What's going to happen when he wins and can't build a wall?
Will Trumpfags forget about it like liberals did with Gitmo?
What's going to happen when he wins and can't build a wall?
He won't win. And I'll be here everyday to remind you losers.
What exactly makes you think he won't?
you're still canadian
Depends on why he couldn't. You need to elaborate, user.
After we annex Mexico, we'll annex Canada . Don't worry Russia's going to get Europe
How dare you compare liberals to us ? Fuck you
not like you will have a home when november comes around
click active fires
Nobody believes you, Lyan' Rex.
The judicial system will make it extremely difficult to build a wall. Most of Congress does not support it. And getting Mexico to pay for it would be practically impossible; they've already said they're not going to.
Trump can't just make a wall appear like magic; he'd have to fight tooth and nail to get it done, I just don't believe he has the political clout to get it done.
>can't build a wall?
It's already funded.
Obama just won't let border patrol do their jobs.
Tariffs implemented and remittance payments will make Mexico beg us to pay for the wall.
Remember to hide and sage shill threads everyone.
And everyone's gotta make a dollar one way or another, I'm no shill but I could see the appeal.
I'm legitimately interested in how this wall could be built
The funding thing isn't an issue, as has been explained a million times for months on end. Mexico has no choice in the matter.
Your other points are far more sound, and what I was expecting. I imagine it would result in a metric fuckton of "the government's against us, guys, they know you want it, but they don't care about you" every single day. He'd probably try to make it a huge deal when elections come around.
Beyond that, who knows. It could any number of ways.
>The funding thing isn't an issue, as has been explained a million times for months on end. Mexico has no choice in the matter.
>The explanation generally comes down to "What are they gonna do about it? We'll blow them up if they don't"
>This is what Trumpfags actually believe.
Border patrol budget is already in the budget it just has not been distributed how it should. That can be used for anything from employing agents to build a wall. Grant, the fund won't be enough to fund the wall, but if the agents start doing their jobs, that would help immensely.
Obama has told ICE to do catch and release.
They make a shit load of money from us in trade deals and remittance payments back to Mexico. Quit giving them trade breaks and stop all payments back to Mexico, a lot which are from illegals.
>I can't be bothered to learn the basic information about a subject before making a fool of myself
>this is what I actually am
probably. we're used to failure.
Might pull a weedman and say, i wanna build a wall but they wont let me.
All Trump really has to do is tell the Army Corps of Engineers to get started.
He could order the DOD to earmark $1 billion per year for it (which frankly is excessive) and it would be < 1% of their budget.
The real question is why no other president bothered to do even this little bit. It would be done by now if Obama had started it, worthless shitstack that he is.
Didn't Trump say he'd make Mexico pay for the wall?
Im gonna get my yard rake and make sure that doesnt happen faggot
I know more about trade deals and BITs than you do, user.
Go read some NAFTA. Enjoy the massive mindfuck when you get to the part about what happens if a party nation goes against the deal. You might also need to read some case law to understand what it means, but maybe one day you'll understand why taxing remittances and raising tariffs will only end with horrible pain for American Nationals.
Your cognitive dissonance was fun to watch, though. We signed our own death warrant in 93. Longer than that ago did we make our bed, however. There's a few ways out, but building a wall and taxing/tariffing/blocking remittances isn't the way.
>They make a shit load of money from us in trade deals and remittance payments back to Mexico.
Stop those, and they'll beg us to pay the relatively small amount for the wall.
It's like "hey mexico, give us $100 or we'll cut off our $5000 annual aid"
Why do you post at all, juan? Don't worry, they have internet back in Mexico.
There are other ways for Mexico to pay for something besides demanding a check.
we know he can't build a wall. But at least he will beef up border security and deport criminal illegal aliens.
>tryhard defenstration
>I know stuff!
>heh, your cognitive dissonance, right? I'm going to pretend we know each other
At least you're not pretending the option is "blow people up" now.
How's your Ramadan?
I've read it user. It's pure bullshit. But beyond that, even if all of that were true, it's so rosy it's not even funny.
What if, after all of that, they say no? They decide to go down with their ship with a big "Fuck you" to america instead of what is essentially going down with their ship anyway?
What if, by the time they decide to put the money in, their government becomes inoperable. They end up with revolutions and the like?
What if they take us to international court over human rights abuses? Taking that much money out of the Mexican economy would result in mass starvation. The only entity ever able to pull off shit like that is the IMF, and just barely. That's not holding out for much longer either.
These are all much more probably than Mexico paying for a wall along it's norther border.
>they say no
>this is an option when I pretend that Mexico writing us a check is how this would play out
>human rights abuses
>what if criminals sue us for seizing the products of their illegal enterprise?
