In the ER. Ask me anything
In the ER. Ask me anything
awww mommy take you to the ER for your tummy ache?
Car crash?
Why are you in the ER
How's that Obamacare working out for you?
How much this visit costing you by the minute? $800? $900?
Has the government removed your organs and replaced them with autism yet?
Will the Seahawks return to the Superbowl this season?
Get this lame thread off of Sup Forums, you pussy fart
Nah. Passed tf out for no reason. They think I need a new heart
Narcan iv?
Cause I'm getting old and this mortal form is beginning to fail.
Is your doctor a mudslime?
holy shit. how old are you?
How much do you think you can get for your opiates?
Should have jogged more faggot
Enjoy waiting 6 months for a heart
Nah he's a cum skin. He have me benzos so hes my friend now
I'm 36
it's 1$ a milogram but he is getting a heart transplant so they won't have him on anything for long periods of time.
he can milk it and likely get some anti-anxiety pills basically xanax those sell people decent.
Why haven't you tried blowing bubbles in your IV yet?
I'll give em to anyone that come to party with me
Noice m8 what kinda benzos?
Im on a shit ton of xanax atim lmaoo
Being a fellow member of the superior i hope you well, for the good of the cause, no homo.
I run 2.5 miles everyday
xanx alone don't get me going now mix it with some weed and a few shots of vodka or something and then it hits pretty good.
What if your only option was a nigger heart?
Who are you? Slim shady?
How is this related to Sup Forums?
and how much longer do you think it will take before the mod moves your thread to Sup Forums?
Ye my friend im sippin on some Jim Beam atm, have a few grams of some good weed here too!
Ativan (lorazepam)
Were you in a bad a** katana accident?
Nice man nicee, really hope you don't need a new heart but incase you do, enjoy this high fellow Sup Forumsitician
Who ya votin for?
What does this have to do with politics or world events?
Should have jogged less faggot
Sorry about the heart, my man.
That sucks.
Some advice...make sure you are thoroughly covered up when you sleep.
Last time I was in the hospital, I woke up to the nurse changing my IV. I had kicked the blanket off, had apparently moved aside my gown, and was sporting major morning wood.
On the plus side, she gave me a big grin.
Ativan (lorazepam) I quit Sup Forumsb cause they're literal cock sucking faggots. So my home is Sup Forums and has been for the past 3 years
Is that going to be cash or card today, sir?
only thing i'm missing is some weed car's in the shop tell tmrw so i can't go make a run.
What kind of health insurance do you have?
Credit it is.
A typical ER visit is about $1500, that isn't enough cash.
With all the tests and a bed? $50,000 easy
what caliber bullet were you shot with?
Are you fucking insane? For what? 50,000 for lying in a fucking bed?
Can you feel the antibiotic resistant super bugs crawling onto and into you?
I heard a queef too!
But you have no heart, Satan.
Also, cheque'd.
>implying he'd be shitposting on Sup Forums if he had to be narcan'd back to life
that shit is like getting hit by a truck full of dope-sick and having a mixture of magama and frozen acid pumped into your veins as every nerve ending in your body turns into rusty needles that slowly grow through your flesh.
Better than dying but at the time I wholeheartedly disagreed.
My cousin died of congestive heart failure a month ago.
He was 38.
RIP, tbqh senpai.
instant wd and its worse than just not having it it forces you to be sick
do you have any advice for us?
If I pulled that off, would you die?
clearly you have cancer
Yeah. Its fucking ridiculous.
Hope you're outta there soon, user. I *hate* the ER.
yeah. Not even over exaggerating
I think OP died. This thread was his last living act.
What is love?
>they think i need a new heart
I got more in my trunk. It's the only place it'll fit