Donald Trump is temperamentally unfit to be president and commander-in-chief
Donald Trump is temperamentally unfit to be president and commander-in-chief
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Thank You for Correcting the Record!
Joker looking ass
Germany is not content with one woman destroying the entire world so they want two to do it.
>No one is being paid to shill for Hillary by the way. It's a Republican-funded lie and a pathetic attempt to smear her campaign.
You're right, better have a coke smuggler's wife in office instead
Hillary's vote for the Iraq War shows what she really thinks about people. Not much.
Please tell me that you guys/gals don't actually support Trump. All these posts about Trump being the savior of America and western civilization are satire, right? I understand that 4 Chan has a large "troll" community, but I can't help but think that some of the post here are serious. Your actions have consequence that may be far more reaching than even you understand. It may be all fun-and-games to some of you, but there are people out there who think that the stuff posted on /Pol is real. Just look at what happened to Reddit. They have an entire subreddit (with 130k followers) dedicated, unironically, to Trump.
Trump is dangerous, yet you don't seem to care. You'd rather cash in your political influence for short term laughs than long term global stability. If Trump gets elected it will be YOUR fault. I only wish that you would put as much energy into making the world a better place as you do into meme'ing for Trump.
We are all responsible for our actions, I just wanted you to understand that.
Behold the temperament of a true President!!!
#I'm with Her!
>you get a refugee!
>you get a refugee!!
You are morally unfit to be not in jail.
Please, give us some of the reasons why Trump will be so dangerous to the American people?
shut your dirty portugese mouth, people can vote for whoever they want, its called a democracy. Just because your country sucks doesn't give you the right to tell people who to vote for.
Não sabes do que falas.
As far as I know, Trump never sat back and allowed innocent Americans to be killed when all he had to do was make a phone call or carelessly leaked classified documents on his private e-mail server or threatened women's lives to keep their mouths shut over his spouse's debauchery or willingly accepted political donations from regions that openly harbor terrorists or is considered a form of punishment to be assigned to protect because of how much of a total asshole he is.
But oh right, MUH TEMPERAMENT. Trump stumped.
>Man who has for multiple decades continued sending pictures of his hands to person who mocked him once about how small they are
>Man who can't let any insult go without making a snippy tweet about it
>Man who's campaign apparatus is a mess because he only listens to people he wants to
>Sounds like a good fit for president.
hillbag is going to have another stroke, live on TV. At which time she will fall down and break her hip in a coughing fit.
Bosnian Snipers.
New copypasta anons, please ignore.
She must be beaten.
it doesn't matter who is president as long as it's donald trump.
I totally agree
omg they are fucking tearing each other apart.
it's wonderful
>Woman who can't even operate an email account
Seriously bro, bitch can't even use email without breaking the law.
>you guys/gals
please. it's not 1950 anymore hilldabeast.
Its quite fun to see the world turn into shit. First immigrants than some nazis and throw a narcissistic megalomaniac president with nuclear weapons in the mix.
Republican witch hunt just like Watergate or Vince Foster, if there was anything at all there she'd have been charged with something by now
>email server
Republican witch hunt, previous SoS used private email as well, if there was anything there she'd have been charged by now
>threatened women's lives
Can't say she didn't do it so you got me there, but Trump has literally raped his wife after assaulting her because of a bad hair transplant. They're both equally shit on women in their past if you go by allegations
>donations from regions that harbor terrorists
career politician doesn't cuck saudis, news at 10. but i will give you this one that we can pretty safely say trump hasn't done this. maybe business deals but w/e
>punishment detail
lol caring about the failure that is the secret service in any way shape or form
The war is a wedge issue.
But I thought she was operating her entire own email server :^)
I know, I don't get it. Shouldn't Hillary shills be kissing Sanders supporter ass in hopes they will vote for Hillary.
Hillary really is just a magnet for dumb cunts.
>implying anyone on Sup Forums posts arguments at all
>implying even if they do it's in good faith
it's shills and morons all the way down
Of course your dumbass thinks that's challenging.
you useful idiot...