>Taking that much money out of the Mexican economy would result in mass starvation.
Their inept government is not my problem.
That's not a refutation user.
Here, I'll give you the short and long of it.
If we "damage" mexican companies or peoples by requiring remittances to be taxed, by requiring taxes, by going against a signed trade deal, the Mexican government can take us to international court to receive repairations for those damages. We'd loose. The case law is all there on the books. Go read about Belgium and glue.
Now, here's where the trumpfag answer is "What are they going to do about it? Come and take it. We'll blow them up!"
That money can be taken from U.S. nationals, not just U.S. government property.
Every business or factory or account in Mexico owned by U.S. nationals becomes open season for nationalization and redistribution. We'd be paying for those remittances and tariffs.
It is user. Welcome to the international law that WE set up to fuck the rest of the world since the 1970s out of fear of commies and stagflation.
We built this boat. We're gonna go down with it if we fuck this up. And Trump is going to fuck this up. Hillary's answer is "there is no problem", but at least the ship won't sink any faster.
How butthurt is this board gonna be when Shillary becomes the next president of the US of A?
So they'd have good reason to come back to the US
Literally not my problem if Mexicans are starving. If you want to suggest that there would be a tidal wave of shitskins crashing the border deforesting the countryside in search of food, we just issue hunting licenses.
I know they have no choice, but I was asking because you said the US could use border patrol funds to build it
>So they'd have good reason to come back to the US
It'd be way too late for that. All it takes is one litigatory thump from the Mexican government and they can freeze all accounts of all U.S. Nationals in Mexico and disallow any transfer of any money or property back to the U.S.
Doing so when there is a lawsuit going on is what's known as a Fraudulent transfer.
So enjoy day 3 of that plan.
And as far as Mexicans starving being the U.S. government's problem. There was only two events close to something like this. When the IMF required Argentina to pay back it's debts, which caused starving on the streets, and when the German government enforced Austerity measures on Greece.
The IMF would never have gotten away with the shit they pulled today. Germany had to make sure there were tons of safety nets in place to make sure that not a single human life was lost due to starvation more than usual.
Cost to build a wall $10 billion
Cost savings of building a wall ($510 billion) - fewer illegals sucking up welfare, running up hospital bills, causing crime, burdening the social services and infrastructure.
>not a refutation
Are we doing refutations? It seems you started out with some bullshit you knew wasn't true ("we'll blow them up!"), got mad enough to get tripped up and admit you knew this wasn't even an issue ("taxing remittances isn't the way!") amidst weird claims of psychic powers ("cognitive dissonance!"...not displayed in the thread) and superior knowledge (which you should really show, not tell.
>if we do this thing, we'll be sued
It's already being done, user. Why has your vast knowledge failed you?
Did you not know that remittances to Mexico are already suffering from deductions in an attempt to offset the costs involved with illegal aliens?
>the Trumpfag answer
Yet you're the only one who's said this, user. You brought it up.
Not your best day, I would imagine.
>So they'd have good reason to come back to the US
So then you'd be paying for it with higher prices.
I'm already willing to pay more for products made in the USA whenever I can find them
And our illegal immigrants isn't their problem. Your selfish logic works against you just as well. Not an argument
Oh, I'm dealing with bait.
Americans illegally emigrating to Mexico? They should be kicked the fuck out.
anyone else confused why we say BUILD WALL, when mexico is only going to pay for it? they're not building it, most likely the corps of engineers will
maybe his wall is gonna be as real as his debate with bolshevik bernstein?
You're dealing IN bait, user. Sorry it didn't go like you hoped.
I still responded a few times before you ran out of bullshit, though, so there's that. You got me!
They're paying for it. American workers will be employed in the construction since the beaners would undoubtedly sabotage it.
Michael Obama is a hot tranny tho amrite?
Walking talking jokes cant make fun of walking talking jokes. That's not how it works.
You're right. He is going to need meme magic supporters in the House and Senate.
>We'll blow them up if they don't
How stupid are you? Mexico is entirely reliant on the US economically
You don't understand. Americans are the first ones to claim "illegal immigrants", as in: humans who cross the national border and enter America illegally, thus becoming "our problem". Mexico doesn't give a fuck about some prick with an opinion like you. They don't care about the immigrants once they cross the border either. Get it?
He will build the wall...He has executive power of ICE and he can use the funds how he likes
Ban the leafs
Trump will say fuck you to the international court.
The wall is going to keep out illegal immigrants. Not the legal ones.
See my previous post here.
He can say "fuck you" to anyone. But it doesn't matter. The money to pay off the damages already exists in Mexico. The Mexican government can take it any time they want.
