What do you think of Jon Stewart Sup Forums?
Thoughts on Jon Stewart?
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When the time is right, I would love to personally shove him in the oven myself.
Objectively inferior to Colbert.
>le ebin satire kike
Was funny once but he broke over time. He used to hit the liberals as well. He hit it big with the bush years.
The gone now though way too much muh feels.
First one in the oven.
Passionate, but ideologically blinded to his own prejudices. He helped create the atmosphere of partisanship and hostility we see in the youth.
Jon Stewart used to be hilarious.
But every political pundit (ignoring Steve Carrell) to come out of his show since has been a disaster, and Trevar Noah singlehandedly killed a good show.
He's nothing short of a genius
He was a good debater and actually made arguments, unlike Oliver, Bee, Wilmore, and all the other assholes that came out of there.
Cuck, just below Louis CK and Michael Moore on the celebrity cuck hierachy
wow lol... all the racists saying Trevor Noah killed TDS just because hes black... just wow lol
A shit talking faggot who pretends to be a political commentator.
He makes dumb jokes to attack people he doesn't like without any facts or logic.
When he is attacked he does the same to defend himself.
He has a team of 50 people all writing for him to make him seem more clever than his opponents when they are standing alone with their own facts and opinions.
A typical jewish coward and liar.
Vid related shows how Stewart's entire show was completely devoid of wit and substance, and basically relied not on arguments, but groupthink that Stewart himself would suggest to his audience.
> People said this thing
> That thing elicits disgust in Stewart
> Audience reacts with disgust
> Homeviewer would internalize what the target said as bad
> Liberals talk about the latest Daily Show the next day over the proverbial water cooler
> Wash, rinse, repeat
On top of that he deceptively edited most correspondent interviews in order to make interviewees seem stupid, which they usually were hand picked by the production team to be for a given opposing argument.
He always made it out to be like he was showing up cable news by "speaking truth to power," but he ended up being worse than them, because at least CNN crossfire had to fair representations of both sides.
Just a guy whos popular because he makes liberals feel smug superior and good about themselves compared to conservatives. He def has talent though because that nigger Noah doesn't even come close to replicating Stewart.
REALLY makes me think especially his comedic commentary on unscrupulous sensationalist media. Something you cannot figure out with common sense
god damn I fucking hate Jews
Eh stewart wasn't funny, George Bush was.
Can you not even right now?
Isn't that the guy who's only joke in his routine is "hurr durr white people are evil"
Sup Forums would call him a filthy liberal, I'd say he's more of a centrist. I've always had a lot of respect for him, because although I disagree with him a lot I'm pretty sure he was operating in good faith. I'm of the opinion that as long as people keep the betterment of the country in their minds over partisan politics, we'll come out all right.
He hit conservatives a lot harder than liberals toward the end, but he's got a history of going after both, and honestly the Republican party these days is a lot easier to make fun of. (But that's another discussion.)
Whatever you may think of him I think he blows any of his correspondents with spinoffs out of the water. John Oliver doesn't even try to hide that he's a liberal crusader. That black guy in Colbert's old spot is terrible. Trevor Noah threw any pretense of centrism out of the Daily Show, and watching a foreigner make fun of our politics doesn't sit well with me. (present company on this board excepted)
Anyway that's my two cents. I liked him.
Started watching him at 12. Steve Carell, Colbert, Ed Helms, Rob Cordry.... legends. Hilarious, biting humor, made fun of GW Bush and Fox News in a non-arrogant, genuinely funny way.
Then the SJWs took over. First Sam Bee, then a token muslim, and token black. The writers clearly became overtaken too with SJW's and non-funny leftists.
Show went to shit. Went from not missing an episode to not tuning in once the last 3 years he was on. Didnt bother watching his last show.
He wasn't even funny
Do any of you remember watching the Daily Show and not even laughing?
Do liberals have the worst sense of humor of all people?
Globalist manipulative Jew that hitler warned you about
Right I'm feeling somewhat disappointed in so far as I was expecting "half serious political conversation". As of yet the group has either been far less serious than that, or actually more closely adhears to juvenille tribalistic philosophies than my ability to detect sarcasm would lead me to believe.
Why are there so many liberal sjw jews on "comedy" talk shows? Also why are there so many unfunny jews in "comedy" in general?
Respectable and honest newscaster/comedian.
Standard smug liberal hypocrite worshipped by smug hypocrite liberal millenials. Will occasionally read something faintly amusing that's been written for him by more talented people who are too ugly to put in front of a camera.
Every comedian now a days
Blue pilled
He's a fucking Jew who changed his name to whitey name and gunned Christians all day and manipulated interviews and data for leftist agenda
When he changed his name he had no idea of the Internet and how it would eventually get out that he's a fucking kike in disguise
filthy kike. liberal peon.
I don't know who this "John Stewart" is you refer too.
The guy in the pic, John LabinoWitz is a rat jew propagandist though
> "republicans are so stupid xD"
That's literally all he's ever done
His show was great for a long time but started to decline in the 2010s. During his last years the show really tanked.
John Leibowitz?
Should be gassed.
His hearts in a good place but his liberal values boil down to " I don't want bad things to happen so anything that allows bad things to happen is bad "
Not the most freedom loving person in the world, but he does seem to care
Totally agree with this user. Trevor Noah is too blatantly liberal while Stewart was much more subtle about it.
mostly this. The show was a powerhouse in its day, and produced many other greats.
It's good that in the aftermath, even though there's no central house with as much talent, at least there isn't as much backlash against political satire (outside of twitter and colleges I guess).
Agreed that Oliver and Wilmore are too SJW, though they still have their moments.
Go back to stormfront. This man attacked the most ridiculous elements of the Republican Party, and if you think that reflects on your views it's your own fault.
Without him caricaturing the GOP, I'd probably have never tried to find logical conservatism, and I'd probably be a smug liberal right now.
Is there anything less moral than someone who steps over a dead baby in the road so that he can cry about his pet cat losing a toy?
The selective morality of leftists is truly psychopathic, and Leibowitz (whose greatest interview was crucifying Jim Cramer, so that people would not associate Jews with just one side of the Wall Street craziness ... and whose brother runs Wall Street) thrived on that selective outrage.
You mean Leibowitz?
Doesn't change the fact he failed to mention his brother during the occupy wallstreet coverage, or whenever he railed on about wall street. I agree he's funny but a hypocrite for sure.
who is this elder statesman
oven ready
I remember watching him years ago, back in highschool, and thinking he was funny while making fun of politicians or other happenings at the time. Fast forward to a few months before he quit, I tune in to see a screeching old man railing about politics replace my former favorite satirist. Yes, he's always been an unabashed lefty jew, but somehow he lost his mojo over the years while Colbert actually improved on his. It's honestly a shame, I kinda miss the old Daily Show and Colbert Report.
You're partly right. He is certainly short.
>Objectively inferior to Colbert.
except interviews and in general- serious topics (but Colbert wasn't really covering them) . Colbert was interrupting a lot and trying to be a clown without a reason. I want their guests to speak. Jon's interviews were GREAT.
Miss ya Jon!