I believe the holocaust happened, I believe 6 million Jews were murdered by Nazi Germany in concentration camps.
Come at me.
I believe the holocaust happened, I believe 6 million Jews were murdered by Nazi Germany in concentration camps.
Come at me.
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6 million is such a perfectly even number. they must have been planning it for years and had it down to the exact detail
wood fires melt human bones.
I believe a bunch of Jews died in camps, but I don't think it was as bad as they say.
the numbers are too high, the camp tech is too low (i visited the infamous death camps once).
i don't trust Jews
I believe millions of Jews died in concentration camps, but denying it shouldn't be a crime.
sp you believe that every minute they killed two thousand jews.
every minute
go ahead, do the math
exactly 6 million?
Its an estimate,not exact. Its like how 3000 people died upon 9/11 when the number isn't actually 3000
Where is your evidence it happened?
It's literally only stormfags who obsesses over the 6 million number.
The only thing I would say is wrong is the number, which was far higher then 6 million. Closer to 10, if you count the people that were killed on site and not taken to the camps first.
Good g-boy don't forget the masterbation machines that made our balls swollen and sore. As well as rollercoaster rides into the furnace. Was a Jew slaying Disneyland oh vey.
So you are saying that the red cross is not a trustworthy organization?
Im gonna need some proof here
nuremburg trial transcripts and all admitted evidence.
we have photos, eye witnesses and documents to prove that it happened
check and mate nazifags
four. four million.
Hundreds of people filed false insurance claims after 9/11, does that mean it didn't happen?
Do you really?
Fuck anyone who denies the 6 million
Not this shit again.
A few hundreds of thousands? Yeah, work camps + war are deadly.
Around 6 million? No way in hell, it's actually pretty fucking stupid to spend valuable resources genociding people while you're struggling with the war.
i bet you're the kind of nigger to say that its impossible to exterminate 6 million people but believe that commies killed around 50 million
How dare you question the death of 7 million
False what are you saying filthy goyim.
IT WAS REAL IN MY MIND! Such anti-Semitism.
300,000 jews perished in the holocaust according to original estimates. 6 million is to get the christians keep talking about the end time prophecy. zyklon b was a household item back in the day even in the americas. I have heard many latino people speaking about ciclon b used in their household. It was common like ajax. Everything else is just religious infatuation not even spiritual anymore. Holocaust memorial lost a lot of good when they went into exageration and drama and not the laws that went into causing the environment including common social character.
You probably also believe that WE...
>decades of Marxist indoctrination in academia has led to brainwashed drones who immediately kneejerk at the mere thought of anyone revising their precious claims of 6 gorillion
>ironically claim Holocaust "deniers" cannot see outside of their own worldview despite the fact they're the ones filtering out the info that doesn't coincide with their perception
The Holocaust is one of the most extensive propaganda campaigns in the history of the universe, real or not.
Commies killed millions not by executions or systematic killings, but by starvation, disease and revolutions.
Decades under a communist regime does wonders to people.
Now fuck off.
>photos don't show muh 6 gorillion
>implying eye witness accounts weren't vastly exaggerated
>implying eye witness Accounts are strong pieces of evidence
>implying no documents were faked
All fabricated.
Tortured for years inside their own minds. Oh vey so emotional. Evil Nazi Germany must pay more to these people, their children and their children's children. Never forget.
We do not have the ET texhnology to make 6 Fucjing Billion.
Donald, hand over the the realholohoax pictures
agreed. it happened, but the numbers have no real facts to them. the real number is likely under a million.
Do you believe every story? Is every Jew to be believed?
For example, one Jew says they would throw Jews in a cage with a lion and an eagle and watch the animals eat them.
Another story claims there was a "giant electric chair"
Another says they would use Jewish babies as footballs and play games.
Another claims they used Jewish skin to make human-skin lampshades.
Are those exaggerations?
If no, those are not exaggerations, where is the evidence of these things?
If yes there are some exaggerations in the stories told, why is it wrong to believe a large number like 6 million could have been exaggerated?
I believe you believe it.
I also believe you are to small minded to consider anything but what the school teacher told you.
When fat burns, you get black smoke, so it's not a huge stretch of imagination to say that fat people have more black smoke than skinny people.
Now if he's saying they're green or purple or whatever that's different.
This is something I see a lot
the mistake is that people assume that all of those jews were killed by being put in the gas chambers. They look at the few facilities there were for gasing and say dumb shit like "Even if the showers were running 24/7 for decades they couldn't clear out enough to reach 6 million etc". Most victims in the Holocaust were shot, many starved to death, or were mass executed by other means
Ultimately, probably only a decent hunk of those killed were killed in the actual camps, and less were done so with the gas.
