Epidemic of Chalk-Eating Black Women?

I've discovered something truly odd and unsettling: there is an epidemic of black women who eat chalk, clay, and cornstarch, and post these videos on youtube.

I don't even know how I discovered this, but the first video I saw I thought it was just some singular weird person who did this, but then I kept finding video after video of multiple people with channels specifically dedicated to eating fucking chalk. I noticed 2 things:

1. They are all women

2. 95% of them are black







There's countless others.

I mean I've seen the video of those dirt cookies from Haiti, but who'd have thought they like eating that shit of their own free will.

Can Sup Forums explain this?

Other urls found in this thread:


>Can Sup Forums explain this?

chalk and black go together

>Can Sup Forums explain this?


They probably have pica.

Is chalk fatal?
Please say it's fatal.

Yeah I figured, but why the hell is it almost exclusively black women?


chalk is a good source of calcum
clay has lots of minerals
cornstarch is delicious






what the fuck is this

Maybe they have heart burn

And furthermore why are they broadcasting their mental illness to the world

not unless you ate enough to obsruct something

It's calcium carbonate, the same stuff Tums are made out of. It's a good source of calcium and generally harmless. The carbonate can cause kidney stones if consume excessively though. As someone else has said they probably have pica.

Its something common to mainly women, not just black women. Its a mental disorder, like cutting.
Men don't do it unless they're gay.

Have a bump for your unique thread..

I grew up around tons of southern blacks and i have never heard of this. Therefore, i propose that the ethnicity of the women in these videos is more coincidence than correlation.

Also, (because i grew up around them), fuck niggers


I was hoping they were weeding themselves out. Too bad.

look up geophagia. true story, slavers used to put masks on their slaves in the carribean to prevent their obsession with eating dirt. no idea why, just another hilarious and true negro anecdote


What a great worldwide political thread

All I wanna know is, what color tastes the best?

Wow, that's fucked. Truly God's chosen people

I may have fucking solved it. This is pica, a condition characterized by eating non-food substances, due to a mineral deficiency. But, specifically, these Queenz are lacking Vitamin D due to their melanized skin and I bet they live at a high latitude. It has been shown that dark-skinned people suffer from Vitmain D deficiencies at high latitudes.

This relates to world politics, as it clearly affects women of color around the globe

niggers love eating dirt. It's in their genes. That's why we used to put masks on African slaves. youtube.com/watch?v=P9o6loVbzvg

And they instinctively/subconscious ly know to eat chalk? Also vitamin d aint in chalk is it?

thank you, first thing i thought of

Iron deficiency may cause a person to crave ice, so it's unrelated to the actual deficiency

well done, you may be on to something

The leaf is right

It is a Hatian tradition, in Haiti they make cookies out of dirt and corn starch.

However, pica can also be a cultural practice not associated with a deficiency or disorder. Ingestion of kaolin (white clay) among African-American women in the US state of Georgia shows the practice there to be a DSM-IV "culture-bound syndrome" and "not selectively associated with other psychopathology".[14] Similar kaolin ingestion is also widespread in parts of Africa.[15] Such practices may stem from health benefits such as the ability of clay to absorb plant toxins and protect against toxic alkaloids and tannic acids.[16]
from wikijewia


Its called pica. Eating dirt and all kinds of shit. Fuckin weird.

wow, but this doesn't explain why people like to watch them eat it?

its a mineral deficiency and or calcium deficiency that makes them crave that shit. as for why its mostly blacks idk maybe they have these deficiencies more commonly

They're destroying white supremacy by symbolically eating the white phallic objects.
It's a highly praised nigger ritual highly acclaimed by nigger professors worldwide.

Description in the first video...

>My iron levels are extremely low. This caused me to have developed a syndrome known as PICA. PICA Syndrome causes me to crave things such as popcorn, clay, chalk, baby powder ice, dirt, drywall etc. I ONLY EAT CHALK, ICE & POPCORN, not the other things listed prior to this statement. To further understand this syndrome, just google PICA Syndrome. I am in no way, shape or form telling you to go out & eat what I eat because it's yum, yum delicious; this is just something I do to satisfy my craving. NO, I do not completely know the true health risks of eating these things aside from constipation, kidney stones & frequent bowel movements.

