>A 19-year-old Swedish sentenced to two years in prison for manslaughter after holding out a knife against a man from Iraq who with an accomplice tried to rob him at gunpoint in the Stockholm suburb of Rinkeby. The robber continued the attack, was injured in knife and died.
Sweden yes! Court rules self-defense with knife against gun "indefensible"
Other urls found in this thread:
In Sweden if you kill muggers they win!
>Gang-raped 14 year old, gets to stay in Sweden
Just cuck my shit up senpai
Didn't we just do this?
even Trudaeu isn't this cucked
at least spell his name right you tabarnak
The best part of it is, if the sweed had got shot and killed it wouldnt even had been a news-worthy.
and i thought my country was a joke...
>Quebecois insults
It is.
It's all right. We're training the new hardcore guys who will make sure the immigrants respect Swedish law...
> Police in Huddinge, has posted a couple of photos on his Facebook page with a number of police officers dressed in pink skirts
>Sweden leona
>Swedina faso
Which one do you like the most?
>2 years in a Swedish prison
you got good waffles though
I hope Finland Nukes your shit up.
That's swedish high-seq you know...
Sweden spends 5 times as much on prisoners food per portion and intern as compared to schoolchildren.
The prisons are marxist huxboxes becasue the retards believe in "reforming" not punishing.
I want to murder every person who has been anywhere near any sort of administrative or political power in my country the last 45 years
You should see life on the bright side.
You could be Sweden.
Your Police is Bro tire.
What the fuck?
What sucks is that in a homogenous society full of white people like Sweden, such a prison system was adequate. Crime was relatively low and people were just less violent in general.
Then feminists destroyed the family and started importing massive amounts of niggers. Expect the private prison industry to pop up there soon.
>What sucks is that in a homogenous society full of white people like Sweden, such a prison system was adequate
No it isnt. Prisoners should be fucking PUNISHED. Anything else is injustice.
AFTER a propper punishment, you can have rehabilitation, but fucking pitying the disgusting criminal faggots and pretentind they're not culpable for their actions only encourages more crime.
Swediland is pretty kek
>Crime was relatively low
This isnt a argument. Crime isnt low because we're soft on crime, crime is low because we were white.
In fact leneincy on crime makes more sense with a country full of monkies and dune-coons.
Someone beeing white and still comitting criminal acts should be punished well and hard so he fucking stops doing stuff he should have the mental powers to undertand is wrong.
I can excuse and understand a monkey for chimping the fuck out. If however, you're a actual human I have much less leniency.
>I can excuse and understand a monkey for chimping the fuck out. If however, you're a actual human I have much less leniency.
Man, even "redpilled" swedes are like this?
Jesus christ.
No they're so far below us they clearly should never be a part of our socieities.
Thus seeing them break our laws time and time again is something to be expected and I can understand some amount of leneincy in their cases.
If you're lenient to someone who not only has the intelligence to understand that he's breaking the law but to fully comprehend the consequences of it.
You're just insulting him
The white person took a real gamble and it failed, he deserves a severe punishment.
The monkey is somewhere he never should had been, seeing as he's going to do it over again no matter what we do he should be put down, but we cant. So why not just shrug and let him off with a warning unless it was something really serious?
Well he's not wrong if he believes on genetic determinism. It's the difference between a golden retriever biting and a pit-bull biting. The second one is engineered for fighting.
At any rate prisons were never about justice, they were about removing the non-productive disruptive individual from the society so the society can keep working.
So you're basically saying nigs gonna nog and unless they chimp out too hard it's fine to let them be, while whites should get more severe punishments for smaller crimes?
Nogs should be sent back, since there's no way they will be they should be put down, since we weont do that either we might as well let them nigg the fuck out as long as noone gets hurt because they're fucking monkies.
If you're white and you nigg the fuck out you should be severely punished because you fucking know better.
Holding someone to a standard they cant understand is pointless and arbitrairy.
Im not unfair though. dont have a problem with enacting capital punishment for the mentaly defficient repeat offender whites who commit crimes and are too dumb to get it.
>bringing a knife to a gunfight
Should be illegal desu.
Seriously wondering why swedes don't flee the country
I think Trump wants to remove NATO so Russia can come and save Europe
>Crime isnt low because we're soft on crime, crime is low because we were white.
Doesn't that explain your immigrant problem?
>Have all these people employed who fight crime
>There's no crime to fight
>But we can't make them redundant because the unemployment rate would go through the roof
>Ship in a load of criminals to give us something to do
You can't win with the left. If crime figures fall it's not because people are obeying the law it's because the police aren't doing their job, which brings in quotas which means that people NEED to be arrested to hit these quotas which means the crime rate never drops. We even experienced it here, crime was dropping dramatically and at one of its lowest points in decades, so how do we combat a problem like that? By bringing in more than 280 new laws within 2 years. Thanks, Blair! You fucking stupid cunt. I'm absolutely convinced at this point the left are just some fucking sick joke and are doing this for bantz because if they aren't, they're going to really regret their actions when the day of the rope comes and it will come, it's completely inevitable. Nothing lasts forever, no matter whether it's right or wrong. They should keep that in mind.
That's like asking why you bothered retaking Spain from the Moors.
Some think order can be restored,
Many cant affoard or dont have a skill that is workable outside the country,
Many yet (probably still a majority) do not see any problem with what's going on and are willing to vote for the continuation of it.
I am out of here the moment I finish my education, if I havent kiled myself out of blackpill overdose by then.
>They should keep that in mind.
There's nothing within the empty head of a leftist loon but the shiny promise of nice tingles sometime within the next 30 minutes if he just fist a slightly larger dildo up hi ass.
Materialism can only be fought with Ideals. If they're Christian or Fascist doesnt really matter, but only genuine idealism can defeat the left.