid the sacrifice. But transitioning into Rule of Law without that Anglo heritage is god fucking awful.

My advice is to simply hunker down and wait for Malthus to punish the people into becoming more intelligent over time.

>How do you fix your countries problems

Build a wall

Literally nothing you can do.

The CIA will make sure.

Declare war to United States
They Nuke us
We new Japan now

best idea so far

go round up some boats and throw rocks at hawaii

I would bio engineer cops like judge dredd or build robocops

How do you fight CIA's influence?

Now that I realize it, Mexico is basically where Germany was in second century BC. Pointless and fruitless violence over the most trivial shit imaginable. It took years of Malthusian murdering before the Germans became cognitively intelligent enough to get their act together. But they were backward for centuries because they couldn't resolve their problems without murdering.

fix the natural order of things? you made mexico what it is today all by yourselves. a plague is what the country needs

Legalize all drugs and create a transition phase into legal drug production

Allow citizens to own and carry firearms for self defense purposes

Invest in STEM education programs that actually work

Reward citizens with taxpayer money for reporting corruption (with evidence) within the government, according to the magnitude of corruption taking place

Implement and enforce harsher laws to mitigate corruption

legalize all drugs

cartels instantly have no power, get owned

The number one precedent would be to exterminate the insidious cartels.

Congratulations the Cartel has killed you

I'd be more worried about the US labeling and attacking Mexico as a 'narco terrorist state' because we legalized drugs.

Exactly what I was thinking, though I would have nuke Commiefornia for extra hatred and to fix that shit hole. Two birds with one stone, also I would wait in the bunker and off myself when US troops are in the capital for maximum keks.

Ohhh yeah. Sry :(

The only thing i can think of is crying about it. Like actually telling the world you're trying to get shit done but the CIA keeps arming drug cartels, also loudly and officially ask the US to stop arming your criminals. idk if that'll work tho

I kill every spic shorter than 6'0" and send all people possibly involved with the cartels to extermination camps

I put naval mines on the waterways of the southern border, and build a great wall that's 50 feet tall to keep the indios out

holy shit that's not a bad idea. More points if you write your plans out and reveal them a year after the war, also party like a dictator the entire time

Build wall on Guatemala border.

>Build wall on Guatemala border.
And what is this supposed to achieve?
There's also a wall in place already you dumb trumpfag poster scum.

I'm certain there have been countries that have BTFO the CIA, like Iran, Russia or China.

Be Mexican president

Iron fist

Reinforce security, purge corruption and cut any ties with the narco

Capture the cartel leaders and arrange public executions for them and their minions

Exile the corrupt politicians and If they dare to return or conspire: Public execution

Privatize the central banks

Invest in education and pro-family propaganda

Block every influence of Hollywood or mainstream media, no more gays and no more "rap" or "weed lmao"

Using some sabotage here and there we annex center america

Homosexuals can't marry, they shall not be persecuted but they are not allowed to marry or to have children, the breaking of this rule will end with a lifetime in prison

Divorce is highly taxed if the couple has children, if not, the mulct is minimum

Invest in infrastructure and a complete upgrade in the national security and army

Invest in renewable energy

Marxism of any kind is strictly prohibited, every anti nationalist kind of movement shall be punished with a lifetime in prison for being anti patriotic, and if they dare to conspire: Private execution

Freemasonry out, Jews lose influence

Develop nuclear energy


hey thats zamora, michoacan :) thats where we go grocery shopping when we are in mexico. they have the big MERCADO just outside the city limits. Shit town desu, smog covers the inner city near the park where the picture was taken. When i was younger the smog had a reaction with my body and it would make me vomit.

Legalize everything, create a minarchist utopia that needs to build a wall (paid by USA) to keep all the broke Amerifats with their mobility scooters out.


Good job Pablo, I'd vote for you if I was a spic

So basically you're the Mexican version of a bootlicking stormweenie, not only are your ideas retarded because they hardly relevant to Mexicans but you also seem to take pride in micro managing every small aspect of people's life.