In fact, if Trump goes to the Mexican government with this plan, they'll say fuck you to him. If I was sitting in a diplomat's office in Mexico city and I was presented with this, I'd send it back with what amounts to "Go ahead, do it."
Here's the problem that trumpfags don't understand. They think Business Negotiations are the same as International Negotiations. OR they think Business Negotiations are harder than International Negotiations.
Here's the different. If a business deal goes wrong, maybe someone loses money, maybe you don't make as much money as you would have, at worst the company goes under.
If an international deal doesn't go through, people can die. It's at a level of tension and importance magnitudes above business deals. International diplomats make Trumps "negotiators" that he keeps talking about look like fucking children. They are unqualified hacks about to be set up for a job that is more important than ANYTHING they've done before.
Why do you just keep repeating the same shit over and over again?
Yeah, Mexico doesn't want to pay for it. No fucking shit. Mexico also doesn't have a choice in the matter. If they don't pay for it as a sign of good will, they will pay for it through taxation with interest.
You seem to have this funny weird misconception that Mexico is a sovereign country. It's not. It relies on the US economically.
>You seem to have this funny weird misconception that Mexico is a sovereign country.
Swissfag, you may think Trump is going to strongarm his way through this bullshit, but you can't. Our international system was built so dumb strongarm tactics like that just don't work. It's specifically set up like that BECAUSE of how high tension negotiations like international trade deals are, where thousands of people could die in a month because of dumb tactics like you'll find in art of the deal.
Do you know who else uses strongarm tactics on the world stage? North Korea and Iran. They're shitholes with people dying of starvation every day. They're pariahs. China and Russia also used to use those tactics often, and they dialed them back hard core over the past 20 years.
Those sanctions imposed on Russia fucked them over hard. They can't even take half of Ukraine. Talk about "Not a sovereign country"
Can Mexico even afford to pay for the wall's upkeep? What about security?
How much of remittances are from illegal immigrants in the first place?
No wall? I'll settle for landmines.
This has nothing to do with "strongarming". That's just you using a big scary word trying to influence the argument with language.
It's standard economical practice and done by the EU extensively.
The actual number isn't known. That's because the only number kept track of is the amount of money sent in wire transfers to Mexico, which includes all businesses, including business transfers sent from U.S. nationals to U.S. nationals
Trump's 24 Billion is based on some guesswork based on the amount of Illegals in the U.S. and some polling.
Which is a crime against humanity now.
But that's not the first time Trump has advocated one.
You said "Mexico isn't a sovereign country because we can fuck them economically to our will"
That is LITERALLY strongarming
It's already been approved jackass. Has been since 2006. The only thing holding it up is the President has refused to tell DHS to build it.
>If we "damage" mexican companies or peoples by requiring remittances to be taxed, by requiring taxes, by going against a signed trade deal, the Mexican government can take us to international court to receive repairations for those damages. We'd loose.
This is a total fantasy and complete nonsense. The US is a sovereign nation and can do whatever the fuck it wants with money flowing out of its domestic economy.
>It's pure bullshit
It's already been done you stupid fuck.
We gave up some of that sovereignty when we signed our trade deals.
We put clauses like that in to make sure countries like Guatemala don't balk out of deals when they realize that having Pepsi put a plant down there isn't actually in their own national interest. We made deals that disallow that shit, and agreed to the same terms to make them seem fair. Now they're biting us in the ass.
Ask Argentina about trying to back out of a trade deal. Or the Netherlands. It requires actual thought to get out of these deals. Self regulation and loophole jumping is what's going to win the day. Blanket statements like Trumps are just going to tank the economy.
Where did I say that? I'd love to see that specific quote in one of my posts, would be quite the mindfuck.
I said that Mexico is dependant on the US economically and if they refuse to pay for something, the US can just make them pay for it through trade with them, which again, Mexico is entirely reliant on economically.
Here's a good read because you seem to lack any sort of knowledge on the topic:
If you actually read it, you'll learn that the US already does this to various countries. Those countries had the choice to comply or be sanctioned, and they chose the latter.
In the case of Mexico, it wouldn't be an entirely classical sanction because the main goal would still be collecting funding rather than cutting trade entirely. The US wouldn't be stopping support of Mexico, they'd simply collect a fee indirectly.
It isn't LITERALLY strongarming no matter what by the way, because the US doesn't have arms. Are you dumb?
Here's the difference. NAFTA.
We signed a deal with them. They also signed the GATT, along with us. Not to mention all the subsequent BITs and side deals.
Care to point out the specific clause in NAFTA or whatever other bullshit that specifically forbids taxing your own fucking money? It doesn't matter either way.
