So Sup Forums,
now that we've got no government and our Canadian fwiend minister is gone, what do?
Who do we choose as a new leader?
So Sup Forums,
now that we've got no government and our Canadian fwiend minister is gone, what do?
Who do we choose as a new leader?
donald trump
return krajina to rightful owner (serbia)
die ustase scum
Sta se dogodilo?
Still a better choice than any of our current parties and the pic related idiot
lel, only if Milinovic ends up taking over the gov
Ode sve u pizdu materinu
Ne moze vam biti gore nego u Srbiji
>Who do we choose as a new leader?
you had a shot with Croatian Harper. it's only right that he gets succeeded by Croatian Weedman now
Hasanbegovic or Kolinda should use a situation and make a coup.
Why is there lately so much Croatia threads?
Je li to zaista musliman u hrvatskoj vladi?