Is this tickle kînó
I'm confused as hell
Will I be less confused after watching the film?
>tell ex I want her to hold me down and tickle me
>she refuses
>makes me choke her slap her tits and calls me daddy
yes but you'll also be a little more sad
it pulls the rug from right under you
Someone tell me what this is about, just spoil the whole damn thing I don't care.
Most overrated and anticlimactic documentary of the last ten years. It's absolutely alright, but that's it.
His next movie is going to be about microphillia, I shit you not
>at job
>hear Conworkers talk about "tickled" movie
>"isnt it so bizarre?? Who does things like this haha"
>"i know what absolute weirdos"
>tfw its my fetish
>tfw getting wet at my job
>tfw i will never tell a soul how badly i want to be tickled until i piss myself
>or tickle a guy until pissing himself
>tfw i will die without living out my fetish while these shit bags on a stupid as fuck movie do it whenever
I wish i could die
ok faggot
>indulging her fantasies when she won't even consider yours
Don't be such a beta faggot
>>tfw getting wet at my job
are the tickle vids really profitable? or is he doing it at a loss? cant imagine people paying for those vids, and they cost a lot to produce.
If you are a woman you can live your fetish with any 10/10 guy even if you are a landwhale, just go to some online dating web, it's full of desperate guys that would fuck or do to get some pussy.
Psycho manchild spends family fortune on fetish
According to Armond White, the movie barely focuses on the fetish part and is "a blue-balls documentary." It seems like this focuses more on a scandals behind this "industry" than "lol isn't this weird."
Just watch tickle videos if you just want to see tickling. The doc is about who is funding them.
No, is not about the "industry" is about a single guy with loads loads of cash who is making those videos mostly for himself, it's seems like he is totally addicted to them and can't stop paying money to a group of people so they cast actors and produce more and more of those videos.
And the weird fact that he/they claim that all these clearly gay fetish videos are not such thig, and are just an innocent 'sport'.
I don't think he's making money of it, it's just to torture the people who eventually want out.