The first photo is from 6 days ago. That's a Trump supporter giving a big "Fuck You" to protestors. The second photo on is the Washington Post lying and saying she's a journalist being harassed by Bernie Sanders supporters - calling it "the latest episode." It's all a lie.
In today's age of social media, the photo chosen by news outlets to promote a story can sometimes make or break whether the story goes viral or falls flat on its face. At the Daily News at every major news outlet in America, we have dedicated staff members who obsess over the photos, headlines, and social media descriptions of each story. It's just where we are right now.
In an article entitled "The Bernie Bros are out in full force harassing female reporters," the photo used to promote it was both jarring and effective. A woman is surrounded by a swarm of angry men. She looks defeated and maybe even afraid. She appears to have egg dripping from her face and hair.
Six days ago that woman's photo was everywhere. She was a Donald Trump supporter at a rally in San Jose.
First, in her Donald Trump jersey, surrounded by police, she gleefully gave the predominantly Latino crowd of protestors the middle finger. Witnesses told local reporters they heard her making anti-Mexican comments to the crowd as well.
See this:
Soon after that, protestors surrounded her, yelled at her, and egged her.
See This:
The incident was widely covered.
The anti-Trump protestors who were there did not represent Bernie Sanders or his campaign. They were there to stand against Donald Trump.
Fuck off Sup Forums, two sides of every story.