Is this show any good literal nazi regime America I'm sure it panders to the jews though

Is this show any good literal nazi regime America I'm sure it panders to the jews though

Coworker recommended me to watch this. Haven't checked it out yet.

They actually made Nazi America seem pretty based t b h

Haven't watched the show
Read the book years ago

It's total nonsense garbage in which pretty much nothing happens till like 2 anticlimactic things at the end

And yes, there is jew pandering, but to be fair, it's minimal jew pandering

Nazi America is nice and comfy in it.
All Jews and niggers have been removed.

Sup Forums here - solid 6/10 not bad but not that good

should I get an audiobook or wait for second season? Intrigued about story enfolding..

It's boring as fuck and the setting is so absurd that there's really nothing for a history buff to enjoy.

It was all along a just an imagination of an old Japanese guy living in the States.

I have to agree. Really nothing special.