Amber Heard sued for editing out movie sex scenes. Studio claims it hurt the movie's investment.
Amber Heard sued for editing out movie sex scenes. Studio claims it hurt the movie's investment.
Never mess with the Depp mafia.
>$8m budget for a movie no one cares about
>sues for $10m
disregarding the fact that its amber heard, why?
>Studio claims it hurt the movie's investment.
Obviously. Why else would anyone watch Amber Heard other than for the sex scenes?
How is that not the director or editor's fault?
>Removing Amber Heard sex scenes
I'm literally shaking right now.
Because she manipulated the director to do it.
i want to eat lunch from her sweat drenched shoes every day
Why did she think she was being hired? For her world beating acting ability? You hire Amber Heard so she can get naked and have simulated sex on screen.
Total lack of self awareness.