>muh degeneracy
Off yourself

Why would we want central America? There's nothing there.

>not only are your ideas retarded because they hardly relevant to Mexicans

Did you even read? I talked about
Cartels and crime
Marxism and left (Yes, Mexico is full of this shit, it's just that most Mexicans doesn't even know what they are)
Freemasonry and jewish influence pic related

And most important, family values, the mere core of every nation, just have a look at an average Mexican family, degeneracy, promiscuity, divorce, etc.

Because they're rightfully belong to ours, like most of US territory, but that one we cannot take :)

Woops, fucking grammar

>rap and weed culture are widespread in Mexico
>divorce rates are a problem in Mexico
>abolishing gay marriage is an important issue
>muh duhgenuhracy meme
>war against cartels can be won by throwing bodies and money at the problem
>muh Marxism meme
>muh jooz

Yeah you're the cookie cutter version of a stormfaggot alright, you should research your shit before you parrot whatever faggottry you've read from NEETs at Sup Forums before trying to implement that in your own country. Are you even aware of the divorce rates in Mexico, or any of the shit you're spouting here?

Implement fascist take over, wage literal war against cartels, imprison suspected cartel and gang members without due process and do public hangings of convicted members, have secret policy make all corrupt officials disappear

I was in Las Vegas last week and actually saw a family of Mexicans where both the father and the oldest son of about 13 years old were both wearing "Free El Chapo - He's A Hero" t-shirts.

At that time, it was confirmed, Mexicans are irreparably fucked, I wish that weren't the case, but they have more allegiance to a drug lord than anyone else, so why bother asking them for input to fix their problems when they seem perfectly content to keep those problems close and put them on a pedestal?

Wouldn't it be simpler to install cameras on the house of every american to detect illegal drug usage and then execute those Americans on the spot?

The other day I saw a couple of white tourists wearing LGBT advocacy shirts and trans bullshit.

Since that day I'm convinced whites are a subhuman race who have an allegiance to self destructive tendencies and degeneracy.

1. allow law-abding mexican citizens to carry firearms so they can fight back cartel violence.

Implement nation wide martial law. Mobilize army and police to systematically capture, kill, and publicly execute anybody involved in corruption and drug practices. Secure the southern border. Increase spending on water patrols to prevent drug running from Columbia/Brazil.

This is not the sort of problem that will sort itself out, nor is the sort of problem that slow policy change can fix. People must die and blood must be shed without laws getting in the way for some time.

When things quiet down, remove martial law, pass laws legalizing certain/all drugs to remove incentives for cartels to operate in your state. Keep anti-narcs heavily funded. Remove favelas and enact policies for good city growth instead of shoving all the poorest fucks into a single area.

1) make corruption punishable by death
2) make drug crimes punishable by death
3) build up military and systematically go through known drug cartel areas killing everything that moves
4) if any towns are thought to be helping hide the cartels, kill everyone there.
5) After doing the above showing how serious you are about cleaning up Mexico, ask USA for assistance (weapons, intel, money for development, etc)

No because I don't think the Mexican president can exert that kind of influence on another country :^)

Just become part of the U.S and stop being wastes of space

Isn't that what the US basically did in the middle east?
How come there are still terrorists stronger than ever?

As a bonus question, why are foreigners so adamant about limiting what drugs people can consume or produce, considering you guys are the biggest consumers in the world?

>step one:legalize all drugs
>step two: enjoy all problems solved

Assuming I have the Mexican army on my side, have the entire army patrol streets and kill any and every drug addict and/or dealer in the entire country. :^)

gas the jews, then RWDS the cartels and degenerates, basically same strategy applies everywhere... vivia vie pinochet, free helicopter rides for marxists

>Suspend the constitution
>just kill everyone that's in prison. Everyone.
>kill anyone suspected of being a narco
>just invade drug cartel fortresses without cause and kill everything and everyone
>destroy any socialist policies
>capitalism: Effective immediately!
>right to own guns is given to everyone
>reinstate constitution

He's learning from nations who are currently struggling with these problems and cutting them off before they can become problems.