Jews needed a martyr so they could control the world, potato nigger. The Holocaust is that martyr.
typhus and allied bombings are what killed a few hundred thousands snivelling rats
The mass graves don't exist, the bodies don't exist. The jews in those camps were emaciated, meaning they starved for MONTHS.
Ask yourself one question, user:
Why would the nazis feed and clothe the jews if they were going to kill them all anyways?
That's the whole point. The majority died of typhus or starvation, which isn't really directly attributable to Germany since they were losing a total war at that point. Feeding prisoners isn't really a priority.
>Why would they feed and clothe them
It is literally like shooting a man before throwing him out of a plane.
This. Supply lines dried up, you're never going to feed prisoners before your own soldiers/people first. They died because of lack of supplies, not "muh genocide of all jewry."
>tfw Sup Forums is a bunch of lying neckbeards
Not an argument.
I take that back, didn't click the picture.
The holocaust did happen, and it was wrong. Alt-right nazi heathens are horrible people. As a Christian, I stand with the Jews.
It happened but the numbers are a combination of post-war justification and vilification of the nazis. As the western front had no Pearl Harbor. Shitty record keeping and information gathering in the chaotic post war occupation era is likely to blame as well.
Like a lot of user's said, it'd be impractical to just waste 6 million people, when you could work them to death at a slower rate and have more roads or raw materials to show for it.
As a Ph.D candidate in history, the evidence for the Holocaust is pretty staggering. There clearly have been some excesses in describing the atrocities committed by the Nazis, but that doesn't mean 6-11 million Jews and others were exterminated via gas and other methods.
I never got Holocaust denial among stormfags. If you guys really believe that Jews are the source of all the worlds evils, that they really do hate European Christian culture and are constantly trying to undermine it, wouldn't exterminating them be a good thing? Whats the point in trying to denying it?
I agree with this basically
Jews killed Christ, traitor. You're a real cuck of a christian, since you accept their killing of the Messiah.
Wow, somebody photoshopped a guy into a picture.
Must mean that the holocaust never happened...
jfc I thought IT WAS REAL IN MY MIND was just a Sup Forums meme. Fucking kikes.
There is literally no evidence for the Holocaust. Not a single Jew died in the Holocaust and you can't prove it happened.
Come at me.
Pastebin related. All the evidence one would ever need to see that the Holocaust did not happen.
Holocaust Revisionism
yes, those eight million died valiantly. how can you deny the death of nine million people?
>hey let's kill all the jews
>ok, should we shoot them?
>nah lets ship them all to a resort and burn them, it'll take longer and be more expensive that way
to address your other point, the historical killing of jews is used to justify all sorts of regime toppling in the middle east for protectionism, nobody gives a shit about the actual killings so much as the political chess piece its used for
IF the Holocaust happened exactly as the Jews said it did, why did they need to photoshop any pictures?
Why not just release the photos and films of the gas chambers in operation?
We do not have the ET texhnology to make 6 Fucjing Billion.
Donald, hand over the the realholohoax pictures
I come to end this thread
>The holocaust did happen,
With nukes no less!
Honestly after researching it more, I actually believe it happened now just on a lesser scale. Like maybe millions still, but I just can't see how so many people can be transported and killed during wartime even when they do the math.
Commies killed 200m not 50m
the european typoid outbreak was a reality. all historians not in israel acknowledge it. even germans who are not legally allowed to question the holocaust itself will admit there was a massive typhoid epidemic in europe during ww2 and many died
during a large war or say a world war do you dig 1 grave for each dead civilian when there is a deadly disease spreading? probably not. you might just dig a big hole with a backhoe or something and dump them in it
leaving them where they are is more dangerous because dead bodies are breading grounds for nasty shit. dead body + water source = yellow fever and many other things EVERY time
That's great. But this isn't a religion. The truth is not a matter of faith. If you want to believe in something that never happened, that just makes you delusional and detached from reality.
The holocaust never happened. That's an objective fact. You can believe whatever you want but if you believe there was a holocaust you're wrong
What do Jews gain from their lies and embellishments?
>their own damp country
>right to whatever the fuck they want with no UN sanctions.
Nothing much really.
Meanwhile every axis nation and even some conquered nations like France are still being held to ransom to this day.
>I actually believe it happened now just on a lesser scale.
You're half way to the truth.
ok internet doctor man. Post some evidence that millions died from direct killings rather than starvation and disease.
They did shoot them for the first three years of the war. The Einstatzgrubben did most of the heavy lifting for Soviet/Baltic Jews years before the gas chambers in Auschwitz were even open.