Now fuck off retards


pica is a slang for dick here.

This is the only explanation I'll accept.

this. Niggers problem don't eat a balanced diet and suffer from mineral deficiencies.

Actually believable with the shit i've seen recently

Chronic chalk eating can cause Alkalosis in the body. People who are addicted to chalk can overdose on it and die fairly quickly from an alkalinity overdose.

Yes chalk is like Tums but most chalk eaters consume an unhealthy amount. And no you should never eat chalk.

Seeing them eat chalk is making me miss those white sugar stick things you used to get as a kid and pretend to smoke like a cigarette.

fuck off NIDF


Got a bit of a chub watching these desu

my first *idf accusation

Thanks user

All Black women are chalk burners

Chalklit rain
Munching drywall helps to keep me sane
Chalklit rain
Desire for sawdust science can't explain

Still wish chalk eating was euphemism the new BLEACHED

>he doesn't eat chalk

how does it feel being poor?

Today, what doesn't?

underrated reaction face, fellow elderly user.

chalk and blackbroads

8/10, made me kek

underrated post

Dirt cookies in Haiti


Indonesian Mud Snacks


In Africa, Doctor Livingston wrote about slaves eating soil in Zanzibar, and it is also thought that large numbers of slaves brought with them soil eating practices when they were shipped as part of the transatlantic slave trade. Geophagia was common among slaves who were nicknamed "clay-eaters" because they had been known to consume clay, as well as spices, ash, chalk, grass, plaster, paint, and starch.

Slave owners frowned upon the practice of dirt-eating and devised iron masks and muzzles to protect the slaves.

In more recent times, according to Dixie's Forgotten People: the South's Poor Whites, geophagia was common among poor whites in the South-eastern United States in the 19th and early 20th centuries, and was often ridiculed in popular literature. The literature also states, "Many men believed that eating clay increased sexual prowess, and some females claimed that eating clay helped pregnant women to have an easy delivery." Geophagia among southerners may have been caused by the high prevalence of hookworm disease, in which the desire to consume soil is a symptom.


>implying we should feel bad for the sheboon who brought kids into this hellhole.

Shit mang, do they still make those? They were pretty fucking good.

My eighth grade teacher, A white Frenchman used to eat chalk.



>Eating chalk...

>White and cylindrical.

Black women confirmed for wanting white cock.

Mud cookie instincts from africa? They eat fuckpin dirt bro

>Detroit Michigan
I stopped it there and did not need to watch more. So is the consensus this is an evolutionary thing that our species don't have in common.

RIP my sides

Keep going...

why can't they eat cyanide and wash it down with hydrochloric acid


they still make them, as far as i'm aware. you can probably find them at a candy store

Am med student. This is probably right. Pregnancy can also increase pica, and considering how often that happens with blacks...

Americans, explain why your minorities aren't in check.

Its just one more way in which the combination of self hatred and envy for whitey manifests. Its very similar to skin whitening products. By ingesting white. They become white.

Simple as that.

>I lean away from the chalkboard to imbibe


>Not broadcasting your mental illness to the world



>but who'd have thought they like eating that shit of their own free will

Barely related, but back in the day farmers had to put dirt masks on slaves because the slaves kept eating fucking mudpies that (unknown to them) contained fertilizer.

>chalk eaters
>thought it was about racemixing
>thought Sup Forums coined a term for traitorous black sheslaves to the white cock
>they're literally amazed at people eating chalk
what the fuck Sup Forums, you sink lower every time I see you

Everybody was walking around barefoot so they were infested with hookworms which causes anemia which causes pica cravings.

Holy shit I haven't thought about that cartoon in forever.

>Pica has been linked to other mental and emotional disorders. Stressors such as emotional trauma, maternal deprivation, family issues, parental neglect, pregnancy, and a disorganized family structure are strongly linked to pica as a form of comfort.


This explains everything
It was out old friend autism all along

Tippest toppest of kek