>tfw no Snow Crash movie ever
>tfw no ironic katana-wielding blasian fighting neonazis in a bar
>tfw no mafia delivering pizza
>tfw no fourteen year-old girl injecting knockout drugs via her vagina and rides around on a skateboard asking if people are Iranian
>tfw no gigantic guy with a personal nuke to make him too dangerous to attack being killed by an old mafioso
>tfw no internet before the internet existed, complete with penis avatars
Tfw no Snow Crash movie ever
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Snow Crash sounds like a fucking trip
I loved Neuromancer so I guess I should read this?
Snow Crash is pretty much the ultimate cyberpunk story. There was no real reason to continue the genre after its release, writers really should have just moved onto something else.
>no Snow Crash movie ever
Good. its neal stephenson's weakest work.
You're thinking of Diamond Age.
you take that shit back
I admit to not having read Anathem, so maybe that's worse, but Diamond Age isn't as interesting and weird as Snow Crash, and its protagonist is a lot less cool than Hiro.
That sounds Reddit as fuck so no fucking thanks, now fuck off.
That's not Hiro Protagonist. He looks like a well suited Keanu Reeves trying to look asian.
why are you saying anathem and diamond age are worse than reamde?
why do you do this to me?
Oh, I've never heard of reamde.
Guess I'm not up to date on my Neal Stephenson. Alright, let me alter my statement to "Snow Crash is better than Diamond Age."
I read about a third of it. It's basically a book about *unsheathes katana* and Second Life, right?
Yes, but ironically.
>Allison Scagliotti is too old to play YT
>Summer Glau is too old to play Nell
Just crash a meteor into this planet already
that looks like Shadowrun character art desu
>muh Snowcrash
yeah, well, fuck you. i want my "Vurt" movie but that will never happen
How come all the shitty things in cyberpunk came true but all the cool ones didn't
Like the global predictive ai corporate surveillance superstate is up and running but I have never once seen a latex clad cyborg with huge tits slice a guy in half with a katana in public
the berenstain timeline is truly the worst of all possible worlds
>Entertainment Weekly felt Vurt was undeserving of receiving the 1994 Arthur C. Clarke Award, saying the book's "sentimental incest and adolescent self-congratulation...is never really startling or disturbing."
I might have to read that. Thanks, user
Trump is fixing this shit and now we are in the right timeline.
Anathem is his best work, hands down.
It could transfer to film really well if it was done in two movies.
I mean hell it even has the perfect splitting point where the last scene of the first movie would be all the shit going down at the volcano.
Having carried around Anathem for a month and a half. I can say for certain that though the work may have been weakened by its quarter strength of Tolkienesque autistic language creation, I at least got swole as fuck.
What would Sup Forums have to say about this?
>the Internet didn't exist in 1992
>penis avatars didn't exist in 1992
Go kill yourself
stop reminding me
>>tfw no ironic
Kick Ass era Chloe probably could have been great
Shame she died and was replaced with a genetically engineered silverback
>shame she died and was replaced
Care to explain?
I've read the book several times and when YT cums the second he enters her never fails to get me hard.
The Diamond Age is a book men could never understand
Bro, no theater going audience is going to want to fucking sit through a subtitled film spoken in approximate English, nor is a theater goer audience going to comprehend universal walls being torn asunder by shared observer autism.
If they gut the story and just make it about MUH KUNGFU VALE MONKS WITH SMARTPHONES, maybe the general public will watch the movie.
ok lad, he's bringing the dystopia but would have liked the cyborgs before we got there.
The book was fascinating until they got to the Sumerians were hackers metavirus ex dee shit
that would be seveneves after the first 300 pages
Say what you want about the differences from the source material but GitS looks like its gonna be cyberpunkkino
LITERAL cyborgs have existed for 40 fucking years
I hate this thread
That's pretty much what I meant.
You'd have to strip it down, but the big events would translate well.
It would never be as good as the book because there would be no way to show what would happen if you gave the smartest people in the world all the time in the world with no distractions to figure out the answers to things.
My vote for worst NS is Cryptonomican, that shit was way to slow.
they arent the norm like most cyberpunk
>second half of seveneves
>tfw you share air with these people
Zodiac lacked ambition
Have you ever even been to detroit?
Well, that sounds reddit as fuck.
So I can't say I'm sad not to be getting it.
They don't look cool though.
Nor are they superior to their non-augmented brethren.
Isn't his book seven eve's being turned into a movie?
I think I read somewhere that Ron Howard is doing it.
oh come on, it plummeted as soon as Madam President came aboard and it turned into a mexican soap
>neil degrasse tyson saves humanity: the book: the movie
kill me
without her cunt ass, there'd be no conflict.
I wonder how many votes hilary lost to being the biggest cunt in the solar system in seveneves.
It's true when you put it like that.
god I love that fucking book
there was no need for conflict at that point its not like there wasnt anything else going on
>we're on the moon with no way to survive logically
>We made it using the power of FEMINISM!!!(th
mang don't even joke like that
that caught me off guard and I laughed hard
If the survivors hadn't split, they wouldn't have been left with ... seven eves.
>tfw no Snow Crash movie ever
Well, you see...
also please stop spoiling seveeves thanks
the book sort of does that itself as soon as you look at the map behind the cover page
attack the block was atrocious
>that part where Y.T wants to fuck that mutant
did feel completely out of character
Anyone read Dome City Blues?
Easiest casting ever though
Why has there NEVER been any Neuromancer movie?
New Rose Hotel was better than expected, though
Cover has caught my attention but obviously never judge a book by its cover.
Is it good?
the ending would be hilarious
I really, really wanted to see a Vincent Natali Neuromancer.
God knows what is going to come of the movie now that it has Chinese backing.
We got Google Earth. That's prety cool.
is it really three dollars?
>*not actual size
>mfw some dumb amerifat most likely sued that place because he thought he got cheated by that image and that's why they put that retarded shit on the image
we are not all dumn and fat. please think about what you are saying next time you think of generalizing an entire race
Steampunk got the cancer from going mainstream with Will Smoth's Wild Wild West. Eventually Bieber's Santa Claus music video was the final nail in the coffin.
if he sued he most likely won if it caused them to change the sign in your scenario
dog bless amerifags
didn't cyberdunk nearly get killed in the 90s? fuck normies either way.
why does a swedish furniture store sell hotdogs is the real question
Nah, that would be steampunk.
Serious question, has there been a sci-fi movie set in the future with personal sex bots?
There needs to be a word for the bittersweet feeling when you realize everything you love is too obscure to be ruined by Hollywood.
Diamond Age was great until he stopped writing it.
I mean there's literally no ending. The book just stops.
that sounds fucking terrible