Prove he's not a racist.
Prove he's not a racist
Please tell me that you guys/gals don't actually support Trump. All these posts about Trump being the savior of America and western civilization are satire, right? I understand that 4 Chan has a large "troll" community, but I can't help but think that some of the post here are serious. Your actions have consequence that may be far more reaching than even you understand. It may be all fun-and-games to some of you, but there are people out there who think that the stuff posted on /Pol is real. Just look at what happened to Reddit. They have an entire subreddit (with 130k followers) dedicated, unironically, to Trump.
Trump is dangerous, yet you don't seem to care. You'd rather cash in your political influence for short term laughs than long term global stability. If Trump gets elected it will be YOUR fault. I only wish that you would put as much energy into making the world a better place as you do into meme'ing for Trump.
We are all responsible for our actions, I just wanted you to understand that.
Proving a negative....
Burden of proof is on the accuser, newfag.
learn fallacies nigger
thats some nice pasta
You're the one making the claim, so you have to provide evidence.
Prove to me he is racist, backed up with statements which indicate he hates another race of people.
Hardmode: Mexican is a nationality, and Muslim is a religion. Saying mean things about either of those does not constitute racism.
He cares about america as a community of hard working people who integrate and share american values
Not illegal immigrants who set up shop in small communities, dont speak english and dont contribute to the economy
The people who think hes racist are the people who dont understand how a country works
What is racism and why is it wrong?
As far as I can tell its ethnic preference and freedom of association. And?
Boy who cried wolf user. We don't care.
he says he loves hispanics
>Prove he's not--
Asking to prove a negative is shitposting.
That's not how this works.
No one has ever given any kind of solid proof that he is a racist. If you can, I would probably just support him more to rustle some more jimmies. You're just parroting what CNN and party elites tell you to think.
Burden of proof is on you jackass
He's friends with a lot of black, yellow and brown people, The Don loves all if they love the Red White and Blue
he fucked a negress
Incorrect. No one has provided you with evidence that you accept as solid proof that he is a racist.
>The burden of proof is on you!
>I get to define what qualifies as proof!
It's a retarded way to pretend to have a discussion, and there's nothing rational about it.
Except judges, whose qualifications are based on their skin color or religion.
Except racist people who use racial bias to cloud their judgement*
Judge is a member of La Raza aka the Mexican KKK
A) That's a false analogy.
B) Trump's comments are based on the judge's perceived race. Not according to the twistings of the "librul media." According to Trump. Not La Razza affiliation: race, as perceived by Donald Trump.
That is irrefutable proof that Trump is, in fact, a racist. That you do not accept it as proof has nothing to do with the proof--it has to do with you.
>Judge is a member of La Raza aka the Mexican KKK
Mexican not a race
Islam not a race
FUCKING REPLY TO THIS, OP, you piece of shit
>“La Raza” is a common name incorporated throughout the community and often used by Latino organizations and businesses, including restaurants and medical clinics. A search for “la raza” on turned up more than 3,000 results in California alone.
Prove to me you are not a racist.
Lol, thats the whitest looking "Mexican" food I've ever seen. At least that shitty plastic cheese matches his hair.
Prove hillary isnt a racist
I post on Sup Forums, so.... fuck. You got me nigger.
He's no more racist than the average American, he just speaks without a filter.
Sorry, OP faggot, burden of proof is on YOU to PROVE BEYOND THE SHADOW OF A DOUBT that Trump is racist. Since everyone else has been trying and failing because they can only say "Everything I disagree with is racist by default", I'm guessing you'll fail miserably like everyone else before you.
>prove my baseless slander is false
how about you just kill yourself?
According to Trump, whether or not a judge is capable of fairly judging a case is dependent on the race that Trump perceives them to be.
He is a racist. Case closed.
fuck you
>itt retarded burgers think being racist is bad
desu i hope that he is racist with all my heart
Judge is a La Raza Mexican supremacist.
Case closed for Trump.
He's clearly racist, but no more racist than the average person. People who try to paint him as racist don't live in the real world. Racist comments are made alp the time in the real world but no one calls people out because it's a faggot thing to do. It's easy to claim moral high ground when you're just sitting in a bubble criticizing people (the media)
Trump did not say that the judge could not be impartial because of affiliations with La Raza.
Trump said that the judge could not be impartial because of the race that Trump perceived him as being
You are attempting to change the story with hindsight, through demonstrating something dislikable about the judge. That's great--but it has nothing to do with Trump's objection. Trump's objection was over what race Trump perceived the person to be.
