Why do Americans blame Mexicans for the illegal takeover instead of their government for not securing the border and refusing to prosecute the Americans that hire illegals to do the work in farms/factories/restaurants etc?
Why do Americans blame Mexicans for the illegal takeover instead of their government for not securing the border and...
I blame both. This is partly why I blame Mexicans:
>telling people how not to die means the government is sending them to the US
Top kek
delete this
>dindu nuffin
You're a nigger.
They literally don't. That's the counter-narrative pushed by the liberal media.
>Not knowing how to take a clue
Listen to him very carefully to the end you dumb spic.
Anyone else notice how latrinos do not seem the grasp the concept of personal responsibility?
>replying with memes
No, user, you're the nigger.
I don't have the time to listen to the ramblings of this specific aspie, I've seen the pamphlets already.
Either get to the point or gtfo parroting cuck
How so?
wait, so you don't understand why Americans blame people for breaking the law?
This attitude is exactly why we don't want you!
I do blame our government. But I also blame Mexico because you're terrible people. You have a hideous culture and when your people come here they say and do terrible things. You're just all around unpleasant. Who's fault is that if not Mexico's?
Aren't Americans to blame in this whole 'breaking the law' thing?
If Americans didn't employ these people nor give handouts to non citizens they wouldn't have a reason to emigrate to the US.
If you think this is an accurate representation of Mexicans, you're either a cartel member or an idiot. Immigrate legally or gtfo, you're making honest Mexicans look like shit.
I don't blame the Mexicans, I just hate them. I blame the government for housing and assisting subhuman bean scum.
Mexicans are the symptom, jews are the disease.
>Aren't Americans to blame in this whole 'breaking the law' thing?
Yes, Americans are to blame because they have created the laws they you guys are breaking.
You are beyond retarded dude, go get your head shopped of, your are wasting oxygen!
it is simple economics
> mexicans drain all of social resources from americans
> lower the standards in all public schools
> clog up every system by overwhelming numbers
> degrade american culture and install their own
> take american jobs frompeople that need them
> drive down american wages by working for less and getting hired over american workers
Germany has two problems. They cant make inflation go up and they are facing demographics collapse due to no children.
Their solution to both these problems is to import 20 something male slaves from the middle east. This will create demand for goods and services which they hope will drive inflation and also very cheaply creates a slave caste of workers with far fewer rights and cost associated with them with natural born citizens.
You can see the same thing in the US. Mexicans will force their way into the US where they have far fewer rights, cannot complain about being abused by their employers and cannot access welfare or vote in the same way as citizens. This is absolutely wonderful for the rich.
The downside is that a violent civil rights movement is inevitable. Its what has happened in every other country that has abused large numbers of the residents in its nation in this way.
As you can see everyone wins. Except German citizens. Democracy is dying.
>>Aren't Americans to blame in this whole 'breaking the law' thing?
>Yes, Americans are to blame because they have created the laws they you guys are breaking.
>You are beyond retarded dude, go get your head shopped of, your are wasting oxygen!
You are so butthurt it's getting in the way of your already lacking reading comprehension, burger breeder.
I've said that Americans are to blame because they employ these people in the first place, which is also an illegal practice.
No demand for illegal labor = Mexicans won't cross your border.
Didn't an illegal just graduated on top of her class?
Yea you're going to be busy building wall
non-whites generally don't understand that concept, that's why their countries are pure shit and they have to flee to white countries
do you really think that one exceptional story negates everything else?
because u havent done jack shit to make your own country better.Shit got tough and you just fuckin split.Fuck this i can go leech off america cuz im too fuckin stupid to help fix my own country.
mongoloid all u know is how to create problems ,roach in on areas,steal and rape and then act like you own everything.ur fuckin trash get the fuck out of the us.sand roach piece of shit.
Are you okay user? Do you need a glass of water?
Most Mexicans tell me that they have the right to take back Aztlan. These dumbasses are so retarded that they think they still legally own all of Cali, Nevada, Utah, Arizona, Oregon, Colorado, the list goes on.
Mexicans don't believe that they're breaking the law, because Western USA is supposedly their land, lol.
I think more Americans need to be made aware of Mexico's "utopia" Aztlan and how they want us to give it back. Fuck that, these taco niggers better fight for it.
I have no problem with honest Mexicans at all. It's the ones who label themselves as Aztec who piss me the fuck off. For fuck's sake Los Angeles was owned & created by Spain not Mexicans yet Mexicanos act otherwise.
It just really gets to me how Mexicans can rightfully get their asses kicked in a war and then claim that the USA stole it from them when the land that Aztecs owned was originally owned by Native Indians. It's like fuck do these Mexicans plan to give Aztlan back to some random ass no-name Indian tribes that they themselves wiped out into extinction? Most likely not.
The point is that we wouldn't have a wave of beaners flooding in if they weren’t incentivized into coming here with jobs and free shit.
I despise illegals, but they're just a symptom of corporate and government kikery.