>Woman does same thing previous three Secretaries of State did
>But it's Hillary KKKlinton so there must be the secret emails telling the special forces to let benghazi burn!
there's plenty of valid reasons to hate her bro, you don't need to harp on total non-things like this.
Over-the-Hillary is a nasty cunt.
Spread the word.
>A woman claiming someone is temperamentally unfit for something
top kek
Based on my experience the following Facebook sites are
strongly pro-Hillary:
Media Matters
New Republic
Strongly pro-Bernie:
>if there was anything at all there she'd have been charged with something by now
They don't pay you enough to act this delusional.
>Trump has literally raped his wife after assaulting her because of a bad hair transplant
This meme died in its tank when the same wife debunked it. Do better.
>you got me there
That's easy to do senpai :3
>lol secret service
It's laughable to call Trump out for being thin-skinned and lacking "the right temperament for President" when Hillary treats the people who GUARD the President around like dogshit.
>non things
>hillary running an influence exchange out of her foundation and state department, missing emails documenting these transactions.
Nice try, shillbot
Kill yourself faggot
Not an argument.
if that meme died when the wife debunked it how come it's fair to hammer hilldog for women who recanted after accusing bill, man? you don't think trump could strongarm his ex into recanting as well? as for the secret service shit, i don't give a damn how her employees feel about her. they're there to do a job, and if you wanna go on that then there's plenty of ex trump employees who fucking abhor him as well.
also sorry for actually believing in innocent until proven guilty. i guess i'm old fashioned that way
>Please tell me that you guys/gals don't actually support Trump. All these posts about Trump being the savior of America and western civilization are satire, right? I understand that 4 Chan has a large "troll" community, but I can't help but think that some of the post here are serious. Your actions have consequence that may be far more reaching than even you understand. It may be all fun-and-games to some of you, but there are people out there who think that the stuff posted on /Pol is real. Just look at what happened to Reddit. They have an entire subreddit (with 130k followers) dedicated, unironically, to Trump.
Trump is dangerous, yet you don't seem to care. You'd rather cash in your political influence for short term laughs than long term global stability. If Trump gets elected it will be YOUR fault. I only wish that you would put as much energy into making the world a better place as you do into meme'ing for Trump.
We are all responsible for our actions, I just wanted you to understand that.
Neither was that you fucking loser
~I find it absolutely reprehensible and putrid that you just throw all my points out of the window. Your measly pea-sized anal brain lacks the functionary power to fathom the lyrics of what I just said. You belong in an assilum, and you better take this seriouisly, I just told you how you should spend the rest of your life. You are everything wrong with this awful world. You are the reason people commit suicide. Eat shit or I will do it myself you little fucking parasite. Your useless life will end when I tear apart your entire world friend. I will beat you into a pulp until you shit fire you pest.
Hey Hans, ya enjoying those muzzys and African scum invading your country?
Then thank Queen Hillary.
No, this evil whore is unfit for the presidency.
You don't seem to understand the problem here
Hillary is literally a criminal.
So our choices are a guy who is a problematic racist, or someone who should be behind bars but manages to slip away every time through the power of money, connections, and power.
Who do you want as president? No, I want to know.
your points? Was that not a copypasta? Were they actually YOUR points or did you just copy and paste them? Were there factual points in that post or did you base everything off your feelings? I can tell by the way you type that you're less than 15 years old, which is to be expected here, but posting garbage like that throws your credibility out the fucking window and quite frankly makes you look dumb fuck retarded.
>So our choices are a guy who is a problematic racist, or someone who should be behind bars but manages to slip away every time through the power of money, connections, and power.
Facts without proof are feelings little timmy
Hillary has to try and control her paranoia and violent personality.
Why do you even live I bet that your fucking mother tried to kill you by drinking and smoking when she was pregnant but all she did was make you an autistic fuktard that can't stop looking either side of him even if he tries to look forward. If you think that you are cooler then me then you are pathetic. Go kill yourself and while your in hell you can ask your father why he jumped off a cliff to get away from you. I'll give you a hint, it's because you're fucking ugly as shit. Burn in hell you sick fuck.
Not an argument.
>Facts without proof are feelings little timmy
Now fuck off and do some fucking research next time you stupid leaf.
