Daily Reminder: Atheism is the tool of Zionism used to undermine and usurp the western civilization. If you've abandoned your faith, you've played precisely into their hands. All of the leaders of the Atheist movement are Jewish. All of them denounce Christianity, most denounce Islam, none denounce Judaism.
Daily Reminder: Atheism is the tool of Zionism used to undermine and usurp the western civilization...
Daily reminder: Atheism isn't a tool for anything. It's without content.
You shills don't get it.
In theory and in practice are two very different things.
Philosophical materialism is what the jews push to turn our country into a shopping mall.
How terrible it must be for you. You're a Sup Forumslack, you recognize the shilling and manipulation in every facet, but in this one area you've been so thoroughly cucked and bamboozled that admitting it would be admitting that your life is a lie.
Why do the Jews push atheism? Why do they institute state atheism whenever they come into power? Why does atheism always precursor the fall of civilization? PURE COINCIDENCE, right?
Keep that tinfoil hat tight brah. Atheism isn't a fucking movement (or maybe that atheism+ thing is, but in general it's not any sort of a movement)
This is the equivalent of "I'm closing my eyes and pretending like it isn't there"
Atheism is with content. It is the positive claim that God doesn't exist.
>If you've abandoned your faith, you've played precisely into their hands.
Good job I never abandoned it since I never had it in the first place.
>i don't acknowledge the movement, so it doesn't exist
How would you refute someone claiming that there's no, say... feminism movement? No liberal media bias? How do you address someone like yourself that has decided to divorce themselves entirely from reality?
>Why do the Jews push atheism? Why do they institute state atheism whenever they come into power? Why does atheism always precursor the fall of civilization?
Because when large numbers of people give up their cultural identity the society collapses.
However, being an atheist doesn't require a person to give up their cultural identity.
You're attacking the wrong enemy.
>Atheism is with content. It is the positive claim that God doesn't exist.
No it isn't, and even if it were, it's irrelevant. The belief that god exists or not is, itself, without content.
It's a piece of you that you still have. Abandoning it is not embracing it. I don't fault you though. The pressure they put on the weak to cast aside religion, along with the positive reinforcement is very difficult to struggle against. You've been coddled into believing you're "too smart" for religion. Those suckers who believe *ad hominem, blah blah spaghetti monster*. Not you though! You, TOTALLY ON YOUR OWN, because we all know that no external factors could ever influence our decisions, even without us noticing, came to the completely rational conclusion that the Jews were right.
Atheists rarely have kids so their ideology is unsustainable.
But atheism comes with the package of losing it.
Just like SJWs, atheists aren't THE enemy, but they are playing into the jews' hands. And atheists might be quicker to wake up about it.
As i said, atheism itself isn't any sort of a movement. It is simply a lack if faith in any deities, nothing more, nothing less. Now, there might be groups that twist and turn and morph this idea into something different altogether but you can't escape the fact that atheism itself isn't a movement.
If you don't understand this, then I highly suggest you go back to school.
>yes, it's a toxic nondeology that the Jews actively use to destroy the west
>but some of us aren't puppets, i mean, we do the Jews work for them, but we're not puppets
That might be even more horrifying.
Not really sure what you're trying to say m8, I just never saw a reason to be religious, simple as that.
You're basically saying "I don't believe in God, so it's irrelevant."
Atheism is the position which asserts (positively) that there is no God.
What a bunch of semantic nonsense. How are you defining "content"? For atheists being so confident they're on the right side of history, they sure want to keep atheism as spectral and evasive as possible. "It's not a movement, even though it's highly merchandised and even has church and a symbol!"
I don't know if I can dumb this down enough for you, Finland. Everyone else seems to be able to participate in the discussion without being handwalked through it, why not you?
Still, I'll give it a try. Pay very close attention.
Transexuals are not in and of themselves a movement. It's a mental illness, nothing more or less. It's inherently degenerate, but not specifically harmful in isolated cases and on its own.
However, you'd have to be a turbocuck retard to pretend that there's not a movement associated with it currently that's severely damaging our current society. That there aren't primary movers encouraging people to not only tolerate, but embrace the idea of it. That they themselves should be.
So goes Atheism. Sure, historically, there have been cases of individual autism where people simply were incapable of manifesting a spiritual side and connecting with their faith. But it's never been particularly widespread save for the past hundred or so years when it ceased to be an absence of religion and started to become a tool used by the Jews to undermine civilization.
Now, I get that you want to proudly proclaim that you came to the atheism thing by yourself. But you can't know that, and any reasonable person would argue that there's almost no chance that you did. You're living in a twilight time where generations of people have been fed from a variety of media that religion is archaic, wrong and anti-intellectual. It's shaped who you are. Your "epiphany" is a product of their machinations. You aggressively defending it is part of that movement you refuse to acknowledge exists.
