Hey Sup Forums what do you think about this? Shitskins have burned down half of Detroit

Sometimes 20 fires in a day. Most of the firefighters are white and they're the only people holding this city together. Why are white people so stupid? Why don't they just abandon this nigger infested hell hole? Will we ever learn?

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>Shitskins have burned down half of Detroit

How can you tell?

Reminds me of the "refugees" who burned down that multimillion dollar facility in Germany the other day

racist housing policies made by whites are the only reason these hell holes exist

Cheap real estate and ripe for some nice gentrification once Niggers are removed to suburbs thanks to Section 8 program.

this isn't niggers, this is the city government. they can't afford bulldozers anymore, and/or suffer from holdout/absentee land-'owners'. they've been trying to raze the whole city for decades, and fucking it up like they fucked up everything else to lead to the circumstances where a general razing became reasonable.

Who will make them pay for their carbon overages?

The more important question is: who the fuck cares?

>Shitskins have burned down half of Detroit
Good now those black citizens can move to white neighborhood

Shitskins come from the middle east. Get it right

Whatever happened to their plan of turning all that empty space into urban farmland?

81% black

That's partially true. It's also just niggers being niggers. Don't be naive.

You should care because it's as close to a case study as we can get. Good insight into what happens when the demographic shift moves to whites being a minority and niggers take over.

I was insinuating that Detroit is such a shit hole that even if half of it was burned down nobody would notice.

there is only white and not-white
and not-white = niggers
shitsins are sandNIGGERS

>demographic shift
Let's not forget that this happens when an economic shift renders the infrastructure insufficient to maintain population density.

That it happens more easily with nignog density is merely a cofactor.

I say shitskins because it's all encompassing to include hispanics.

Non-hispanic whites are only 10% of the population there.

>let's not forget
>le its poor people not because theyre black

>Good insight into what happens when the demographic shift moves to whites being a minority and niggers take over.

You're delusional if you think that matters. If you want a good insight, go look at South Africa, or other african shitholes that went from colonies to dumpsters. There's tons of data about it. But the fact remains that even if Detroit gets completely destroyed, liberals will continue telling you how they need mo money fo dem programs. And the hollywood jew will continue to brainwash your people to give mo money. At this point the US is irreversibly fucked.

>Have to pay to own a home

Detroit is what happens when liberals are allowed to run a community unchecked for decades.

this. whites are suicidal. our only hope is to redpill some normies on the fence with these examples

Brazil, Rhodesia, SA, Detroit - this is our future if we don't wake up

I'm not saying I would chose a majority-black place to live in when shit goes down. I'm just saying shit goes down sooner and more easily in "some places" than others.

>Don't be naive.
Motherfucker look at . This isn't niggers running wild. This is city de-planning.

they are not burning down civilization
they are burning down the remains of a civilization
which happens to be the neighborhoods we provided for them
I am not scared; I am amused


when it happened? today?

For the past 30 years when they got a black mayor

I live near Detroit, AMA

For a while it was policy to just let any fires continue to burn for free demolition

My favorite thing about liberals is they will tout science but ignore and lam-blast nobel prize winning geneticists because they point out blacks are fucking 20 IQ points lower than whites on average.

Hypocritical shits, you're either for science or you are against it. There is a genetic difference and IQ is one of them.

Fire is actually bretty gud for demolition. Takes care of the mold problems and reduces the residual waste. Too bad it casts toxic byproducts into the atmosphere China style.