>Not an argument.
Really? Not wanting an actual criminal as our president is not an argument?
Let me give you a tour as to how dumb this logic is:
See this guy? He is on the top ten most wanted list for the CIA. His crime? He downloaded classified emails to his own physical media and distributed it. The CIA wants him _dead_.
Now, see Hillary Clinton? She did the exact, same, fucking, thing. Down to the letter of the law. She's running for president.
Now, I don't know if France's stench seeps over to you occasionally to where you're numb to irony. But most sane countries that are not backwards, communist shitholes do not want criminals who may be under investigation by the US government in the next year to be leading the US government.
It's fucking absurd that she's even allowed to run at all. It's an example of an oligarchy pushing its way around the laws to get whatever it wants however it wants.
I don't like Trump, and I think his policies are rubbish and will all get backpedaled the second he's in office. But at the very least, his first presidential action won't be to pardon himself for crimes that are worth multiple life sentences.
>You don't agree with my feelings and now I'm mad!!!!>:(
Still no facts, only shitposted feelings..... You really don't have a clue how to argue without making a complete fool of yourself do you? I want to know, how is supporting trump a bad thing? I'll give you one more shot to produce some proof to back up your statements, because so far all you've done is piss yourself off and shit post your feelings so hard you blew yourself out of the argument.
>Email scandal
She lied to the commission, doesn't matter what she has done.
>Chamaleon policies
8 years ago she was against everything she stands for now, she has no political ideals.
>Bengazi and Libia
She advised Obama about bombing Lybia and we know what happened.
Bengazi still a major failure.
Ah FUCK wrong picture. I meant to post this one and not Dinosaur Bart Simpson.
You should kill yourself.
Why? Good question. You see, the world has too many people like yourself and it is being stupified by people like you. I bet all you do is wake up, troll people, and go to sleep. You have no compassion for other internet users. Weren't you taught about netiquette in school? I guess not, since you're probably a dirty muslin who just discovered dial-up. You likely run around trolling irl by screaming Jihad with a bomb attached to your chest, while raping sexy Islam women. So we get it, you're a dirty nigger and you need attention. But it's about time someone put you in your place.
Here's what I want you to do: Find the power plug for your computer. Unplug it. (FYI in case you're too stupid, your computer will turn off) Then I want you to go outside and find someone who's a dirty sand nigger like you. Take your AK and shoot him in the arse. I really mean this. Put that goddamn barrel against his ugly Jew nose, and pull the trigger, HARD. And keep holding it until he doesn't look human anymore. Because you see, sand niggers are like cockroaches and they need quite a beating to get the message. Then I want you to find all the other sand niggers on earth, and murder them.
Remember, this is YOUR FAULT. It is all because of you that you have to eliminate your stupid race. You have done nothing but be a disgrace to the Human kind. After this, you have one more task.
Point that ak towards what you call a "face" and pull the fucking trigger.
Thank you.
>posts a link that doesn't even work
>calls me stupid leaf
You don't understand how this works do you? If there was any evidence, and I mean ANY evidence whatsoever that she broke the law she would be in jail. But there's none, and she's not.
Haha haha go suck a white hung stud you tiny niglet
You're so racist you can't even see that Trump is what bonds humanity together.
Yeah, no facts, just sperging feelings and allegations with no evidence to back them up whatsoever, just like I thought. Maybe you should lurk more before you try to troll people, you're pathetically bad at it.
>I'm not going to fucking argue with you and your very valid points, so kys
Great. Glad to see you failed spaniards living up to your crippling disappointment.
If facts, sources, and logic trigger you. Then trigger yourself with a .45.
It's right there in the link you fucking leaf.
in fact, there's THREE links there just in case one of them didn't work for you. Great fuckign job. You can't even muscle the power to open a fucking link. You didn't even try opening them.
Here three more, but I doubt you'll even look at them. You'll just go "HURR BUT IF SHE WAS A CRIMINAL SHE'D BE IN JAIL, CRONYISM? WHAT'S THAT?"
Yes, that's right. Hillary is getting fucking indicted by the FBI, I might add. She's now part of an actual criminal investigation lead by the US Government and she wants to run the US Government. Wrap your head around that one, mapleboy.