Wow. I'm a #YidMissile now.
yes, and you know how many bodies that accounts for?
I'll give you a hint, less than 100,000
>the evidence for the Holocaust is pretty staggering.
Even though there is literally no evidence in favor of it?
>I never got Holocaust denial among stormfags. If you guys really believe that Jews are the source of all the worlds evils, that they really do hate European Christian culture and are constantly trying to undermine it, wouldn't exterminating them be a good thing? Whats the point in trying to denying it?
The NSDAP and Hitler were the good guys in WW2. They didn't need to commit a holocaust.
The Jews being the bad guys of course needed to lie about the Holocaust to get everything their greedy, Jew hearts desire.
Thats a nice belief system based on false information.
>The Einstatzgrubben
The Einsatzgruppen and the Holocaust
Examining the Einsatzgruppen Reports
I'd like a reason why Prescott Bush helped fund the Nazis. Is it a lie or something else happened? Can never get an explanation in threads like these.
I'm very conflicted about the history that stormfags have of the Nazi party. I definitely don't think they did everything they were accused of, but currently the best I can imagine is that their sincere desire for nationalism to take down globalism was still exploited by globalists to discredit nationalism for generations in Europe.
The worst thing about the holocaust is...
it never happened
>p-post some evidence
The historiography for all stages of the Holocaust is far too dense for me to even start. The Eagle Unbowed by Kochanski has a good summary of events in Poland though, not that you'll look at any scholarship besides memes and stormfront
>I'd like a reason why Prescott Bush helped fund the Nazis. Is it a lie or something else happened? Can never get an explanation in threads like these.
It doesn't matter in regard to Holocaust Revisionism. That is used by leftists to justify their hatred of the Bush's. That's why you never see it mentioned.
>I'm very conflicted about the history that stormfags have of the Nazi party. I definitely don't think they did everything they were accused of, but currently the best I can imagine is that their sincere desire for nationalism to take down globalism was still exploited by globalists to discredit nationalism for generations in Europe.
Watch the entirety of TGSNT.
what an unimpeachable source
Because the 'they' in this instance is the soviets not the jews, and they were always spicing up their propaganda. I know the eastern front well enouh to know the Germans executed millions during their occupation, but the reds needed photos and so cooked some up to keep their boys fighting hard.
>The historiography for all stages of the Holocaust is far too dense for me to even start
Okay then, at least post a credible picture or film of the gas chambers in operation as they are gassing a room filled with Jews.
>muh historiography
I'm a chemical engineer, not a historian. I don't have time for that shit, nor do I need to look at some kike novel when common sense tells me that literally every account of the holocaust is describing some shooting massacre events, a few gassings, and a whole lot of disease and starvation caused by allied blockades.
Full text of "Two Hundred "Six Million Jews" Allegations From 1900-1945"
you are defeated
>implying these shitty blog posts are decent sources
Do you even history pleb?
Of course it happened. Who does not believe it happened?
I know it doesn't matter as far as the Holocaust, which I already alluded to not believing in.
And I watched TGSNT. I believe it, but the Bush connection is still a doubt but I can't explain why it happened. So do you think there historically is no actual connection between the Bushes. Do you mean to say the link is more like a distraction to discourage people from nationalism as an answer?
>I'm a chemical engineer, not a historian
Stopped reading there
Good goyim.
>Because the 'they' in this instance is the soviets not the jews,
They're one in the same.
Putin: First Soviet Government was Mostly Jewish
>I'm allowed to dismiss your information out of hand because I don't like what they say
That's the only way you can continue to believe the Holocaust. You refuse to accept or even look at the information that proves that the Holocaust did not happen.
Take this pic for example. It's a scan from the Nuremberg Trial Documentation.
But because it shows just how ridiculous your holocaust is, you'll dismiss it out of hand.
even if it did happen
they had it coming
I'd literally bet you six million dollars you didn't stop reading right there.
Full text of "Two Hundred "Six Million Jews" Allegations From 1900-1945"
>but the Bush connection is still a doubt but I can't explain why it happened. So do you think there historically is no actual connection between the Bushes.
I don't care. I don't believe any of the Bush's are secretly Nazi's because their grandfather or whoever might've been a supporter of the Nazi's.
>Do you mean to say the link is more like a distraction to discourage people from nationalism as an answer?
I think it's vilification by the left to discredit the bush's because one of their (dead) ancestors might or might not have been a Nazi supporter.
Certainly I don't see modern Nazi's supprt the Bush's because one of their ancestors might've been a Nazi.