Opinions on this movie?
Opinions on this movie?
Definitely gay.
>those bondage sephy-goth triplets
Dust particles and bikes were great, but the storyline seemed rushed and too childish on the villain's part.
Fucking gay.
I do enjoy watching it with my FF bros from time to time when we're hammered.
>cloud is an emo faggot instead of the wisecracking son of a bitch he was in the game
>sephiroth turns into three fuccbois
pretty fucking gay
the villans had cringey as shit dub voice actors
and the rock infused orchestra was ultra fucking gay, they should have used strictly orchestra.
other than that it would have been a great movie
Japanese version of complete had the better end credits song
He realised he got cucked by zack in heaven
It exists
Decent animation,
Some cool action scenes,
Everything else was insufferable bullshit.
Teenage is when you think this is cool
Adult is when you realized the movie actually had a lot of overt gay stuff in it
The UK book was better.
Like basically everything ever made as a spinoff in the final fantasy universe, it's sates your thirst but it's not amazing. I enjoyed it, but music went too hard rock, I wanted Cloud to be more explicitly idgaf, and honestly even though I get the storyline, it felt small, like I was watching an episode in an anime.
In the end it wasn't great because Japan doesn't know how to make good movies (after the golden age of jap cinema). Seriously: watch any Japanese live action movie. The shit that happens, the edits, the pacing, the framing, all of it is just way too off kilter. Don't be a Hollywood ripoff, but damn Hollywood got some things right so take some hints
It wasn't a video game
he had a mental break down during the game if you remember
Im a huge fan of ff7.
Not CC, or any other spinoff manga story shit, just ff7.
That being said this movie was shitty fanservice at best. Its not good by any means except for the soundtrack.
It wasn't a movie
it's really enjoyable to watch on aderall with your best friend when you're 17
Great. Taken as a whole, it is awesome and a complete fanservice. Taken by itself, it can be confusing.
Is FF15: KingsGlaive better than this?
Not by much
Liked it at first. Saw it a second time and my opinion on it dropped a lot.
Don't remember if I saw it a third time. Now though? I think the movie was mostly bad. Final Fantasy should remain FINAL FANTASY if you know what I mean...
>inb4 someone doesn't get it
>cloud is an emo faggot instead of the wisecracking son of a bitch
Nothing to do with Aerith dying
Didn't like the new outfits except for Yuffie's new shoes. If they had kept it with the ultra 90s outfit designs, I'd have liked it a lot more.
Tifa fight was really fun
Race chase on highway fight was worst part
>Final Fantasy fans see no irony in saying "Final Fantasy Fifteen"
Best part was when Vincent saved Cloud.
>Tifa, Aeris and Yuffie in full HD
>Final Sephiroth fight
>One Winged Angel metal version
Those were the good things. The rest was really meh.
I really wish the guys who made this move would make a porn with the same cgi t bh
I enjoyed it , even more after I played the original game
Any movies like it, or better?
Complete fanservice to the source material, you mean?
Star Wars 7
My best mate and I were really into final fantasy. We biked to the video store, hired it out, biked to pizza hut, and got a pizza and Pepsi. Biked home and watched it on the PS2. What I'll give to be 13 again. Also the AMV with Green day and this movie is comfy as.
I prefer the game, I can barely remember any part of its plot.
The story was pants on head retarded, but other than that, it was fine.
I still laugh to this day after the fight with Tifa and one of the Sephiroth... clones(?) had the end battle music as his ring tone.
I actually liked this...
Really nice stuff, even if the basis is very different from the endgame of the original product. Always will think of everyone propping Cloud up as one of the fondest moments. Love Tifa's fight in the Cathedral too.
Cashgrab fanservice that basically retells the story from the first game.
>an evil corporation is sucking the planet dry and cloud is delusional
>we're resurrecting sephiroth and there's a sickness but nobody important is affected by it
The most lowest common denominator of fan service that doesn't even know what story it's trying to tell.
Kazushige Nojima seems to have forgotten what happened in VII or Noruma said fuck it we'll do the most basic simplest plot possible and stick in a bunch of fight scenes to distract people.
Complete character assassination of Cloud.
Vincent is now a serious part of the series even though he's really an irrelevant side character.
Aerith is like Jesus or something now even though in the game she was a cock teasing slut.
Sepiroth's plan to ride the planet through space or whatever is based on a mistranslation from English, the game never had any references to Cetra being space-faring.
In fact the Cetra were suppose to be like the ancient Israelites who were nomads but after the Calamity from the sky a lot of them became settled people and built pyramids like the Temple of the Ancients. Then most lost their connection to the planet and they became the "normal" people that inhabit the planet.
