Red Pill me on Joseph Stalin
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Russia is a joke.
Stalin was incompetent and so are all Russians.
A more paranoid Hitler.
Paranoid asshole didn't want to stay the fuck contained.
Stalin wasn't Russian
A based guy that transformed Russia from a straggling economy to a Superpower
you're getting super mario and stalin mixed up
One of, if not the greatest leader in world history. Basically lead the Red Army to singlehandedly defeat fascism. We need a new Stalin, desperately. Fascists need to be gulaged and purged as soon as possible.
He was born in what would be called Georgia now you fucking dipshit, read a book
What's the big difference between Stalinism and National Socialism?
Actually he was born on the north fucking pole.
Ignorant bastard.
The lack of racial pogroms for one, dude. Not to mention the fact that Stalin did help build what modern leftists call "actually existing socialism". The average Soviet worker was better off than the average American worker for a very fucking long time.
>believing this
>ruskies in commie bloc's were better off than the usa at its height
"National Socialism" didn't really fucking lean much into the socialist part, it was only there as a syncretic aspect to dupe the poor into supporting a party that hugely went against their interests. Hitler's Germany actually privatized dozens of industries, there's nothing socialist about that, dude.
>Thinking Stalin was born in a US state
American education
He was born on another planet, stupid.
I have never seen a Stalinist on here before I think.
Vatnik pls go
Not a Stalinist, I'm M-List, but the modern left's limp wristed rejection of a man who helped modernize a nation of dirtfarmers into the only other Superpower in history is fucking myopic and ignorant.
Hope you taste the bottom of a boot at some point soon, Kulak
Gee sounds like le ebil fascism to me comrade see you at the gulag
Purging fascists isn't fascist, dude. In fact, its one of the best bulwarks against fascism!
But they did heavily regulate their form of capitalism (especially the finance aspect), put limits on profit, generally banned rent seeking and had many worker protection laws and universal health care, etc.
Eternally destroyed every last bit of the Nazis' honor by having their banners flung to his feet after beating them.
He was pretty alpha.
>the purge was against fascism not political dissidents in general
Wew laddy
None of those things are Socialism. Social democracy isn't socialism, its Capitalists attempting to preserve their shitty system by placating workers with meager social programs. Its just delaying the inevitable.
>Russia was poor before gommunism
This meme needs to die. Russia was rapidly industrializing under the Czar. The Russian Empire's Baku oil fields were online in the early 20th century before the revolution, and BPD of oil production either surpassed or was about to surpass Rockfeller's Standard Oil monopoly's production, which is probably why (((Jacob Schiff))) was given the green light by New York financiers to fund the Bolsheviks, because Rockefeller did not want his hegemony over global oil control to be threatened.
The problem is that Hitler was actually liked by his people
This is just a fancy way of saying "JEWWWWWS" over and over. Please kill yourself.
Also do you genuinely think this massive oil wealth was shared with the workers? Why the fuck do you fucking think they rose up and killed so many capitalists?
For fucks sake, one of the Romanovs, at their firing squad execution, had so many jewels and diamonds sewn into their clothes, that they survived the first volley of bullets, so they had to be shot again. That's how rich they were.
I dunno who cares?
Let's try socialism again guys!
I dunno, the image I get is that so was Stalin.
You can't really argue against this. He may have had his failings but Russia was literally just a bunch of poor vodka drinking peasants before him and by the time he was done they were poor vodka drinking peasants with a massive nuclear arsenal, a space program and the most successful assault rifle ever created.
He was the worst murderer and tyrant in world history. Not by coincidence, one of the greatest men, too, in Nietzsche's sense
Hitler's twin brother. Both were very bad rulers of totalitarian regimes which themselves were like huge cults/sects.
Communism dumb fuck
>one of the Romanovs, at their firing squad execution, had so many jewels and diamonds sewn into their clothes, that they survived the first volley of bullets, so they had to be shot again.