Truefact: Last person who did this was put behind bars for revealing the names of covert operatives.
>in b4 "I didn't read it! She's a good girl dindu nuffin!"
guis srsly, I have dozens of black friends, they were there with me when I took this pic. They all lol'd hard af at it, gave me props (you know, those knuckle touches, yeah), and told me to post it online cuz they knew it would make others laugh as well. Then, Malik, my bff from Uganda pulled out his wallet and handed me his last $5. I was honoured, but refused, knowing Malik needed it more. Then all 48 black friends (told you I had dozens) stood up and clapped. It lasted for about ¶10§ minutes. You could say I'm so anti racist, they gave me a standing O.
Nice pic
>You could say I'm so anti racist, they gave me a standing O.
jesus christ, I have called people here niggers, cucks, christ, i can't even think of all the things i've called people in this shoutbox over the past 4 months, and you took THAT one seriously? you'd think you'd realize by now that its not a good idea to take shit you read from me seriously. Alright bud. Hopefully when you wake up in the morning your feelings will have healed and you can come back to posting stupid shit here once more.
>bluh bluh bluh I was just trolling u only pretendin'
Yeah, okay. You sure got me by merely pretending.
If you're done with that, please tell me why Hillary is a better choice than Trump in a two-party system.
First off, I'd like to say that I'm college educated, which means that I'm smarter than 99.6% of the posters on (website).
Whether you'd like to admit it or not, Donald Trump is a fucking racist and it's very likely that he'll be the next Hitler of our time. There's absolutely no point denying it, especially here on (website) of all places. After all, it's the sole reason why you all support him in the first place. The scary part of the matter is that he has the potential to be even worse than Hitler. Think of what one man can do in a country with a population of over 100 million nonwhite citizens. The death toll could potentially be higher than any event in the history of mankind.
He says that he wants to take "OUR" country back and "make America great AGAIN", but what he really wants to do is make America white again. And when he says "we're taking OUR country back", he's talking as if America belongs strictly to white people. One has to really wonder just what he'd be willing to do to accomplish his goal of making America a white homeland again.
It's no secret that all of his supporters are racists as well, at the very least they're complicit in condoning it. All you have to do is ask the average Trump supporter one simple question and they'll tell you all that you need to know, just ask them: "When was America great?". I guarantee you that most of them will tell you that they want to bring America back to somewhere around the 1950s era. They want to bring this country back to a time where whites made up the vast majority of the population and blacks and other minorities were treated like dogs.
Well I have news for you fucking racist white bigots, it's not happening! THIS COUNTRY DOESN'T BELONG TO YOU ANYMORE! The era of the white man is OVER! You're going EXTINCT. You're losing all of your power; all of your privilege; your influence is waning. And you're mad about it, you're so incredibly mad -- you're fed up! You just want to elect Trump to preserve and maintain your power and dominance in this country. But it's too fucking bad! This is payback for centuries of oppression under white colonialism. You reap what you have sown and I have absolutely no sympathy for any of you. In fact, I'll quite enjoy watching your timely demise.
The bottom line is that Trump will never be the president of the United States. NEVER! America will never be made "white again". So I suggest you embrace the brown and black future that awaits each and every single one of you. Maybe you could try to make amends with the people that you so vehemently despise and want to get rid of. Maybe they'll decide to give you the mercy that you never cared to give them, but I wouldn't count it. The white race is going to disappear like a fart in the wind and you're powerless to prevent it.
And before one of you stupid stormfag bigots accuses me of being a racist towards white people, I suggest you do your fucking research because it's literally impossible to be racist against white people. Reverse racism doesn't exist. If you're a fucking white male you've literally never had to deal with oppression or any other societal hardships. So just shut the fuck up.
>this one portuguese farming (You)'s
From the first link you posted
>If this accusation turns out to be true, Hillary Clinton could brace herself for a mountain of legal trouble coming her way. It could be the basis on which the FBI might indict Hillary Clinton under the Espionage Act.
