Every single time I go, I have to ask someone nearby to be quiet or the person in front of me to put away their bright-ass phone. If it's a woman, they get all pissy while their boyfriend cringes until I threaten to get an usher.
Last time it was a retarded guy asking his handler literal "What did he mean by that?" memes after every bit of dialogue. I didn't want to say anything because he was retarded and I felt bad
>Last time it was a retarded guy asking his handler literal "What did he mean by that?" memes after every bit of dialogue. I didn't want to say anything because he was retarded and I felt bad holy kek
Angel Howard
lel, but honestly this does happen more often then it needs to. Usually movies I go to only have about 6 old people in the entire theatre, but for bigger movies it happens almost every time. Once I even attended a film premiere and some chick was on her phone in front of me! Like seriously, it's the first time anybody in the public is watching the movie, and it's invite only, but you're still going to browse your phone instead?
Gabriel Turner
I was watching Prometheus with my aunt when a group of teenage girls were sitting right in front of us. There were like 10 people at max in the theatre but this 3 girl had to be sitting right in front of us. They talking constantly wasn't even the biggest problem, but they were laughing. I mean it's Prometheus, what the fuck are you laughing at? That was the last time. Never going to the movies again.
Colton Brown
It's simple, move out of america.
I have never experienced anything like that here in Europe, just move out of your degenerate country and problem solved.
Connor Russell
Watching movies is terrible in Europe. It's the complete opposite. You're not allowed to audibly or visibly react to the movie at all. You can't laugh or gasp and if you clap you're fucking dead.
Henry Cook
Low quality bait, too many details needs to be more subtle.
Appreciate the effort tho, 3/10
James Robinson
>clapping in a cinema Only in America.
Nathaniel Sanders
>if you clap you're fucking dead. WHY DO YOU CLAP IDIOTEN
Isaac Turner
>You're not allowed to audibly or visibly react to the movie at all. You can't laugh or gasp and if you clap you're fucking dead.
There's literally nothing wrong with this It really shouldn't be too hard to behave like this if you're over 12 years old