Lol don't kid yourself, Canadians aren't allowed to use hate speech. You'll be imprisoned for the slur against your LGBT friends in this post before the election.
If it's that easy then why isn't Trump using that info to his advantage?
If he could legitimately just tell someone to build the wall, why doesn't he let us know that he can?
Whatever happened to Gitmo? Is it still operating?
His other points are bullshit because it's literally IN LAW to build the wall, as in its already permitted someone just has to do it.
He has.
Because Trump wants to stir up controversy. That's why he didn't just say the judge was in La Raza, he said he was Mexican.
Article 101: Establishment of the Free Trade Area
The Parties to this Agreement, consistent with Article XXIV of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, hereby establish a free trade area.
Article 302: Tariff Elimination
1. Except as otherwise provided in this Agreement, no Party may increase any existing customs duty, or adopt any customs duty, on an originating good.
2. Except as otherwise provided in this Agreement, each Party shall progressively eliminate its customs duties on originating goods in accordance with its Schedule to Annex 302.2.
3. On the request of any Party, the Parties shall consult to consider accelerating the elimination of customs duties set out in their Schedules. An agreement between two or more Parties to accelerate the elimination of a customs duty on a good shall supersede any duty rate or staging category determined pursuant to their Schedules for such good when approved by each such Party in accordance with its applicable legal procedures.
I can start pulling from the GATT, too, which is probably more important, as it sets out what happens when you fuck up.
Who cares about trade deals? Is there any country strong enough to wage war economically (other than China) or through military? No, that's all that needs to be said.
Here's the difference you stupid fuck, we alread DO tax remittance. We have for several years. Nobody does shit about it.
Remittance aren't goods m8. This doesn't matter. Plus Trump wants to repeal NAFTA anyway.
We can't raise them, only lower them.
Chapter Fourteen: Financial Services
Article 1404: Cross-Border Trade
1. No Party may adopt any measure restricting any type of cross-border trade in financial services by cross-border financial service providers of another Party that the Party permits on the date of entry into force of this Agreement, except to the extent set out in Section B of the Party's Schedule to Annex VII.
2. Each Party shall permit persons located in its territory, and its nationals wherever located, to purchase financial services from cross-border financial service providers of another Party located in the territory of that other Party or of another Party. This obligation does not require a Party to permit such providers to do business or solicit in its territory. Subject to paragraph 1, each Party may define "doing business" and "solicitation" for purposes of this obligation.
3. Without prejudice to other means of prudential regulation of cross-border trade in financial services, a Party may require the registration of cross-border financial service providers of another Party and of financial instruments.
4. The Parties shall consult on future liberalization of cross-border trade in financial services as set out in Annex 1404.4.
NAFTA doesn't make shit for a difference because it's already being disregarded. Disregarding it a little bit more is not going to cause any problems.
GATT was just a one-time thing. It's not really preventing anything from happening.
why are you such a faggot?
>Here, I'll give you the short and long of it.
Again, this doesn't apply to remittance at all.
Trump doesn't want to tax Mexican goods. Christfuck you're stupid.
So we're going to invade mexico. When they say no and we raise tariffs and taxes on remittances and they take the goods of U.S. nationals to pay off damages, the only recourse then is to invade mexico
After that, NO COUNTRY would ever trust us with a trade deal EVER again. Our economy would tank over a fucking wall, retard.
You see, the point is, dumbass, he's not going to win. This may be a landslide Democratic victory the likes we haven't seen since LBJ beat Goldwater back in 1964.
But, you aspie, millennial fucktards on this board are too stupid to know your own history and think this is a "unique" moment.
>Never trust anyone under 30. You'll soon come to understand that if you don't now.
Has nothing to do with taxing remittance. Which we already do.
Or we just tax remittance and nobody does anything about it because they can't.
>Oh no Mexico is going to sue us!
top lel
Article 1416: Definitions
For purposes of this Chapter:
financial service means a service of a financial nature, including insurance, and a service incidental or auxiliary to a service of a financial nature;
I'd need to start case-lawing it from here, which would take a few hours of research, but I can assure you that includes remittances
WE ALREADY TAX REMITTANCE. Fucking hell. We've been doing it for several years. If it wasn't allowed, it would have been stopped.
He's going to die of a heart attack soon, so it doesn't matter. CIA already handled it. Just like they did with Marley.
He is most definitely building the fucking wall.
The pendulum is swinging back and there are a ton of fucking bricks on the end of it that are going to be stacked right the fuck up on the boarder.
I can not fucking wait.
I can not wait for the curtain drop and expose these fucking redundant liberal faggots....and for realism and strength to return to the social dialogue and the US government.
This fucking world. Its going to have to go back.