There’s no strategist pulling the strings, and no collection of burn-it-all-down aides egging him on. At the heart of the rage against Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party, the campaign aides closest to him say, is Bernie Sanders.
It was the Vermont senator who personally rewrote his campaign manager’s shorter statement after the chaos at the Nevada state party convention and blamed the political establishment for inciting the violence.

He was the one who made the choice to go after Democratic National Committee chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz after his wife read him a transcript of her blasting him on television.

He chose the knife fight over calling Clinton unqualified, which aides blame for pulling the bottom out of any hopes they had of winning in New York and their last real chance of turning a losing primary run around.
And when Jimmy Kimmel’s producers asked Sanders’ campaign for a question to ask Donald Trump, Sanders himself wrote the one challenging the Republican nominee to a debate.

There are many divisions within the Sanders campaign—between the dead-enders and the work-it-out crowds, between the younger aides who think he got off message while the consultants got rich and obsessed with Beltway-style superdelegate math, and between the more experienced staffers who think the kids got way too high on their sense of the difference between a movement and an actual campaign.

But more than any of them, Sanders is himself filled with resentment, on edge, feeling like he gets no respect -- all while holding on in his head to the enticing but remote chance that Clinton may be indicted before the convention.

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Run Bernie, run!

That's actually really sad.

"Bern" it all down, Bernie :^)


Good I'm all "Bernt out"

Good, I want him reeeee all over the Democratic party. It will be glorious. RUN BERNIE RUN.

Can't lose what was never there.

Reminder that in 1968 the Democrats chimped out at the DNC so bad the military had to get involved.

Philadelphia has granted permits for rallies that will hold at least 40,000+ people to protest the DNC in July.

Bernie is going to win the nomination and you will all see. Hillary will end up in prison and Bernie will win. He's basically president already.

dont forget to tell your wife's boyfriend to vote for bernie!

Bernie will be at these rallies and has been telling his supporters to "march" to the DNC, claiming that it may get "messy" if he doesn't get what he wants.

a cornered animal is the most dangerous

This has hopefully taught the retarded millennials one thing: you can't cuck your way into the whitehouse. They won't learn though, who are we kidding, this is the Obama generation. A mixed race bunch of useless mongrels hellbent on destroying anything that was good or beautiful about the West, all for their fucking ching chong ding dong iphones.

I sincerely hope there are riots at the convention. I want all out war.

i'm fucking shocked that americans chose hillary over sanders

My wife's boyfriend and girlfriend already did!

From Bernie winning Wyoming by 12% but losing because of superdelegates, to the Nevada fiasco where Hillary surrogates gave her an extra two or three delegates, the whole process has been rigged against him. They haven't even taken him seriously. I'd be pissed too.

Hopefully he runs as an independent, and keeps the resentment party going.

He created a movement and forced so much attention towards politics and social / political / economic issues. He also put a certain spotlight on Shillary and he ties to corruption, making it more awkward than ever for her to do what she wants.

Who else is going to get comfy for when DNC starts? Will anyone take off work to watch the riots unfold for days?

americans don't choose, corporations do.

I don't have a wife. Laugh all you want but don't get mad when he's the next presidebt.



> all while holding on in his head to the enticing but remote chance that Clinton may be indicted before the convention.

THIS is why he's staying in. That's all the article needed to say. Everything else is filler and gossip.

Right, I kind of hated him and the people that supported him, but after reading that I got the feels.

Look at that fat fuck swinging a baton while smoking, I bet cops can't even smoke on the job anymore baka


I've already got the day off to watch

There was no way that Bernie could have gotten southern states. People down there hate socialism.

I told bernouts this on lebbit months ago yet they were still deluded into thinking he could win.

As a Bernie supporter, I say we all need to rally around Bernie. We will not go quietly. The DNC will not be pretty. Politics is messy. This is a revolution. You can't have a revolution without breaking some heads.


>mfw all those media fags were hyping the Republican to be madness barely 2 months ago
>now the DNC is going to crash with no survivors

My how times have changed

It wasn't Americans. It was blacks, and old people who don't know any better.

Democrats only riot over Trump, otherwise they don't seem to bother.

Funny thing is most people supported the war, because "muh towers". Left or right, it didn't really matter, people were pissed.