Blah blah blah FFVII's legacy is a clusterfuck of fansevice anime cosplay fuckery blah blah
Except cloud and one of the orphans were very much at risk from the disease, but you must have missed that bit.
Vincent isn't irrelevant he may be the actually be the cuck to hojo
When it came out for the first time i thought it was the WOW COOLEST thing i've ever seen, i saw it last month and thought it wasn't all that great, great CG though and the remix of OWA is awesome
As a huge FFVII fanboy, the best thing about this movie was finally getting Yuffie in CG. Other than that, it bored me.
wtf is cloud a manlet?
Details. Cloud is the good guy who is tormented by mental issues. Sephiroth is the bad guy. Nothing has changed. They completely destroyed any sense of character progression or resolution from the game by putting everyone in exactly the same position as they were before and making the big climax from the original story totally meaningless. The world is still sick, the people are all miserable. Cloud is still a fuck up. Sephiroth is still a major threat to everything. When you beat the game it shows us that the good guys won in the end and everything is ok in the world. AC shits on all of that.
I liked the fights with the pseudoroths but everything else is pretty bad
they should make a ffvi movie desu
>When you beat the game it shows us that the good guys won in the end and everything is ok in the world.
Uh... FFVII ends on a cliffhanger and it's heavily implied Holy wiped out all human life.
>Midgar completely abandoned
>planet teaming with wildlife
>says THE END
If anything it was heavily implied that it was irrelevant if humanity survived or not. Avalanche wanted to saved the planet, if they sacrificed themselves to achieve that it makes the ending even more powerful.
I liked the action scenes at the very end. Physics breaking is fun.
Fanservice: the movie. I loved it when it came out but the graphics does not really hold up.
Not worth it for people who never played 7.
Oh, and original has better pacing than the enhanced one, who gives a shit about the kid's storyline anyway.
A barely coherent mess with CGI that has aged like milk. Nomura is the cancer that killed Final Fantasy and Advent Children is a microcosm of everything that went wrong with the franchise. Something like FFIX feels so quaint now that the series has turned into incomprehensible animu garbage.
Boring. Kingsglaive on the other hand was surprisingly good.
>be badass
>get mindfucked and realize you weren't a part of the badass group you thought you were
>also your best buddy is kill
>have mental breakdown for a disc
>get better
>fuck it, I'm still a badass, fuck what other people think
>kill big bad
>kill actual big bad
>go live happily ever after upon paying respects to dead best buddy
>fast forward a few years
>for some reason you're some emo faggot now
I actually kind of like the movie but it totally slaughtered Cloud's character.
Animation was great, legendary for it's time. But film was a mess, barely related to FF7 in any way.
Also no one cares about graphics anymore, even though we're practically out of the uncanny valley.
Taking down Bahamut looked cool
>good atmosphere
>great fight sequences
>great visuals
This was an unapologetic fan service movie, dumb but fun. I loved desu
Her off screen death pissed me off so much. Best character in the whole damn film
>irrelevant side character
all things aside, I thought it was incredibly interesting to base a character in their guilt for believing he was the antagonist's father.
the reason I dislike AC isn't because it's shitty anime fan service, but the fact that it is a sequel sort of ruins the ending from FFVII where it's sort of up to interpretation if the human population survive, which I always preferred to interpret as a "no".
Nah, more like:
>kill sephiroth
>left with the aftermath of dealing with the fact that your whole identity is a lie
>best friend died a horrible death trying to save you while you just lied there semi-catatonic and watched
>again, stood around and just watched while Aeris was slaughtered in front of you, doing nothing
>no big world ending threats to face and distract you with, have to actually deal with these PTSD soul shattering events now
>also, you're infected with Sephiroth herpes because you killed him and dispersed his Jenova cells into the Lifestream and tainted the entire world with GeoStigma
>take a job where you deliver shit on the road to have time to think
>people call you emo for that
Bugenhagen explained that humanity is just a chunk of the Lifestream. As long as the Planet is alive, humanity is alive. Hell, people probably evolved out of materia caves like Ramuh and Odin.
>and then fucking each other.
>They should have used regular orchestra
100,000,000 x this
The synthrock-orchestra score in the final battle completely ruined what would have been an epic as fuck final battle with Sepiroth.
The Ice Forest and motorcycle fights are still god tier though.
So you agree with everything I posted then? His best friend and waifu died but he still got over it, yet years later he became an emo faggot for no reason at all?
Kingsglaive was better
The action sequences are the meat of the film. They are very dynamic, complex and imaginative.
I prefer to think of it as a superhero movie. The fun is the spectacle of the fighting using superhuman powers.
The motorcycle fight is my favourite part of the movie.
In highschool when the teacher let us play our own music for the class some of the weebs in my art class would play One Winged Angel un-ironically every chance they got.