>If this accusation turns out to be true
See, when they say things like "if this accusation turns out to be true", that doesn't hold any water as evidence of wrong doing. But then again, I'm sure you know that and just choose to ignore it.
Donald Trump was actually neglected for a fair bit of his young life. If you read his autobiography, A Man With a Whip, he relates a story about how he actually got his signature hair. When he was younger, his father took him to the barber every two weeks. By the time Trump Jr. was six, his father all but ceased to be a dad in every sense of the word. Jr. was left to his own devices. He missed his dad so much that he tried to find his way to the barber shop on his own. He vaguely recalled its location and had his personal maid walk him there. She reluctantly agreed. On the way, the maid was assaulted by the South District gang who were pretty active in New York at the time. As part of the initiation, they had to kill an innocent woman. With Trump Jr. there, they held him down and forced him to watch as they brutally assaulted and raped the poor woman. They cut off all her hair and made her take turns felating each of them. They even forced her to go down on the poor boy, scarring him for life in what he calls "the single most riveting moment of [his] childhood." Trump Jr. goes on to recount how when they were through, they stabbed her to death and left her in the warehouse to die. Still desiring to get a haircut just like he used to, Jr. used the scissors they left to cut off all his hair. He then scalped his deceased maid and put her hair (what was left of it) on his head. Upon returning home, his father said he was proud of Jr. And so the man has since been scalping women every two weeks and wearing their hair, which he dyes orange, ever since.
Ctrl + V
Act like your side is justified in taking over the country
one thing that wont happen, is a fucking colored taking the greatest country in the world from a superior race
Your a fucking retard. The entire mainstream media is being paid to shill for Hillary. They had people go,to Bernie sites and post child porn to get them shut down and then they bragged about it.
Well, presidents should not be entertaining. Clowns should be entertaining. Presidents protect their country, they strive to build free societies that can flourish for all peoples. If you want to laugh, go to a fucking movie. This isn't some pomo joke, not some irony, it's not funny or interesting to root for Trump. It's naive and dangerous. He could literally take the country to war because his feelings were hurt one night in a Twitter spat. He has the temperament of a five-year-old. He cannot be trusted. You don't make it in America by being good, by watching out for the working class. Trump is the reason people live in fucking poverty. He's fucked every single person who supports him and clearly has no intent to slow down.
Because the trial hasn't been held yet, you leaf. It's still under investigation.
But answer this, if you can: What possible fucking sense does it make to put the person they are investigating in charge of the organization investigating them?
Ideally: If she's nominated, they would leave Obama in power until the investigation is complete. But that's not what's going to happen. What's going to happen is she's going to get elected and pardon herself for crimes that would damn the career and lives of any normal politician who's not a clinton.
>doesn't hold any evidence of wrong doing
That's why they're INVESTIGATING evidence of wrong doing. Wow leaf, logic isn't your strong point, is it?
It's not like they need to search hard. You can go look up Clinton's emails in wikileaks and see top-secret exchanges with diplomats that should have never left the NSA's servers.
Like this one, pledging that she will increase US presence in the middle east, fund terrorist groups to destabilize syria, and target Iran.
No, please, ignore the person who pledged more wars, illegally, over her personal email, is now running for fucking president where she can carry out those wars she pledged to Israeli diplomats.
Hence why she's being investigated.
But no, let's elect her President so she can pardon herself, destroy the middle east, and cause even more refugees to flee to Europe!!! What could go wrong?!
Just do me a favor, wear your bitch-nigga outfit when Weedman decides that they must start importing those starving refugees that hillary's war would create.
It's sarcasm, you retard. The phrase he stated is a meme.
No one is being paid to shill for Hillary by the way. It's a Republican-funded lie and a pathetic attempt to smear her campaign.
You have so many strong opinions, too bad almost none of them hold any weight..
Germans are barbarian savage coalburners that need to be removed.
I don't know how that one flew over his head, especially with the picture you added.
He must be ass mad right now.
America is inherently a shit country.
The USA wishes it were like Canada.
Because you people are inherently evil.