>Take the combative statement after the Nevada showdown.

>“I don’t know who advised him that this was the right route to take, but we are now actively destroying what Bernie worked so hard to build over the last year just to pick up two fucking delegates in a state he lost,” rapid response director Mike Casca complained to Weaver in an internal campaign email obtained by POLITICO.

This senile kike was almost president.

>filled with resentment, on edge, feeling like he gets no respect
>gets no respect

Cucks gonna cuck

He's staying in so that he can have influence on the party's platform and possibly be the running mate. If he drops out Hillary may just assume all his followers will vote for her no matter what she does and she'll ignore any of his issues and choose whoever she wants as running mate.

If he's still actively campaigning, it's not so easily forgotten, she'll have to make concessions to make sure Bernie supporters will vote for her, and she may opt to make him running mate to unify the vote, knowing that if his supporters are still in a frenzy and she completely disregards them, she may lose a lot of votes to the Green party and that would end up with her being defeated by Donald Trump.

It's Trump's best chance at beating her.

It's going to be great...
I hope they knock down a few good power grids so I can get some extra cash out of it at work.

So is this how Obobo declares a state of emergency and become dictator

Can you provide a poll on that from 2002? My recollection is that most Americans did not support it in 2002. It wasn't until after the war started that you got about 55% support.

I want full scale riots all over the country. Imagine all the angry cucks, feminists, and shitskins running amok, proving the bias.

Sounds about right if Bernie becomes president.

yeah but holy shit dude, choosing LOBBIES instead? choosing the goddamn goldman sachs? i'm fucking appalled.

hillary is the fucking worst, and people support her because MUH FAG ENABLING WOMYN IN POWER

over 50% of the democratic party is non-white. you can't win the niggers, you can't win the democratic nomination.


Also, some people vote purely off name recognition and the perceived stability it brings.

fucking niggers man.
seriously fuck those braindead apes.

there's is no other fucking explanation except that they're a step back in the evolution. pure, bestial retardation.

they can't even fucking choose what's best for them.

>Old people aren't Americans

Socialism is fucking cancer and we hate it.

Why the fuck would be intentionally destroy our country by elevating the dregs of society?

The invasion of Iraq wasn't until 2003. You're right though, less than a majority supported it before the war, then it went to strong majorities supporting it.

>when the donators want their money back.gif



Bernie suicide attack Clinton when

>Bernie, being already bald and goblin-esque at his jewish primary school was ridiculed by all the little jews
>"Oy vey your 8 grandmothers didn't even die in the holocaust" he heard again and again "Oy vey you don't even have politicians and media inside your pocket" the taunts never ended
>Never invited to the secret gentile baby sacrifices, he always cried himself to sleep because of it
>Tried to swindle goy by writing subversive erotica, and failed miserably
>The ridicule was becoming unbearable "muh racism" Bernie proclaimed in his nightmares of all white america "muh sexism", thoughts like these never left him with a good nights sleep
>Decided to prove all those other Jews that goyim will be dumb enough to vote him president and maybe, just maybe they will accept him into the secret zionistic rituals and other satanic practices
>But alas Goldstein and Bernstein saw that vaginal jew is to be their champion of evil
>Bernie outraged, is amiss in his many a-thought
>Knowing that Satan will never let him drink from his teet the sweet sweet blood of goym

Sleep tight, senile old fuck

Whine on, pupper.

>it's better to choose literal jews than that guy that's not even a real socialist


If only he'd give the finger to the DNC and run third party. Does he sincerely think that 4-8 years of Trump would truly be worse than Clinton?

Minorities never vote for socialists because they're minorities, and their tax dollars would go to the majority group without getting anything in return you dumb kraut.

He has every reason to be resentful desu, the DNC held Hillary's hand through the primary

Also this, I have no explanation for why black people threw the election to Hillary other than that they are stupid. Everyone's too scared to say it but no one hesitates to say that shit about poor white people who vote Republican against their own interests

I think he'll go for third party, or go for VP for Jill Stein after the convention is over. That would be the ultimate fuck you.

>there are people who seriously think the old socialist looney won't murder the shit out of everyone in the DNC with fire at this point.
theres a serious reason why bernies slogan is "feel the bern" guys.