Attempt to use logic and reason. If you can muster the capability to do so, you will be forced to admit that what you are saying is wholly irrelevant. Trump is a racist.
You want me to prove Trump isn't racist? You have made no argument for why he is racist, the burden of proof is on you to provide evidence, then we response to your evidence. You don't just make an assertion and then ask us to refute your claim without evidence for us to refute.
How the fuck are mexicans not a race?
>what Trump perceives as race
Can you not tell the difference? Or is your implication that Trump was under the impression that the American judge was a Mexican national?
Not an argument.
why can't i live in based poland
That Judge is Hispanic. Trump is trying to stop immigration from Hispanic countries. The judges race does matter, he can't possibly be impartial with Trump. The guy is the equivalent of a Hispanic separatist, he can't possibly be impartial against a guy who literally wants to build a fucking wall and make mexico pay for it.
>What he's doing is so racist no one of Mexican heritage could be impartial against him!
>And muslims too, of course
>Only a white man in white robes is fit to judge the Grand Don!
>Trump and I believe that judges cannot be impartial if they are of a particular race, in cases which have nothing to do with their heritage
>lol y u call trump raciss?
Just like Canadians are a race and Swedish are a race. You are a moron.
Just out of curiosity, if you want to claim that in the context Trump used that he was not identifying what he considers a "race," then what is it you think Trump was referring to?
You think that he meant the American judge was actually not American and instead Mexican?
So Trump is either a racist or just dumber than dirt. Take your pick, but it's one of those two.
Building a wall isn't racist. But it is perceived that way. Muslims are not a race for fucks sake, also, he supports a temporary ban on muslims entering from the middle east until we can properly vet them, Dont you!?
Judge is a member of La Raza.
It's like having a member of ISIS as the judge of some terrorist's trial.
Trump is under the impression that the judge's MEXICAN heritage and his demonstrated loyalty to MEXICAN interests shows that the the judge cannot be impartial to a candidate who is openly against MEXICAN interests.
>the equivalent of a Hispanic separatist, he can't possibly be impartial against a guy who literally wants to build a fucking wall
but that's what separatists want
la raza is a supremacist organization
The case has nothing to do with heriitage but that doesn't mean the judge is going to be impartial you moron. Lets have a KKK member judge a black rape defendant, after all, rape has nothing to do with race, so why would the judge not be impartial?
Great video. Thanks for sharing
>his race makes it impossible for him to be impartial!
You guys genuinely don't understand why that's racist, do you?
Like, you're not just trolling; you honestly are this stupid?
When you claim that a person's race makes it impossible for them to do their job well, guess what that is?
> people unironically think he's not racist
My sides
you're welcome friend, pass it on
So Trump wasn't referring to Mexicans as a race, but was instead stating that he believed that the American judge was a Mexican citizen, rather than an American citizen?
Take your pick, because either he's racist or a fucking idiot. But that's all the wiggle you've got.
Are are you saying that you'd prefer the term "culturally, genealogically, linguistically and politically allied with a particular group of people sharing a common skin color and line of decent" -ist, over "racist?" Because the rest of us just use the word "race." It's shorter.
They are an ethnically distinct people within a region, that meets all the classic definitions nigger.
>Whitest "Mexican" food
Confirmed for Pablo, YOU HAVE TO GO BACK.
>race is the same thing as ethnicity
>take your pick hes either racist or stupid
saged, reported, called your bull
>racist does not cover ethnic bigotry
So you've just got an IQ and reading level in the low teens, huh?
>Hates racists
>votes for the Democrat party anyway.
Yes, I'm voting for Trump. He is not part of the establishment. I would rather have Bernie, because he's also not establishment. But I think this nation has had enough of the old guard fucking up this country. I'm willing to chance Trump's crazy versus Hillary's crazy because he isn't the same old shit that's been ruining this country since WWII.
Australian quarantine when?
Prove that racism (whatever that is) is a bad thing.
You're making a positive claim, we owe you no explanation. The only reason you claim he's racist is because he's white and you think that countries that are too white ought not to exist. Who is the real racist here?
