>all minorities
What did she mean by this?
All minorities
Other urls found in this thread:
The age of the white man is over.
>women are 51% of the world
huh wow
>most diverse ever
>two demographics represented
Whay did they mean by this?
>Anonymous 11/28/17(Tue)21:36:21 No.76566
Brandon being a bit right wing is fucking me all up right now
he’s seen the light
Serious question: why are women considered minorities?
Since I have a brain and don't get easily swayed by political leanings, I'm gonna go ahead and surmise that she's talking about the presence of women in the music industry as opposed to the idea that women are literally a minority group.
Likewise, any body celebrating the Grammys for being a model of diversity are fools. How many of these same people give the slightest bit of a fuck about Asians, Hispanics, or other groups?
they're not minority in terms of demographics, but in terms of the power they have in society. that line of reasoning is horseshit, but it's the excuse i've heard
Ok well I'm going to assume minority means actual minority bc I'm not a faggot, faggot.
they play minor roles in life
tonight brandon flirts with right wing populism, tomorrow he insists we purge jews from western societies. many such cases!
hey bud I've got a task for you. go into the archive and count how many of your last 100 posts were about gender politics, and how many were about music, then kill yourself for being an insufferable piece of shit who lowers the overall quality of the board
Hmm, it's almost as if bullying award shows for being "too white" works.
What else can we bully them for?
Minority as a descriptor is relative and contextual. Women are a minority in the industry. Or do you not know the meaning of the word "minority"?
he's admitted he has a weird blend of leftist and right wing views. seems rational to me.
>actively posts and lurks in threads like this
>gets upset when other people do so
In the industry context black people aren't a minority, so the statement in OP's image still is stupid
where the fuck are these women we are talking about currently living? Yemen? Pakistan?
The reasoning being that it should be proportional to truly be democratic, so for example women should make up about 50% of any given parliament, roughly. Of course, there is a certain issue with that. For example, I have yet to see any of them complaining about Otorhinolaryngologists (ear, nose and throat doctors), a field which earns a lot and has 4% men and 96% women. So do with that what you will.
the problem is I know for a fact that you don't contribute to the musical discussion, however little might exist
Based le 56er poster
Do people really care about the Grammys
I'm pretty sure black people don't make up the majority of musicians. Even the Top 40 shit is hardly dominated by them, despite the strong presence they have.
The real problem here is that The Grammys as a measure of worth is a joke and people need to move away from them. People say that every year, but they never ignore them like they say they will. Frank Ocean practically crying about K-Dot getting snubbed by Taylor Swift was a joke. He's validating their attention and status. A better solution would be to start up an independent industry awards show, but that's a lot of work, so fuck that. Let's just keep whining that this farce is allowed to have the power it does.
apparently only mainstream rap fans do
Not in the West. A woman can be anything (except President)
A quick perusal of RBT can prove you wrong. Not that you'll actually go there and look.
This is a fair point.
the first page of search results has 4 instances. if you think that makes your presence worthwhile you actually should follow through with the instructions to kill yourself
What is this image trying to convey?
They could be President if they wern't incompetent
>doesn't know how threads - which string multiple posts together per the flow of the conversation - work
Are you being serious?
3 are black and 1 is white, that’s not diverse. Diverse would have been if one nominee was Black, 1 latino, 1 asian, 1 arab and 1 native american or something like that.
they really shouldn't. award shows and their awards are garbo
She doesn’t know what a minority means
Whats Theresa May doing then?
Frankly, fucking up horribly.
you tell me
Is a Grammy an award for music or for identity?
Being an incompetent Prime Minster
>who is Thatcher
whatever your views on her, you can’t say that she was incompetent
But she was an utter cunt
low rating for the Grammy's this year
holy fuck these people are so indoctrinated that language means nothing to them. the actual definitions of "minority" and "diversity" have been lost - women are literally a majority and the nominees are almost entirely homogenous.
hey yall
america was founded in 1957 apparently.
and there has never been any racism or inequality here.
and discussion about freedom is repressed.
here's some freedom music:
She was still a prime minister
unless i give less of a shit about the racebaiting than that she thinks its worth noting the 2 most dominant genres of music are the only one up for AOTY.
this bitch is dumb Hip-hop is whats popular black people dominate the genre, its not rocket science or special. the grammys arent shit and havent been for a while
It's really a thinker