Forward thinking like this, and the ability to learn from others who have failed before is the mark of a great leader.

Yeah but you mexicans are all greedy little subhumans with no integrity to stand against the CIA and all of you rrun from your country when shit hits the fan

tl;dr you're honor less pieces of shit

Because the US doesn't actually enforce those edicts.
US benefits from an unstable middle east.

better dead than red

Flee to Costa Rica. The moment I try to fix that shit hole, the cartels and the dumb fucks loyal to them are going to go after me and kill me.

Would releasing El Chapo and giving him a job in the government will ease tensions with the Cartel?

Declare myself dicator

Take command of the army and rape and pillage my way and murder the fuck out of anyone who challenges my authority.

Then, build again.

>before they can become real problems
More than half of those issues aren't really problems, they pertain to your social stormfag sensibilities mostly.

Others like cartels wouldn't even become a big issue in places like the US because these countries aren't drug corridors, they're THE final destination for drugs.

It's hilarious that people are actually supporting the culling of freedom of speech and the media in this century simply because it hurts your stormwipe sensibilities.

Cuba too

Kill all of the Mestizos and offer estates to White European settlers.

Stormies and commies are equally retarded in their own terms

No Tolerance. Kill all who are associated with drugs and the cartels.

Sadly, I agree with most of what you said, and I'm white.

Difference being, I actively battle against the degeneracy I see daily, and yet, I don't hear anyone from Mexico saying shit about actually getting rid of the cartels.

Face it, you love and trust the same people who behead your citizens and leave them in ditches, your country is so fucking corrupt it cannot be saved, turning it into a parking lot between North and Central America is probably the best bet now.

Now that's thinking outside the box!

But you are still hoping for the USA to save you instead of saving yourself.

Fix your problems by continuing to deport them to your friendly northern Neighbor, as well as securing your bottom border so those goddamn Honduran and Guatemalan scumbag illegals don't come into Mexico. :^)

>How do you fix your countries problems

It's simple, Just kill all the Mexicans

Who says we can't?

>Sadly, I agree with most of what you said, and I'm white.
My post was meant to be satire of your shitpost. But I see you're actually retarded.
>Difference being, I actively battle against the degeneracy I see daily, and yet, I don't hear anyone from Mexico saying shit about actually getting rid of the cartels.
So because you haven't personally seen any Mexicans talking about 'getting rid' of the cartels it means Mexicans support them? Kek
>Face it, you love and trust the same people who behead your citizens and leave them in ditches, your country is so fucking corrupt it cannot be saved, turning it into a parking lot between North and Central America is probably the best bet now.
Cartels rarely behead citizens, they usually behead other cartels.

I don't like cartels, nor does the average Mexican, but at least I'm aware of the fact they're regular people who simply turned to crime because of retarded drug laws and government meddling. If drugs were legal none of this shit would take place. Cartels are nothing more than a symptom of a disease caused by the government.

We need more mexican intellectuals and I'm not even saying this ironically; Mexico is the most ignorant country in the world.

Oh, the irony was clear, but there was truth in what you said as well. I'm not stupid, just that I understand most people are now irredeemable. If you still have faith in mankind in general, that's your problem to cope with, not mine.

If Mexicans wanted to actually get rid of the cartels, they'd have done so by now. Problem is, your people suckle from their teat so much, you can't live without them. Again, that's your problem, and you don't seem to want to fix it all that much. Just like the fucking Muslim scum who don't stand up to the jihadis, you outnumber them by far, but instead prefer to rattle your sabers online while taking handouts like the good sheep you are.

Considering your citizens are all tied to the cartels, you are inextricably connected unless you choose to do something about it together, but since that's NOT going to happen, just consider renaming your country Chapoland and at least be honest about your positions.

