Are we becoming more intelligent as a species?
Are we becoming more intelligent as a species?
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Stopping mass immigration into white countries will help.
Some blood lines are, some aren't.
As a whole though? No.
Men today are just as ignorant as they were 600 years ago.
I am, but I dont know bout the rest of yall niggas
Definitely not.
Our intelligence, as a species, has been plummeting for over 100 years. In 1900, 33% of the world population was white. Now, it is about 10%. Population has exploded among those of lesser intelligence in Africa and India, and other 3rd world shitholes. The dumber people, even among whites, have lots of kids. The smart ones, very few. The result will be a population with lower average intelligence.
Shut up dyke
In general, no.
saw on the MSM that average IQ has been decreasing worldwide
I wonder (((why)))
Typical White-Cis-Ret male attitude, sexist towards women.
We were until cucks like you came along
Look a leaf dyke
Yes, technology has allowed us to access more knowledge. It is our technology that allows us to build on what we have learned from our previous generations. As such, the more technology we make, the further our knowledge will go.
developed, yes
intelligent, no.
Shuddup cuck, 600 years ago they knew to never trust a mudslime. Smarter than us now.
That isn't an answer to the question. You said that there is more information available...but, there are relatively few who are able to understand or make use of it. The pool of human knowledge is growing every year, but the number of low IQ people has been increasing at a faster rate. On average, humans are getting much dumber. The SAT has been recalibrated twice in the last 20 years. We are increasingly becoming a world of a very few people who are the most intelligent ever....but enormous hordes of subhumans reproducing themselves at an exponential rate.
Yes, but less wise too.
DAYYYYUUUUM...who got sauce on dem titties?
On average, yes.
By which I mean the average person of today would be more intelligent than the average person of the past.
The peaks though? I'd argue no.
Flynn effect
This is the response I most agree with. We're getting more logical, but that's not necessarily good.
Your question indicates that we are not.
I'll answer your question with a riddle:
Are we not men?
Kotori a cute. A CUUUUUUTE
No, the jews are the only ones becoming smarter because they stop eugenics everywhere but beside themselves.