How does Sup Forums feel about Hopsin? Is he the most redpilled rapper?
How does Sup Forums feel about Hopsin? Is he the most redpilled rapper?
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redpilled enough for me
his Ill mind set of songs are really good compared to the mainstream shit.
Hopsin is a Reddit-tier meme rapper that has taken decades of underground hip-hop and distilled its message while acting like he's the prophet that thought it up first.
>Is he the most redpilled rapper?
Most of the old and a few of the new school rappers are quite redpilled if you ask me. he is decent but far from the best.
Occasionally good rapper who mostly releases awful songs.
>rap still exists
>people still pretend it's a legitimate art form
but why
It's not always an art form. It's supposed to be poetry put to a beat, but it loses its meaning when faggots like Lil' Wayne rap about nothing but alcohol and sex.
Look up "eyedea many faces of oliver heart"
Rap is degenerate. Remember the good old days when blacks sang about dancing, love and happiness?
You may be too young to remember. I blame kurtis blow.
Trips of truth
The only good rapper is moonman
White People Rap: The Rapper
Hopsin is trash.
Of course Sup Forums plebs would like him.
>Black rapper
Who is his producer, business partners, and which people own the record company he's signed up with? Who funds his music, live performances, and guest appearances?
Stopped listening to him when I was 17, by that point he was the only rapper I liked. He got too preachy. I saw him featured in some rap video a few months ago, where he kills Donald Trump with someone playing Obama.
People should drop hip-hop and rap entirely. It's meme tier music.
I want to like him but his music is garbage.
If anybody listens to Hopsin you should probably kill yourself for listening to meme edgy garbage. Might as well be listening to Tyler, the Creator at this point.
Hopsin? Certainly not jews. Did you even hear the song?
He sucks. Claims hip hop is destroying the youth in one song. Then turns around and makes 10 shitty songs promoting degeneracy.
Only teenagers would like this kind of crap.
>corny ass contrarian shit
>red pill
get out
Hes got talent but i cant listen to his shit. Its like anthems for neckbeards, white knights and MGTOW faggots.