You must be one of those Mexico City haughty folk who pretend you're not affected by it all, but since you're still in Mexico, you're just as doomed as the rest. Take your "legalize muh drugs and it'll all be fine" shit elsewhere, if the cartels didn't have drugs as their main way to make money off of Americans, it'd just evolve into something else and you'd all remain complicit like the cartelcucks you are.

"Pls nuke me senpai"-The World

Look at this idiot. Look at him and laugh.

Won't work.

Japan was a first world country before the bombing.

Mexico is a disgusting, third world shit hole. You'll just go from beaner tier to Haitian tier.

1) No the US did a half assed job in the middle east, so much so that people think it's a conspiracy to actually destabalize the middle east on purpose. They didn't adopt a strategy anything like what would be needed to create a stable middle east.

2) related to #1, also the US armed and trained them (In Mexico, none of that would not be happening if Mexico got it's act together and were purging the criminals).

3) It isn't just innocent people using drugs, they cause a ton of secondary crime (addicts doing break & enters, gang violence, murders, etc) so it's just easier to stop the problem at the source. Drugs from Mexico are tying up huge money in law enforcement and keeping people in prison. If a competent president of the USA got elected (like Trump) they would see the value of cracking down hard in Mexico in addition to a border wall, it would stop a majority of the drugs entering the country.

You can't possibly be this retarded

You simply can't throw bodies and money at a problem that cannot be solved by force, you should take a hint from the alcohol prohibition days when whites chimped out because they didn't have access to alcohol. In the end you had to legalize alcohol again because it was counter productive to keep it illegal.

In this situation it escalated into an international issue and you don't mind because it isn't happening in your country, but the principle is the same.

>unless you do something about it
That 'something' would be legalizing drugs, not fighting a war that cannot be won against our own citizens.

I actually lived in the narco cradle that is sinaloa for 20 years and have met drug traffickers, so I fully understand the issue, cartels are nothing but a symptom of backwards laws that have a consequence on backwards people who would otherwise be insignificant if it wasn't for the high markup of drugs facilitated by the government.

Keep spouting those opinions of yours though

Crash his plane...

Says the man in the shit-tier nation ruled by drug lords. 100% kek on that one. Keep on having babies between your shifts doing cactus inspection, Paco.

Ethnic cleansing of all individuals with mezo Indian blood

Well to start with, in any republic, specially in a United States form of government (which is that of Mexico), the president does not have godly powers and he cannot do whatever he wants, and my powers would be limited to bureaucracy, foreing affairs, etc.
Any major reforms would have to be approved by the houses of deputies, and federal power can't outrule local power.
So as you can see the president himself can't do much, and Mexico's own political system puts in a grindlock.
But if I was some sort of dictator, I'd enact weaker labor laws, cut corporate tax and ensure that foreing capital flows within Mexico, booming the economy.
Also invest in research, oil refineries so Mexican oil doesn't have to go to the US, cut military spending, lower budgets with healthcare and social security, etc.
Directly ask for American assistance against drug lords and crime, repress anyone who is against the law with extreme prejudice and brute force.
Make a major country wide crackdown against crime.
If possible install a single party democracy.
Make better universities and higschool level schools.

Comparing alcohol prohibition to drug prohibition doesn't work. Been tried, isn't comparable, but whatever, you'll hold on to that failed concept as long as you want.

Sorry, but we Americans aren't going to legalize all drugs. We're not responsible enough, and as a weed smoker myself, even I can understand. Legalization didn't make Amsterdam into a paradise of being crime-free, but again, keep on believing that if we just make drugs legal, all problems would go away overnight.

Like I said, if it weren't for drugs, the cartels would just diversify more into selling guns to niggers, into more prostituting of Mexican illegals for teen sex slaves, or anything else. They'd be smuggling Kinder Eggs across the border en masse if there was money in it, so if you HONESTLY are fucking retarded enough to believe that drug legalization would make the Nortenos, Surenos, MS13 and the rest throw their guns down, arms in the air, and declare "We're done, the steenking Amereecans have taken the mohney out of the drug game, we are feenished!" then you are nigger-tier for intelligence.

