Does Sup Forums believe in a god?
Does Sup Forums believe in a god?
Praise kek
lost my virginity to a goat. I was working at a bird sanctuary and they had some goats and sheep there. I was left to close up one day and I thought i’d stay around because the weather was awesome and it was so peaceful. I got horny and decided to act on all the animal porn i’d watched and found so fucking hot. I tied one of the goats up in one of the hay barns and fucked it bareback in the ass. It was fucking amazing and I was shit scared
There is only one God and Christ Jesus is His Lamb.
Yes, but I think our conception of 'god' is woefully inadequate
God exists. It is obvious. The very fact that there are physical laws that cannot be broken is proof of a power beyond us. Call it universal constant if you want.
Religion, however, is entirely man made and its purpose is not to lead men to god.
How so?
I do not believe in God.
You can't say if X isn't real then Y is real. That's not how logic works.
No reason to.
I would simply like to know your reasoning.
I dont understand people who do not believe in God. It just seems obvious to me that there is one. I'm not shitting on anyone though.
That is about it. There is no reason I see to believe in one so I don't.
he's got things to worry about right now
What makes it obvious?
Yes. That said, our Lord and Savior loves even those who don't believe in Him
>It is obvious
That's fair, cheers.
I'm glad you think this way, I wish I did because all the religious people I know seem much more content with life, but unfortunately just how you see the existence of god as obvious I see the lack of one as
I still try to take most of the values of Christianity into my life, but I feel it lacks something without the theology backing it up
I just don't think everything was created by chance.
The collective mind of every human that ever lived is God.
It makes far more sense to me that the universe exists out of an extremely complex series of natural processes. There is no evidence of God and really I don't think any reason to believe in one. Religion has its value in society but I really don't understand people who need to believe some higher power created us.
No, but I'm happy a lot of people do. Protects against degeneracy, well, as long as it's a christian god.
We're the lambs, retard.
A small part of God? absolutely. God? no.
But what about all the other chances? It is estimated that there are about 50 sextillion possibly habitable planets. Surely a 1/50,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 chance of life seems likely, right?
I am fedora but I think it is essential for the West to keep its Christian heritage. Most fedoras are like 'hurr durr believing in desert fairy tale but Islam should be tolerated and it is religion of peace' which just makes most fedoras look bad
jesus is a faggot
KYS Barbosa kang
people who off themselfs go to hell fucking noob
so do kids who call jesus a fag
There doesn't seem to me that there is a god, at least not one that is in any way involved in the affairs of men. I'm certainly not going to worship an entity that doesn't care about humanity or what happens to us.
people actually believe this lol
lol neck urself kiddo
nail yourself for your lord pathetic human
ill shatter your kneecaps for christ shithead
I don't believe in any god. But, I don't think a deity is impossible, and I think the sense of community/moral values religion brings is wonderful.
For christ? sounds like is bloodthirsty
sure achemed
if you don't shut up I'm going to straight up lick your balls and shaft clean so just fuck off already
it's all bullshit desu senpai
gross , in name of jesus raptor stop
I really wished that the christian religion was right. But I can't believe stuff that makes no reason at all. It's not that a god cannot exist, it is that the christian narrative makes no sense at all.
999 make you prayers worth
They're are no gods, they all died, we are their progeny. Gods have abandoned us to our own fates, pave your own path through this world and cozmos. Become your own god stop looking for God's were none exist.
Pantheist here. Everything, in aggregate, is what you'd call a "god". Nothing else real or imagined fits the bill.
I'm Northern Irish, for the record. No muzzies here. Also, Islam is pure evil.
>I'm certainly not going to worship an entity that doesn't care about humanity or what happens to us
The Israelis won't be happy that an American is saying that about them :^)