Well, presidents should not be entertaining. Clowns should be entertaining. Presidents protect their country, they strive to build free societies that can flourish for all peoples. If you want to laugh, go to a fucking movie. This isn't some pomo joke, not some irony, it's not funny or interesting to root for Trump. It's naive and dangerous. He could literally take the country to war because his feelings were hurt one night in a Twitter spat. He has the temperament of a five-year-old. He cannot be trusted. You don't make it in America by being good, by watching out for the working class. Trump is the reason people live in fucking poverty. He's fucked every single person who supports him and clearly has no intent to slow down.
jesus christ, why only australians make sense in those kinds of threads
its n-th time ive seen that phenomenon, or are you the same guy over and over again?
t. alberto barbossa
He was calling him out for being a Mexican because he has Mexican heritage and holds views that are sympathetic to Mexican interests.
Mexican is not a race, no matter how hard you try to twist it.
*slow claps*
*steps out of the shadows*
Heh... not bad, kid. Not bad at all. Your meme, I mean. It's not bad. A good first attempt. It's plenty dank... I can tell it's got some thought behind it... lots of quotable material...
But memeing isn't all sunshine and rainbows, kid. You're skilled... that much I can tell. But do you have what it takes to be a Memester? To join those esteemed meme ranks? To call yourself a member of the Ruseman's Corps? Memeing takes talent, that much is true. But more than that it takes heart. The world-class Memesters - I mean the big guys, like Johnny Hammersticks and Billy Kuahana - they're out there day and night, burning the midnight meme-oil, working tirelessly to craft that next big meme.
And you know what, kid? 99 times out of a hundred, that new meme fails. Someone dismisses it as bait, or says it's "tryhard," or ignores it as they copy/paste the latest shitpost copypasta dreamt up by those sorry excuses for cut-rate memers over at reddit. The Meme Game is rough, kid, and I don't just mean the one you just lost :^). It's a rough business, and for every artisan meme you craft in your meme bakery, some cocksucker at 9gag has a picture of a duck or some shit that a million different Johnny No-Names will attach a milion different captions to. Chin up, kid. Don't get all mopey on me. You've got skill. You've got talent. You just need to show your drive.
See you on the boards...
Between Trump and a walking security breach, I'll choose Trump.
daily reminder
Wow. Good job generalising us, bigot.
Prove he is a raciest! You nigger loving jew. Sage reported hidden.
no, its interesting for me, since australians usually shitpost, sometimes funnily, like you did just now.
but when push comes to shove, you prove that there is logic behind the clowns mask.
unless its an australian from melbourne
t. Alberto Barbosa
He is the first person that appears to see through the bullshit and has common sense. Do I think he is racist and would treat other races unfairly? Nope
Saying the judge is incapable of doing his job because of his race is racist? If that's racist I don't want to be not racist.
I WANT Trump to be a racist. How else are we gonna purge out all the brown disease and make America great again?
t. alberto barbossa
All taco bowls look like that in America, Juan. You have to go back if you can't handle the whiteness
Having this bastard judging Donald Trump is like having a fucking feminist judging the case of a men's rights activist who has been accused of rape.
Nah, just Californian. We get all the best cooks who sneak across the border, and thanks to Yelp we know which ones don't give you the shits, so its basically Mexican food mecca. Fuck you niggers who want to get rid of my burrito connection! The best mexican food comes from mexican restruants with actual illegals in the kitchen.
The only reason America was ever great is because Whites.
>trump is dangerous
>meanwhile Hillary is condemning Russia and will probably go to war with them
>Meanwhile Vlad Putin is endorsing trump, and vise versa
Hillary will get us nuked, and since I'm in commiefornia right below a major military airbase that makes me nervous.
Go back to your Taco Bell, neckbeard, in California, we eat better Mexican food than they have in mexico.
I think it's worth giving up mediocre food to MAGA
>brags about chaos and the abolition of law and order in his state
>compares the situation to "Mecca", an islamic shithole where ignorant sandniggers gather to worship a black box and plan next year's suicide bombings
This is what Califags actually believe
>Good mexican food is mediocre
>From a whitebread piece of shit who's never had real mexican food made by real little old mexican grandmas
>Probably thinks Chevy's is really mexican food too
Nigga I will fight you
prove you don't suck dick
>>brags about chaos and the abolition of law and order in his state
No, if i was doing that I'd be posting about how great LA is.
You should come visit the historically black parts some day, user, I'm sure you'd love the cultural enrichment.
Nobody's ever seen the pics.
Check mate.
The cuck looks like Joey Bragg
Like I care.
Voted for him in the Texas Party nomination.
Will vote for him in the general election.
>I will throw away the future of the country because of cheap greasy tacos
Wow you sure are from California
Hey is that the shitty anchor man that MSCNBC has that looks like a less masculine body double for Rachel Maddow?