Really Makes You Think!!!!
>murdered after buying snacks at the store
>completely glosses over the part where he attacked an armed person in a state with SYG laws
Dey both dindu. They was kangs. Both just trying to share dey skittles.
Well is there a single picture of Treyvon in a god damn tie, or a single picture of RapeMcGee wearing a hoodie looking like a nigger?
It's funny because the only reason why the white guy was featured is because he's white. It's fairly rare that a white guy commits a legitimate rape, whereas blacks do it all the fucking time.
And Trayvon was only so popular because he was black and was killed by what the media thought was a white guy at first. If he was killed by another black, which happens all the fucking time, you would never have heard about it.
The media is the only reason you hear these cherrypicked stories in the first place.
nah zimmerman needs to have blonde hair and blue eyes
OP is a faggot
No u.
>after buying snacks at the store
As part of the lengthy police investigation, detectives concluded that Trayvon most likely did not purchase the skittles and watermelon drink, but in fact had stolen them.
Couldnt agree more
that only makes zimmerman look more badass tbqhflimfam
...really makes you think
He wuz a gud boy just wanted to be an astronaut
wearing a hoodie makes for an unflattering photo? why didn't the media release the photo of Trayvon waving his gun around and smoking dat weed?
As an asstrollknot, we are the most diverse community of workers.
The article I read was that he had a punchable privileged face and he is what rape looks like.
>He wuz a good boy he wuz goin to college jus wanted to be in the olympics
Holy shit, for the longest time I thought the colours in this picture were an edit. He's literally a fucking watermelon.
If you're thinking "really makes you think" when you start thinking about something, then you are really not thinking about that something, you are thinking about how you were thinking about it but got lazy and started only thinking about how it made you think for a little while. That's why I think these meme needs to be an insult to small minds.
>gets followed and stalked by an armed citizen for literally no reason
>defends himself
Zimmerman is a murderer
>defends himself
Holy fuck dude you cannot throw an old fat nosy busybody on the ground and bash his skull against the concrete just because he was being an old annoying cunt. That is not "defends himself". That is felony assault.
Zim Zam and Tray Tray are/were violent dimwits who just happened to have crossed paths since God has a sense of humor.
Zimmerman was on the right side of law and now spends his days beating his girlfriends and doing whatever violent dimwits do.
The end
that's funny, cause I remember everyone putting this photo up and CNN even getting caught putting a lighter filter on it
>act like a nigger
>concerned citizen makes sure you aren't nigging in his neighbourhood
>beat him in the head till he bleeds
>get shot