Trump's supporters are too law-abiding to even defend themselves against niggers and an invading Mexican army until they've been given the nod to use open force. The Jew has been trying for the last two years to get one of us to start executing motherfuckers, and we won't do it. Not yet.

Bernfags were the kike's last option for martial law before the election.

Minorities never vote for socialists, because they vote for whoever the Democratic establishment tells them to vote for, and that usually means a corporate puppet.

I think he might do that, why else stay in after losing California?

reddit: the post

>mfw supported Trump from the start but donated $75 to Bernie when he announced just to help him fuck Hillary's shit up
>mfw considering donating another $50 to get him to cause a repeat of the 1968 convention
I can't wait until July.

Did Bernie Sanders ever say anything along the lines of if in the event he lost he urged his supporters to vote for Trump?

I remember hearing this and I can't find the damn source and its driving me nuts.

I mean there's no logical reason for him not to at this point. It's not like Hillary or the DNC are going to listen to a goddamned think Sanders says nor incorporate his ideals into the party platform. At best they'll agree to it only to throw it out the window once Hillary becomes President.

So at that point, what does Sanders have to lose by running third party? If nothing else it will give Americans a chance to fix their mistake and REALLY consider the consequences of backing Hillary. Maybe they were blinded the first time and need a second chance at voting Sanders to get the picture.

He really should run third party.

huh, maybe he's not the giant pussy I thought he was

the new here in Brazil say that bernie don't have chances anymore, so whats going on , will you guys let a woman ruin your country like we did here?


>what does he have to lose

4-8 years of a Trump presidency that we might not bounce back from. Trump will end America's days as a superpower due to his retarded foreign policy ideas.

bernie will probably die of old age before trump's first term is up

so maybe he doesn't care

his campaign was dead since the "no one cares about the god damn emails" line

>dissolve republic
>found empire
>assume galactic dominance

I am glad that they finally admitted that Sanders tried to fool Donald into a debate and admitted that Donald evaded a trap rather than being a pussy.

Funny how the truth only comes out when it benefits the media.

Bernout Revengeance

Brazilian news are saying Hillary is already the democrats' candidate. I know that Brazil is in the middle of a coup and being led by corrupts trying to help each other out, but I feel sorry for USA.

Niggers chose Hillary

And yet, this old jew fuck still refuses to attack Hilldog. But makes shit up about Trump. I hope his senile ass ends up in a home.

Bernie running as an independent is the only way for Trump to win.

Not necessarily, but it would definitively help.

bernie supporters don't vote, thats why he lost

Can you tell me anything accurate about his foreign policy.

niggers think Bill was the best president ever and that Hilary will be Bill 2.0

He's a Jew, did anyone expect anything else?

>Does he sincerely think that 4-8 years of Trump would truly be worse than Clinton?
I do. Trump with a Republican controlled congress would be a nightmare. If the Dems take the senate though I would be okay with his presidency.

You don't "tell" your wife's boyfriend to do something, you get down on your knees and beg him to do it.

Hillary should be in prison and I'd still vote for her over Bernie. Fucking commie piece of shit. Hope he chokes on a bagel.

I don't know why you're that shocked when your country continues to vote in Merkel and would vote for Hillary over Trump.


how Freudian of you

We can barely maintain control of a hegemony, we won't be able to hold an Empire.

Cool story, reminds me of this.


really? I don't feel sorry for this shitty old Marxist at all. It's nobody's fault but his own if he spent 20 years in politics and has been a senator for fucking ever and he STILL didn't notice how the system works. Typical delusional leftist, ranting about feefees and living with his head in the clouds all the time instead of in reality. That's why he has shit tons of debt, too. He's a flake.

And now he's angry and wants to burn everything down because it didn't conform to his will and how he WANTED shit to be. Wanting something doesn't make it so. Feefees are not objective reality.

Lefties, including Bernie, need to learn this.

What I don't understand is why Sanders polled BETTER against Trump than Hillary, if I understood it correctly, but then lost against her in the primaries (even without superdelegates), which indicates more democrats would vote for Hillary. Unless the bernouts manipulated online polls to make it seem as if Sanders was a better choice for the DNC.

DIDF in full force today, get back to the cuckshed you communist piece of shit