I know you didn't. That's the Jewish indoctrination.
"I just never saw a problem with abortion."
"I just don't see anything wrong with divorce."
"I just don't see what the big deal with miscegenation is."
It can be explained to you. You can have the facts. But it won't make a difference. Honestly acknowledging it would require you understanding that you're a tool of a larger movement that wants you to not see the point. Your ambivalence is the goal.
Did you mean to respond to me?
>Theism: belief in the existence of a god or gods, specifically of a creator who intervenes in the universe.
>Atheism: disbelief or lack of belief in the existence of God or gods.
It seems like theism is the position which asserts (positively) that there is a god and then a-theism simply doesn't hold that position.
Well I still don't have a reason even if someone on Sup Forums tells me I've apparently been brainwashed by jews.
>But atheism comes with the package of losing it.
>Just like SJWs, atheists aren't THE enemy, but they are playing into the jews' hands. And atheists might be quicker to wake up about it.
SJW's have an ideology. Atheists don't. Your gripe is with SJWs and marxists.
>it's a toxic nondeology that the Jews actively use to destroy the west
This sentence is nonsense. "It's a poisoned non-weapon that kills anybody it doesn't touch".
>You're basically saying "I don't believe in God, so it's irrelevant."
No, I'm saying the statement lacks content. It doesn't inform you about a person's values or culture or model of reality even.
The statement is yet undefined and meaningless.
>i acknowledge that atheism is something the jews are pushing me to embrace
>and i have embraced it
>but i still see no need to explore faith or spirituality
>This sentence is nonsense. "It's a poisoned non-weapon that kills anybody it doesn't touch".
Let's create a baseline with you then. Do you feel that mass atheism negatively impacts a country?
Most people pro-abortion, pro-divorce and pro-miscegenation are christcucks.
I still firmly believe Christianity is a Jewish invention and is used for such indoctrination.
"Turn the other cheek."
Yes goy, let the hordes of foreigners rape your women but don't fight back!
"Render unto Caesar what is Caesar's"
do it goy, pay your taxes!
and so on.
Then again you're too dumb to realize atheism has nothing to do with political ideology so you'll be content living your life as you are.
Nevermind some of the most religious countries in the world like those in South America have some of the worse rates of degeneracy and violence.
Nevermind atheist majority nations like Estonia are relatively uncucked and low crime rate.
Yeah fuck logic and facts.
wew jesus saves!
Allow me to clarify:
The reason the spread of atheism is bad in today's society is because it accompanies the spread of marxist propaganda. Many of the people arguing for atheism are marxists.
Arguing for atheism while arguing for traditional western values is totally benign, by contrast.
Now for the redpill:
The reason atheism is spreading at such a rapid pace in america and the west is because Christianity has failed as an ideology. For whatever reason, large portions of society are dissatisfied with christianity because it has failed to adapt to our modern situation.
>Do you feel that mass atheism negatively impacts a country?
I believe that it is currently negatively impacting america because of the reasons stated here:
Atheism is a religion of cucks, for example in the atheist holy book, the Communist Manifesto, Karl Marx 3:1 "Thou shall allow thy wives the biggest negro penis thy can find"
>Most people pro-abortion, pro-divorce and pro-miscegenation are christcucks.
Actually, atheism is the religion of the left.
>Self-identified atheists tend to be aligned with the Democratic Party and with political liberalism. About two-thirds of atheists (69%) identify as Democrats (or lean in that direction), and a majority (56%) call themselves political liberals
So, you only think it's harmful when combined with Marxism. The fact that it also undermines community and cultural ties is immaterial?
>the atheist holy book, the Communist Manifesto
I'm not a communist, am I going to atheist hell?
>The fact that it also undermines community and cultural ties is immaterial?
It undermines community BECAUSE it's tied with marxism.
To be a part of the christian community, you don't actually have to believe in god.
The jews understand this. There are plenty of atheist jews who are very much part of the jewish community.
The idea that it has to sever you from everyone around you is a marxist lie.
>immediately debunked on first reply
Make sure to upboat him too. :^)
Christians worship the Jewish god haha.
Or maybe it's because the more humanity goes forward the more evident it is that all Holy Books are just bullshit and should only be read for cultural reasons.
reminder that if you are a Christian you are not redpilled and you are still a slave to the Jewish propaganda
It's literally called Judeo Christianity you cucks
They won many many years ago.
Dawkins is a pure Anglo-Saxon, not a Jew.
Lol it must be nice to be able to completely ignore reality
Atheism is a tool, but it's only a first step. A step which in and of itself is not enough. It's tolerance and immigration which do the irreversible damage.