I wish there would be a movie where my country, the much more superior CANADA, triumphs over the US
But alas, the fat fucks (you specifically) allow themselves to triumph over the rest because they are fat stupid children
Fuck you America
Fuck you for the world wars
Fuck you for Robbing my country of a culture
Fuck you for spreading your degeneracy to the rest of the world
Fuck you for bombing the Middle East
Fuck you for drone strikes
Fuck you not helping Canada in the fire were having right now
Fuck you for Trump
Fuck you for ruining Europe by creating ISIS
Fuck you for 3rd wave feminism
Fuck you for spreading estrogen in the water and making girls grow breasts at the age of 9
Fuck you for normalizing the brutality and racism against blacks and brown people from the police
One day America...
One FUCKING day.
Fucking fat fucks.
Fuck you.
All you Hillary supporters fucked up bad. The DNC fucked up bad. The Rothchilds and the Bildeberg group fucked up bad. If Bernie does not win in Philly. Trump will be president. The amount of corruption in this election by Hillary and the DNC has pissed of the entire nation. We shall see you in Philly.
Ya now that they've been enriched
America is, and will be even greater than it was in the 1950s :^)
Only if Don wins
that's why canadians ask to be annexed
Yeah okay. So he's a piece of shit politician.
-That doesn't even begin to describe the dirt that Hillary has had in her stay as politician.
Like for instance, how about all the aides that mysteriously died around the time of the Lewinsky scandal?
She has a higher body count now than the zodiac killer, yet is considered less of a threat than Trump. Go figure.
Donald Trump is not who he says he is. For years he has been working to uncover the secrets of the Illuminati and the New World Order, but yet he is a member of the former, and will be in power in the latter. Trump has been placed in the world of conspiracy theories to feed false information, to throw trackers off the trail. Do not believe anything that the man tells you. All of the information that he presents is fabricated by the Illuminati, for the Illuminati. Think of Joseph Goebbels. Donald Trump is the perfect Joseph Goebbels. STOP LISTENING TO HIM IF YOU ARE. You are being lied to by a man that receives his instructions straight from the Illuminati.
I'm going to bed you retarded americans always fall for the obvious pastas baka
thanks for the (((you)))s
bust, lmao
Yeah, okay, whatever. Have a nice night.
Don't let the Eurozone bite.
In my final year of my undergrad in Physics, I got the best piece of advice from my postgrad supervisor in regards to reading hard-to-understand shit.
"The first time I read a paper, I understand only 50% of it. And that comes from A LOT of practice. For you, you're probably only going to understand 10-20% when you first read it. Print it out, underline and highlight what you don't understand. Put it away, then read it again, looking up what you don't know."
I'm no longer in science, but from time to time I have to read something highly technical. Usually what happens is my brain switches off when it starts to hit dense pieces of knowledge that it isn't in my comfort zone. This sucks as it means I just switch off and don't learn anything.
If you read on a screen, there's a temptation to just skip it. However if you print it out you:
a.) Won't get as distracted by youtube & facebook.
b.) Can highlight/underline terms you don't understand to look up later.
c.) Can annotate shit when you need to slow down, as some stuff you vaguely know, but not enough to read it as part of something more technical.
It isn't a waste of paper. What's a waste is spending your valuable time reading some hard technical shit, and not understanding any of it.
I knew it was V but I know my videos of a negro getting whipped tipped you off.
Also, are there any women in portugal?
>demands evidence for ten posts
>complains about 'muh feelings' arguments
>gets shown evidence multiple times
A fucking leaf, can you imagine that?
>So our choices are a guy who is a problematic racist, or someone who should be behind bars but manages to slip away every time through the power of money, connections, and power.
Do you remember when you posted that? Lets get those goalposts moved back into the argument that we started shall we? You claimed she was a criminal, I asked for proof, you called me stupid and posted a link that disproved your allegations. Under investigation =/= proof of wrong doing, Actually you can't, and won't produce any concrete evidence of her breaking any laws, but I'm sure you'll keep up the supply of false or unprovable allegations anyway just to make yourself look extra smart today.
Nice try but I'm actually white.
Did you read any of my posts? Try to keep up, the articles he posted proved that there was an investigation, not that there was any wrong doing.proven to have taken place. So make that eleven posts, and still no evidence. Another retarded American, can you imagine that?