>tfw bang hot illegal mexigals on the regular
feels good to be american
Because they don't want to admit that their country belongs to the globalists and that the globalists call the shots, not the american goyim.
There you go.
>Posts narco whores
user pls.
They still have to go back.
Because you decided to take advantage of it and help them get over, sometimes even giving incentives to do so
You are going to get what's coming to you hatnigger
Same. It's great fucking overly attractive second class citizens.
>most Mexicans tell me
I know you're just spouting Sup Forumstard memes because this 'aztlan' faggottry isn't popular in the US nor Mexico, it's the equivalent of calling all whites racist pieces of shit because the KKK exists.
Lol I posted it again mum
These are the delights we see all over the U.S.
>You fuckers are starting to get nervous about Trump now, aren't you....post after post about your shit country
Makes me feel like a properly organized and equipped attempt to cross into the US illegally would be a great adventure.
I blame the people the hire them as well. We should force employers to use e-verify and heavily fine people when we find out they're hiring illegals.
We already do fine them, but the cost-benefit is such that even if you eat a few fines it's still cheaper to hire illegals. We need to up the penalties.
Also, not all mexicans coming here are just poor nice people looking for work. There is a lot of criminal activity on the border. If it were up to me I'd put the national guard on the border with orders to shoot anyone crossing illegally on sight.
Why do mexican girls have such nice feet?
>American men bang illegal women
>Illegal men bang American women
Shit's fun.
>I know you're just spouting Sup Forumstard memes because this 'aztlan' faggottry isn't popular in the US nor Mexico
There were plenty of pacos at the Trump protests with signs like this. Can't be that unpopular.
hey look Mexico shilling his nasty women again
I dated a half Mexican half Irish girl once.
she was really cool but her mom was crazy (nice, but somewhat irrational at times) so that's what I, and the rest of America think of Mexican women so you can stop making these shitty threads
>his finally posted his 621st picture of mexican women
thats not even fuckin crafty.thats more mongoloid bullshit.i make a personal point to never hire you worthless ladrones because all u do is fuckin drag ass and steal shit.i pay everyone the same who is trained for their particular job.
u fucks are the most worthless cockroach turds in existence.
it takes one company.one.singular.company to hire you shitstains because when they do it skews the immediate market around the area making other businesses close or in turn hire shitstains like you to stay competitive.you are a fucking plague that needs cleansing by fire.
scabs of the highest order and mainly because you dont see a single thing wrong with it.
you have absolutely no fucking compunction about tearing down another country that you are guest in and have no fucking plans on giving shit one back.
hell you couldnt give anything to your own fuckin country so why would we expect that here.then when you get shit out violently like a bad egg shart you wave a flag u dont even care about.
you are living trolls and the lowest roaches on this planet and everyone in the world fucking knows it.
worthless.cant even hold onto a minor win against drug dealers for more than a few months.motherfuckers sre pathetic and we need a wall plus sniper patrols with shoot on site orders.
were fuckin done.done man.
fuck you.
ladrone piece of dogshit.
What does that even mean?
There could be 300 people and it wouldn't mean jack shit if there are 300,000 Mexicans in that city.
I dropped a half Mexican half Californian girl here in Ireland. It was after the first date when she told me that she has a $100,000 debt in the US for her photography education and that her brother is currently stealing electronics from tourists here.
WTF. Criminality on a first date?
>$100,000 debt in the US for her photography education
Jesus Christ
You okay user? Are you taking your meds on time?
its who they are.not necessity based its just who they are.
no concept of mine.yours.
its all theirs because they are fuckin criminals by dna.
Triple 6ix
>the state of mexico unironically sending and supporting the flight of its own citizens.
mexicucks , it's litterary saying
>we give up, this country is shit, if you leave, please don't die, see ya
>Mexicans depicting themselves as light skin and muscular in the illustrations
These can't be mexican women, they still have heads!
>OP) #
taco niggers ahahaha im using that.
>I am $100,000 in debt and fled the country with a completely worthless education.
Maybe she was trying to impress me? I have no idea.
>>the state of mexico unironically sending and supporting the flight of its own citizens.
>narco whores
I have $100,000 in debt for my engineering education and I design electrical/electronic systems for non-tourists here in the states.
Am I doing something wrong?
>These are the delights we see all over the U.S.
You should get tested
>the state of mexico unironically sending and supporting the flight of its own citizens.
Why would she even say that? Bitches be crazy man
The ones you posted have too much plastic on them. Also narco-girls usually buy greencards through their boyfriends, so they are technically legal.
fucking bullshit anyway they would walk onto some land in goddamn norway and act like it was theirs.were here so its ours!
fucking rats.rats that steal everything not bolted down.
wasn't JIDF doing the same thing, posting "Cute" Girls, trying to win over some betas for their cause?
Fucking mexico thinks it's a real country with any sort of influence lol
What you're doing is an invasion. This is an act of war.
my test levels are fine bro
You don't see north koreans going over to the south waving the north korean flag
Do you hate the person that's punching you or the one that's holding you down?
