No gov Croatia

So Sup Forums,

now that we've got no government and our Canadian fwiend minister is gone, what do?

Who do we choose as a new leader?

donald trump

return krajina to rightful owner (serbia)

die ustase scum

Sta se dogodilo?

Still a better choice than any of our current parties and the pic related idiot

lel, only if Milinovic ends up taking over the gov
Ode sve u pizdu materinu

Ne moze vam biti gore nego u Srbiji

>Who do we choose as a new leader?
you had a shot with Croatian Harper. it's only right that he gets succeeded by Croatian Weedman now

Hasanbegovic or Kolinda should use a situation and make a coup.

Why is there lately so much Croatia threads?

Je li to zaista musliman u hrvatskoj vladi?

Hrvati su pod utjecajem hrvatomrzačkih medija uvjereni da imaju afrički standard. jednostavno previše negative šire ti mediji da to ne čudi. Kada bi imali BDP na razini Japana i dalje bi bilo loše


True that.
Somehow I have a feeling that pic related bitch is gonna try to squeeze her fat vagina into the gov

I wish she would since she is an inteligent woman who the media hate. The ignorant people like you buy into their shit although she did do anything wrong.

100% correct.

I lived most of my life in Canada and have moved back to Croatia (Split) and I can honestly say that the media has done such a great job convincing people here that life in the West is somehow better than in HR.

Yes, and I also think the media have a share of responsibility for the bad economy.

Because when you every day listen that you live in an african hell hole. First the domnestic people are discourage to invest and also the foreign one think it is true so they also decide not to invest.

>inteligent woman

If she was not, than you would not give a shit about her vagina.

Sta se desilo? Pratio sam desavanja u maju kad sam bio kod supruge tu, ali vec nedelju dana nisam u toku? Je li vam kanadjanin raspustio vladu ili sam isterao Karamarka? Ili je Most izasao?

It'll just be Zoran MIlanovic again, right?

Nope, Seselj will come to rule.

ovo potvrdjujem

The Poglavnik of course

well i guess i will be your leader. make a wall. if you have any questions i will be unpacking boxes of my stuff in the biggest building you guys got. thats my house now i dont care if its a grocery store its mine now

>Croatian Weedman now
hell no, I'm voting for comrade Milanovic

lol, pusi kurac. kakav standard, di ti živiš?

Daj krepilu retardirani. Smeće odurno pokreni si život i biti će ti bolje. Sigurno ne živiš gore od jebenih rumunja, Bugara, srba itd.

>radit za 3500 - 4000 kn
>doslovno si sluga i nećeš nikad ništa uštedjeti

This guy is one of those who doesn't realize that 47% of American citizens (not including illegals) don't have even $400 saved in a bank account and wouldn't be able to deal with an emergency.