PS. legal freedom and tolerance are not the same thing, see Japan.
Really? That's really what you're going with? That all these close-knit Christian communities are atheist havens where religion is optional? I... can't even fathom how anyone could be so bluepilled.
The Jewish thing is an ethnicity. Their shared culture is about "being Jewish", not being religious. But a community of Catholics are a community on that shared faith. An atheist wouldn't have a place there anymore than a Baptist or a Mormon would.
Reminder that Sam Harris is against Donald Trump.
Reminder that Sam Harris is a neocon shill who is voting for Hillary.
He just happens to have a mother in academia with a Jewish surname that grew up in a Jewish-only community in a country with a low Jewish population, and he was raised atheist.
Nationality is supposed to be the backbone of white man's culture, not religion or tribe.
Why do so many people on Sup Forums literally worship the Jew god, and hate Jews at the same time
You talk about white supremacy and yet you have abandoned traditional European paganism in favor of a middle eastern semitic religion.
get it together
He also lets Judaism off the hook for things he criticizes in other religions and claims persecution of Jews justifies the existence of Israel without even acknowledging the reasons for all this "persecution" of Jews over the centuries.
My superior intellect transcends your archaic Christian values
>The Jewish thing is an ethnicity. Their shared culture is about "being Jewish", not being religious.
That's wrong. It's a culture and a set of traditions and values the same way that christianity is. What makes christianity better than marxism is not a belief in god; It's the value structure.
I agree with you that many christians have been tricked into thinking atheists are the devil, making people less likely to come out.... But if you think all the members of a christian community actually believe in a god, you're fooled.
Yep :)
>You're a Sup Forumslack, you recognize the shilling and manipulation in every facet, but in this one area you've been so thoroughly cucked and bamboozled that admitting it would be admitting that your life is a lie.
Let me quote from this book I found of a jewish sect that glorifies the jewish messiah and is universal and egalitarian and tolerant in nature:
Why do you look at the speck in your brother’s eye, but fail to notice the beam in your own eye?
Matthew 7:3
Can someone explain this or am I right in thinking you people are just retarded
Any scientologists here? Anyone have any knowledge of OT level 16?
>Atheism is a religion of cucks
Let's worship Joseph's wife's son instead!
>Or maybe it's because the more humanity goes forward the more evident it is that all Holy Books are just bullshit and should only be read for cultural reasons.
Yes; This is obviously one of the reasons christianity is insufficient for modern times. There's an over reliance on the literal truth of the bible.
Have some dark news Sup Forums. "Psychic", is real. Not only that but all the higher ups in Scientology know it.
It absolutely informs you about a persons values. 99% of atheists have the exact same belief system. They just allow scientists to be the mediators between them and reality instead of priests. Atheism is just a religion for people who are too dumb to realize religious myths are allegory and aren't meant to be taken literally.
I like how none of the Christfags have an answer for this.
>They just allow scientists to be the mediators between them and reality instead of priests.
Which is something we can and should use to our benefit since most views of the right are supported by science.
>too dumb to realize religious myths are allegory and aren't meant to be taken literally.
Except this is exactly what many atheists say. For some reason, people get really mad when they say that.
it's like you're telling people, after it's clear to them the earth is round, to believe it's flat again. it's simply impossible to go back to that way of thinking. and to practice christianity simply for cultural reasons is crazy as well. you don't need to practice a religion you don't believe in for the sake of unity. there are other ways to achieve that. btw, I started questioning god and religion at a very young age, when I was still naive about the world. nobody tricked me into becoming a degenerate atheist.
Confirming. I see the future in dreams all the time. Mostly inconsequential bullshit, but it happens.
People are dissatisfied with Christianity because they are too stupid to understand the meaning behind it. This is why all ancient societies had the mysteries. Egyptian religion for example which Christianity is based on was nothing more than a bunch of animal headed gods doing cool shit for the profane unwashed masses. But for the intellectual elite that actually understood the meaning it was full of deep scientific and spiritual truths. There's nothing wrong with being dumb just don't expect to be treated like you're intelligent. Every society needs its slaves.
congrats, u played urself
>atheism is a problem, religion is the solution
Sure thing, fags.
>The belief that god exists or not is, itself, without content
So the bible is without content? Atheists criticise the bible all the time to promote their faith, the content of atheism is, therefore, in large part the content of the bible seen from a point of ignorance and not understanding.
>People are dissatisfied with Christianity because they are too stupid to understand the meaning behind it.
Certainly a possibility; even so, An ideology is useless if people can't understand it. Might as well worship nonsense.