Holy shit you're totally blind to the kool aid you're choking on. That's a page straight out of propaganda.
>inb4 someone claim it was a copy of the German stg44
No, it wasn't. completely different mechanisms.
It's all good baby
The purge was against the Jewish influence in the Soviet government and against anyone who could threaten Stalin's absolute control. It wasn't about purging Fascism, but transforming the Communist government into a Stalinist one.
But with enough of those things in-place, and get them working well enough, and you should get something like decentralized, free market-powered socialism, no?
Isn't that what happened?
It actually happened. They were attempting to smuggle the jewels out of the palace after the red guard stormed the place.
>The average Soviet worker was better off than the average American worker for a very fucking long time.
The average Soviet worker was not better off than an average American dog, you fucking moron.
Stalin did what was expected from him at the time - ensured the survival of the USSR and transformed us from an agrarian shithole into a world superpower.
His methods may be questionable, but there really wasn't any other alternative.
Unless the workers are suddenly the owners/in control of Capital, no.
No, and I'm not going to engage with insane John Birch Society tier antisemitism that has zero basis in actual history.
I am willing to bet 99% of the Americans who say shit like this have never been to Eastern Europe let alone Russia
Yep. I think it was Peter the Great who started the tradition of dragging Russians kicking and screaming into the modern world. He went so far as to have Orthodox priests' beards forcibly shaved from their faces.
30 million people, is the number I learned. 30 million in summary executions, midnight "disappearings", and that looong train ride to a Siberian gulag where you were expected to work and starve until you were dead.
Don't get too misty eyed as you take the red pill. Stalin was a Bolshevist. And Germany on the eve of WWII hated Bolshevism most of all, and fought bitterly to prevent its spread into Europe.
Grew up in Tbilisi, dude.
>30 million people, is the number I learned. 30 million in summary executions, midnight "disappearings", and that looong train ride to a Siberian gulag where you were expected to work and starve until you were dead.
What I love about Stalinists and Nazis ((Sorry if you aren't either)) is how the official statistics on their own crimes are made up propaganda while the one of the others are beyond doubt true.
Peter the Great was too lazy to colonize niggers and enslaved his own peasants instead. It's breddy classic as far as Russian rulers go.
>No, and I'm not going to engage with insane John Birch Society tier antisemitism that has zero basis in actual history.
Bad man.
How is Tbilisi? Nice?
Stalin because of his propaganda and fear, If you dared to criticize Stalin they would just shoot you
Hitler actually convinced the people to like him, yes, he killed a lot of people that were against him but most of them were radical Jewish Bolshevist that were destabilizing everything, Germans actually loved him, I mean, he even designed a car for them and build mega-highways, Stalin just destroyed Russian economy even more and starved his people to death
In the following video you can hear him say
"Their workers must live like animals" or something like that, obviously referring to the URSS
The weather is basically what it's like in Seattle or Vancouver, BC. Its an old city, and you feel it everywhere you go. I haven't been back in 15 years, though.
He had explicit orders that he was never to be disturbed in his bedroom.
One night he let out a blood curdling scream to test the guards.
The guards, thinking staling was in danger, csme to investigate.
Stalin was fine and had the guards shot
Great response.
Don't forget the Holodomor. What most people don't get is that starvation is a much easier way to kill than gassing and shooting. As methodical as the Nazis were, they killed far fewer than either Stalin or Mao.
>Stalin because of his propaganda
>le hitler didnt use propaganda
Stalin brought Russia from a feudal country into a modern Industrial one, please redpill me on how that is "destroying" Yeah, it was Terrible Stalin Starved all those people to death, but again I would say that was pretty much a consequence of their starting position and mistakes rather than bad will from Stalin.
All of the rest of your post seems to be rather based on personal opinion, what hinders me from saying all the ones Stalin killed was class traitors and saboteurs?
And I just want to add that the Nazis did see reasons to execute people who tried to protest against them, like the members of the white rose.