#1 and #2 sound like they're just spin offs of the classic 'we haven't tried real communism yet' applied to US warmogering

>3) It isn't just innocent people using drugs, they cause a ton of secondary crime (addicts doing break & enters, gang violence, murders, etc)
Gang violence and murders are a direct effect of prohibition.

Breaking and entering is a non issue.
>so it's just easier to stop the problem at the source.
The source being the people who demand these products.

By your own logic it would make more sense to install cameras on the house of every American to detect drug usage, and then shoot drug users on the spot. No demand = no drug supply.

But I can assure you that you'd only be demanding these harsh measures if the people being affected aren't American or Canadian, regardless of its outcome.

>Drugs from Mexico are tying up huge money in law enforcement and keeping people in prison.
Actually law enforcement is pleased with all the money that comes in to fight le evil cartels, they don't want to lose their jobs.
> If a competent president of the USA got elected (like Trump) they would see the value of cracking down hard in Mexico in addition to a border wall, it would stop a majority of the drugs entering the country.

How would a border wall stop the majority of the drugs entering the US?

Do you even know a single thing about drug trafficking? The vast majority of drugs that go to the US aren't impeded one bit by a wall, God damn you're retarded beyond comprehension.

Seriously? Legalize drugs. Create a financial haven as well.

Grant Monsanto an exclusive license to grow opium and weed. In 3 weeks corpsec will eliminate the cartels.

Strong financial privacy. This might be tricky, since usfed will try to force their antiprivacy laws or ban us from usd clearinghouse. No corporate taxes for foreign companies, or low, like Ireland. Nothing to lose with this approach.

Hire non-Mexicans away from decent countries to run key points. Basically, self-colonize with foreigners. Make it culturally unacceptable to do shoddy work, to be late, etc. South Korea went through this kind of thing in the 80s; now they're a leader in electronics.

Failing that? Invade the US, militarily. Get BTFO. US establishes presence, colonizes Mexico for me.

Honestly, these countries aren't going to pull themselves together while their own countrymen run the place. They need nips, euros, or burgers to administrate.

USA is a druglord-ruled third world country too user.

>Comparing alcohol prohibition to drug prohibition doesn't work. Been tried, isn't comparable, but whatever, you'll hold on to that failed concept as long as you want.
How is it not comparable?
>Sorry, but we Americans aren't going to legalize all drugs. We're not responsible enough, and as a weed smoker myself, even I can understand.
I don't think you're in the position to speak for others regarding responsibility considering you're a hypocrite criminal yourself.
> Legalization didn't make Amsterdam into a paradise of being crime-free, but again, keep on believing that if we just make drugs legal, all problems would go away overnight.
It does make the problems that are related to drugs go away, though. Mainly the crime and violence which is what really matters.

>Like I said, if it weren't for drugs, the cartels would just diversify more into selling guns to nigge are fucking retarded enough to believe that drug legalization would make the Nortenos, Surenos, MS13 and the rest throw their guns down, arms in the air, and declare "We're done, the steenking Amereecans have taken the mohney out of the drug game, we are feenished!" then you are nigger-tier for intelligence.
Lol this tired argument about muh cartels becoming a Hitler multiplied by Osaka bin laden

Here's a hint, criminal organizations like cartels require large amounts of money and cooperation from individuals in society in order to stay afloat, without them, they can easily be dismantled by a regular run in the mill military / LE force

You can't make a huge criminal group by kidnapping people or threatening them to kill them if they don't pay a monthly quota, doing so causes extreme butthurt among the civilian population and ultimately these people force the government to end your shit tier drinkable oeganizion.

That's literally what happened to the cartels known as los zetas and caballeros templarios, they became too much of a nuisance for the government and got sausages like flies.

One way is to eliminate the social stigma of drugs. The people of Latin America overall view drugs as evil. This allows the continued war on drugs to suck money, stability, and blood out of the country.

It's only politically acceptable because most people agree drugs are the devil. That idea allows the US to manipulate like mad. Closing that door by admitting drugs won't hurt the country and can make money for them would be a huge step forward.