Those spics have some nice legs
S. Korea actually bothers to enforce its inmigration policy.
Ethnic displacement=/= War
fucking disgusting
look at that whore
not necessarily.canada is not bleeding leafs down here and thats because they can handle their own shit.
until mexicans can run their own country they should be closed off till they can handle their own shit.might be never but im not carrying their water.by saying we have an interest in their slavery...i fuckin dont.ill watch those motherfuckers butn,alive ,in the sand but im not givin him a job.they have complicity in this by allowing their own society to fall into drug war scarred dogshit.plus alot of these motherfuckers comin over here worked for the cartels sending their poison up here and having no issue killing kids here in the us.
Permavirgin white nationalist faggot detected
If your country doesn't want drugs why do they keep buying them?
I would unironically lick all of those soles clean t.bh
Basically, like the Sand Niggers you're all fucking shit people, who instead of fixing your country by, oh I don't know, taking up arms en mass against your overlords (COUGH Cartel COUGH) and installing a real democracy you all make like fucking birds and fly north for the summer. Except it isn't just for the summer, and you're shitting on more then just the pavement.
If you make it into a country legally cause you're qualified to actually be useful to the fucking nation then good. If not, stay in your fucking taco fields and make use of yourself, beaner.
sorry im not polluting my god tier non hispanic white genetics shitskin
i might do some border work this summer just daily reminded how bad the problem is.
They don't blame Mexicans. They blame their government. Same goes for Europe and Muslims. The Muslims will come because Merkel and Co. Make it inviting. The Muslims themselves are just seen as a plague - the government's that let the plague in are who people are mad at, and why people vote for extreme alternatives.
I do blame my government Mex bro.
And I want Mexico to be great again too.
>blame the goverment for not securing the border
>damn ese it's not my fault you left your door open, you were asking for it !!
why does that not cause shame for brown shitstains that they just cannot,for the fucking life of them,maintain a stable and peaceful society?
BTFOmg this was the second Alamo
holy shit I just want to worship their feet. I want to lick those sweaty stinky little feet until I come.
I want to smell them, I want them to touch me down there with their feet
my penis is so erect right now. I need those feet.
*pulls out dick*
*sniff sniff*
*lick & deep sniff*
Any other pics OP? The girl in the middle has some of the nicest feet I've seen.
Because the mexican government is corrupt. Who else empowered them? Their shit people and the cartels. Think about it, it was their government. They pushed for socialist shit and now their government has all the power. That's why mexicans feels so helpless that they would rather run to the US rather than change the shit they caused. Now they want to come to the US and turn it into shit too. They don't have the fucking understanding that they created the shithole to begin with and refuse to go back and change their government. They come to the US and want to give government the power to give more welfare and government programs. They're so fucking stupid they never learn from their mistakes.
If you're blaming the American government, duhh that's what we're trying to do with Trump We'll force our government to build the wall, only then can we start deporting and making it less attractive for them to come illegally and break the law. We can deport and deport like we have been doing (under obama). But it won't affect the outcome, they will keep coming in waves.
How is it that they can have some of the biggest drug operations in the world, but can't even keep one machete sharpened?
>he thinks genes can be 'polluted' via intercourse
As I said, you're a permavirgin stormfag cunt
> yep
Cartels are usually made of poor uneducated people, don't expect them to understand things like proper maintenance.
nuh uh cuz rag heads have their own responsibility as well.
look if we keep allowing this bullshit to go on these prepubescent societies will never fucking mature and join the human community.if they are so weak as a band of renegades is allowed to take over entire areas they deserve to fall.encircle the shitty country with embRgoes and let it die or survive.They are dragging all of us down.badly.to the point we cant sustain our own societies.
their madness is becoming ours.
gotta stop.tough love.sink or swim fucktards
oh so you are advocating premarital sex without procreation
absolutely disgusting
take your degenerate poverty/STD inducing ways elsewhere paco
this is why your country is forever in poverty
How the fuck could you put the only one showing sexy feet last you enormous faggot.
I have no issue with Mexicans, who work hard, and are looking for a better life. I have a real fucking problem with you brown fucks jumping the border to "Make a better life" and then wanting to "Make America Mexico again" what the fuck is wrong with you dumbasses?
i mean fuckin really?
if 200 people died from a meth or whatever cartel happened here or news of areas that cartels were taking over the us army and regular fuckin people would be there to reduce it to a grease stain.
that shit would have absolutely no fuckin chance.
inner ity gangs have turned to net crime cuz all their homies were in fuckin jail.they were running out of people to run their shit on the outside and have gone over to hidden crime.
warring in cities with rpg's because of fuckin drugs gimme a fuckin break you have a weak ass populus and genetic makeup.
If you look closely, I put her as number 1 or first.
>this is what Americans who've seen too many movies actually believe
you type like a nigger so it doesn't really surprise me you believe this