If that's the case you have to give up on christianity being a great force of social cohesion, because it's outright nonsense to most people.
Sam Harris is a huge fucking faggot shill. The fact that atheists worship him as a god tells you what level of intellect you're dealing with.
>So the bible is without content?
No... I didn't say that at all. It's got lots of content. You're quite right in pointing out that "God" in the case of christianity, is defined by the bible.
Without the bible, stating a "belief in god" lacks meaning.
not just the bible. there were atheist philosophers in ancient greece.
>99% of atheists have the exact same belief system
lol no
Just because liberal feminist youtube atheists are the loudest does not mean they are the majority.
Because they only comprehend the most basic symbolic meaning and none of the deeper metaphysical shit. Just because the bible isn't literally true doesn't mean that some kind of God doesn't exist.
it saddens me to have this many retards on our side, they dont see how their own religions have always cucked them too, still better than living under muslim rule lol
>The reason atheism is spreading at such a rapid pace in america and the west is because Christianity has failed as an ideology.
This is a circular argument. You could easily restate it as; the reason why Christianity is in decline is because of the success of atheism. And why has atheism been so successful? Because it is being pushed by the same cultural marxist groups you mentioned earlier.
However, I happen to agree that something went wrong somewhere in the transmission of the Christian message in society. But this is not the fault of the message, so much as the people put in place to perpetuate it. We have a golden opportunity to reconnect with those teachings, to fully understand them and disceminate them. If you think Christianity needs to adapt to 'modern situations' then you don't fully understand its message.
I agree. It needs to be reformulated. Science is being pushed as the new religion and that will be extremely destructive in the long run being that it has no moral code and it's been so politicized by militant Marxists that it isn't science anymore.
>Just because the bible isn't literally true doesn't mean that some kind of God doesn't exist.
You're right. For example: The pantheist god exists. God is nature, and nature exists.
God is love, love exists. We can concoct millions of gods that we can prove exist to some degree or another.
"Some kind of god" is extremely vague... And obviously the factual inaccuracy of the bible has nothing whatever to do with their respective existences.
No wonder Ancient Greece declined and failed.
atheism is the foundation of western civilization, you git.
And they were laughed at by all of the great Greek philosophers who shaped society.
>You could easily restate it as; the reason why Christianity is in decline is because of the success of atheism.
True, but the default state is that people go with the ideology that they're brought up with.
People won't just accept the values espoused by other people unless their current belief system is somehow shown to be insufficient.
It's one thing for an ideology to grow by having people reproduce faster; It's quite another for an ideology to grow by persuading people from another ideology.
>If you think Christianity needs to adapt to 'modern situations' then you don't fully understand its message.
Well something is going wrong. At least we agree on that. There's a weak link somewhere or people wouldn't be converting away from the beliefs of their parents and family. It's a socially traumatic thing to do. Most people wouldn't do it without good reason.
>All the philosophers that agree with ME were great! The rest were garbage!
You're right, the Greek pantheon is certainly nothing to laugh at.
The foundation of Western society was done by Christians. This is not disputable.
I didn't know Diagoras was a Jew!
inb4 atheists make some excuses like "yeah everyone used to be Christian but that doesn't mean it had ANYTHING to do with Christianity. LOL religitard xD xD"
>Just because the bible isn't literally true doesn't mean that some kind of God doesn't exist.
It just means that it's most likely not the god of the bible, and therefore shilling for that god is pretty pointless.
You seem to have the gist of what I'm saying. Belief in something more than scientific materialism is essential for a society that wants to accomplish anything meaningful.
>"Turn the other cheek."
Implying christian aren't allowed to kill.
Today christians are weak because they have been heavily cucked by the atheist degeneracy.
>Atheism is the tool of Zionism used to undermine and usurp the western civilization
It's funny because Christianity is actually all that.
Lol did Richard Dawkins tell you that?
And looking at all the Christian countries in Africa and South America compared with ours we can learn that those founders' religion didn't really matter that much, but their racial stock did.
Have you read Plato? He dedicates a good amount of time especially in the republic to having Socrates point out how childish materialists were. Talk to me after you've actually read a few Greek philosophers big guy.
what did i tell you
Literally: "Yeah but Africa has some Christians and they're Africa."
>If you've abandoned your faith
i never had any faget, neither did my parents
>what did i tell you
Looking at certainly not
>Literally: "Yeah but Africa has some Christians and they're Africa."
since I established that it can't be the religion that's the cause for our civilization since that exact same religion is in place in countries that lack our level of civilization.
It's obvious what's more important - and when you have one thing destroying the other, like we do now, you have to pick your side and ideally you pick the one that's more important.
The foundations of western society stem from pre-Christian Rome you stupid christfag fucks.