Guatemala's last president said as much. But he was arrested for stealing money so... (GT pols are so fucking stupid, they write checks on government accounts and cash them in their own names.)

Then, fuck it, legalize drugs and everything will work out just fine. This has become tedious, and the concept that legalization somehow means that crime goes away and Mexico will suddenly stop being under the cartel thumb is absurd, but whatever, it seems to be your religion to follow this concept, I'm not going to be the guy to break it from you.

Though, for the drugs I do buy, I get directly from the man growing, I'd rather quit smoking than return to 1995 and buy your country's shitty brown brick weed ever again. I don't support anyone but my acquaintance who grows, so I'm not backing the cartels, rather, one man who simply makes his living taking a risk he's prepared for. Not at all comparable, but again, you seem to have a thing for apples-to-oranges, you might want to work on that.

Corporatist to violent narco cartels, both drugs, but so very different.

What is it in Mexico where they don't seem to teach the citizens that just because 2 things are similar, they're not the same? I keep running into this here, it's really making me worried that your educational system is worse off than imagined.

>and the concept that legalization somehow means that crime goes away and Mexico will suddenly stop being under the cartel thumb is absurd
It would take some time to transition between cartels and legitimate producers of drugs, and I have not said that it will magically solve all problems, however, the fact remains that legalization is a much more viable and sane solution than the knuckle dragging alternatives we've adopted in the past decade
> it seems to be your religion to follow this concept, I'm not going to be the guy to break it from you.
it's far from a religion, I actually live in a place where cartels and narcos literally originated from, so, I understand the issue and I'm concerned when someone starts spouting ignorant opinions

>Though, for the drugs I do buy, I get directly from the man growing, I'd rather quit smoking than return to 1995 and buy your country's shitty brown brick weed ever again. I don't support anyone but my acquaintance who grows, so I'm not backing the cartels, rather, one man who simply makes his living taking a risk he's prepared for. Not at all comparable, but again, you seem to have a thing for apples-to-oranges, you might want to work on that
Then you should understand why keeping drugs illegal is counter productive, regular, honest people who aren't reliant on a black market that rewards violence, can produce and sell drugs without causing major issues in society.

nuke is the only way

It's not the same because your country don't even bothers trying to catch them, Mexico always catches them, then the US just asks for extradition.

Mexico has no nukes tho.

I legalize drugs. Then I tax them. Drug cartells that pay taxes and don't kill anyone can keep operating and making tons of cash. Those that don't pay taxes and/or kill people get fucked hard by the government and army. No mercy. As for Trump I'll tell him to pay for the wall himself. After all when Mexico deports people it south it does not ask for the countries south of it to pay for it. If you want to build a wall or shoot illegal immigrants go ahead. But pay for it yourself.

You sure are fighting the fight posting on Sup Forums erryday kek.

Big part of the problem is the US market tho.

Funny we don't even bother to catch them but we don't have a problem with them.

>I can't stop selling drugs because people buy them so it's their fault I'm selling it

That's because they have immunity in the US

USA hasn't helped the drug war efforts, if anything it has dragged it.

Sounds average for a Sup Forumsack.

Everyone knows your country is getting cucked by the CIA.
The funny thing is you guys seem perfectly content dealing with the consequences, and not doing anything about it. Tbh the only reason your country refuses to fix itself is because it is filled with cowards. As another user in this thread said it's going to require a lot of blood, and the average Mexican wouldn't be able to stomach it.

Trump would disagree about Mexicans not doing anything about it.

I go full on feudal. I would make my top generals state governors will full sovereign authority under the federal government, and land rights to their territories. In exchange, they would kill every last narco in the country, including the families and children. Elections would be suspended, and the people would accept it after they saw the narco deaths. The drug industry would be officially nationalized as the generals took possession of the surviving infrastructure. Basically, I'd bring back the Don system.

And helicopter rides.

Very interesting, would be great if you elaborated further.

Take the money and run to somewhere safe