So what's the deal with this faggot

This beta fuck doesn't seem like someone that could rape anyone, why is everyone so up in arms? Not like a woman would ever lie about being raped or anything :^)

Other urls found in this thread:

>doesn't seem like someone that could rape anyone

Unless she was unconscious, which she was.

>Not like a woman would ever lie about being raped or anything

But the two cops who found him fucking her behind a dumpster would probably tell the truth.

>fucking behind the dumpster
he was fingering her
they were fucking swedish tourists you cunt

I see, it was my understanding that they had fucked behind the dumpster, then someone found them at a party while he was fingering her as she was unconscious.

>hurdur fingering isn't rape

he is Sup Forums contradiction

the anti-meme

the true white rapist.

That's a punchable face if I ever saw one. Any pictures of the slut?

Stop you're raping me with your words

Oddly enough he was arrested by 2 swedish guys who held him until the cops arrived.
Who knows he might have murdered her.


I used to finger whores in high school all the time. I think its cool he's bringing finger jamming back.

>he was fingering her

too drunk to get a boner, perhaps if it was a man he might have gotten a stiffie....he is after all on the swim team.

The irony

>some bitch on FB posts comparison pic between this guy who got 6 months and some nig who got 6 years for a FAKE allegation
>no way THIS one could be fake though
>he's white

Can't wait until this blows up in their faces. Typical media strategy - get a whole bunch of white girls worked up by stifling the facts - then release the facts that the girl made it up.

When was it not a thing?

10 B.C.

>hurdur they both werent shitfaced

I just feel that its not being used to the full potential that it once was.

Um two students found him and her and in her court testimony she admits agreeing to go back to his room and allow him to finger her. She was to drunk and passed out and now she's all he raped me.

The guy was wasted. She was wasted too. She gave him permission to finger pop her. He got his fingers sticky. She passed out during the act. He's convicted cause reasons.

The outrage industry and sjw's got burned with Emma at Columbia and "Jackie" at UVA, but now they think they've found in this guy a symbol for some sort of great, amorphous societal evil. Even still, the best they can find is a guy who simply fingered a girl instead of actually fucking her. Rapists should be prosecuted but this guy isn't one. It goes to show how feeble the notion of a nationwide rape 'epidemic' is.

Legally, it's not; it's sexual assault.


The trick is to get a girl tipsy not drunk, so she bounces on your dick like its got the cure for cancer inside it.

Not enough white boys are raping, but black boys are raping in increasing numbers.

This case is being pushed because it will allow the draconian standards of due process pushed in colleges by federal grant 'policy requirements' to be incorporated into our actual legal precedents.

The bait and switch of "OMG ONLY 6 MONTHS!" was specifically to get a head of outrage about the inappropriate standards of evidence used against this dude in his trial.

Link to testimony?

The day after, JAKE filed charges against JOSIE for RAPE.

Too bad that's not the narrative the media wants to push. It is sort of odd that they push a narrative that makes rapists out of all of us. Drunk sex or hookups happen. Sex depicted in pic is too fucking common.

>The outrage industry and sjw's got burned with Emma at Columbia and "Jackie" at UVA, but now they think they've found in this guy a symbol for some sort of great, amorphous societal evil.


They REALLY, REALLY need this one.

Gross senate jew barbara boxer just weighed in, demanding who knows what? A retrial?

Considering he actually did rape the girl or perform some sort of sexual act while she was unconscious it's bullshit he only got 3-6 months. If he wasn't from money he would get 5-15 years for the same shit, but because he's some dumbass rich white boy he gets off.
>inb4 nig
I'm a upper middle class white who hates the BLM assholes and I still think this is complete bullshit

Source on her giving him permission?

Anyway, I don't really see what the big deal is, haven't been keeping up with the story, other than that I know this guy seems like he got a fairly lenient sentencing, but at the same time he's also going to be labeled as a rapist so no job opportunities for that guy.

And to be fair dude, even if you're wasted when the girl passes out it's time to stop.

Do you guys have a source for this? I wanna sperg out on my kikebook friends

>I'm a upper middle class white who hates the BLM
You're not very convincing. Apply yourself.

They finally found a white rapist. It only took a few dozen black rapists and false accusations.

I had a source yesterday from a government website where the testimony was recorded by the court clerk. Even she admits that she gave him permission to finger her and nothing more. The guy actually asked for permission. The testimony makes the guy to look like a dweeb, not a rapist.

I also agree that the guy should stop if the girl is no longer responsive. But consent was given, and he did actually stop. He fingered her and nothing more.

>and to be fair dude
Shut up cuck

Yeah this shit should be taken to the supreme court or else we are all going to be royally fucked. Of course it won't, and like all the other common law jewry they've used to erode our rights it will be a blind spot in the eyes of established civil libertarian organizations.

Sad day for burgers everywhere.

>drunk boy and girl flirting with eachother entire night (as stated by witnesses)
>drunk boy fingers drunk girl (who gave permission)
>drunk girl passes out
>Two gay swedish faggots see them in the action and call the cops while crying
>faggot swedes even literally made shit up in their testimony to make it seem like the guy was actually fucking her (which was later proved wrong by biological evidence obviously)
>Complete Bullshit!!
Yeah it's complete bullshit this guy got any time at all.

I give you Hilary voters and their metamorphing stories, everyone


He says she did.

Source pls, I wanna read this shit

Yeah, he stopped when two other students caught him in the act and ran.

Isn't it funny how all these college rape cases start out with a girl getting drunk, going to a frat party, hooking up with multiple guys etc. Not only did she make out with him, not only did she say yes when he asked her if she wanted to go back to his dorm, she also consented for the finger banging which is as far as he got. Females are terrible at living with their decisions. She fucked up and was caught by those 2 swede guys so she had to cry rape.

It was a crime of passion.

This is what happened. Shameful behavior + Publicity = Regret.

Also her statement to the court reads like it was authored by someone with an agenda. It had a cliff note and talking point and soundbite quality to it.

He didn't rape anyone. He found a passed out chick outside a bar and stuck his finger in her vagoo, then got chased off by a couple of guys.

That's the whole story.

Who says he was going to go further? In a court of law 'intent' is a mother fucker to prove.

Getting burned with the Mattress chick didn't stop Hillary and the American rep at the UN endorsing her AFTER her story got destroyed. Also the poor German sucker lost his lawsuit last winter

Oh shit did he? I read the entire public complaint but I didn't know he had lost.

Yes, he wants to appeal but it looks like he's done for. He's in Germany now and unemployed.

someone didn't get on the swim team

When someone calls you out on something and you stop doing said act, that's either a huge coincidence or a casual relation.

Normie oldfag here. Every party I ever went to in the '90's ended in a drunken finger banging/mashing handy j. I've personally blacked out and woken up to fat chicks playing with muh dick. You shrugged, charged it to the game, and moved on. Women did the same. Millenials haven't been allowed to make any youthful mistakes by helicopter parents and now you have this.

>ywn again get crushed and finger blast a chick in a backyard in July with both of you laughing it off the next day.

dub-trips have spoken

Yeah I can see how he wasn't very cool about it, but when you've got two people accusing you of a terrible crime...maybe being uncomfortable and panicking is a normal human reaction. Fear and panic are normal human reactions to being accused of rape.

Even if she gave permission beforehand, (to me) that implies she must be conscious throughout the act to continue setting boundaries, unless he was explicitly given total free range. And I don't see any evidence that he was given that permission. You act like the guy is some uncontrollable force of nature, incapable of reasonably assessing a situation.